to settle down now I’ve come back to this country.
-要是我的打蛋器能推广出去就好了 -打蛋器
-If I could just put my eggbeater across. -Eggbeater?
是的 先生 呃 我喜欢搞点发明
Yes sir. I uh I’m a bit of an inventor.
不是什么大发明 只是一些小玩意儿
Nothing big just little household things.
袖珍卷笔刀啊 闪光钥匙链啊什么的
Pocket pencil sharpeners key chain flashlights.
But my best is really this eggbeater.
不仅仅是打匀 还能把蛋黄和蛋清分开
It not only beats it also separates the yolk from the white.
Is that really desirable?
如果您是家庭主妇 您就会知道了
If you were a housewife you’d see it right away.
问题在于 我需要钱 来制♥造♥和推广
The trouble is I need money for manufacturing and promotion.
我认识弗伦奇太太以后 真的很希望她能为我投资
I was really hoping that’s what Mrs French might do for me after I met her.
-那你是怎么认识弗伦奇太太的 -说起来挺有意思
-Exactly how did you meet Mrs French? -That’s rather funny in itself.
It was 3 September.
我记得很牢 因为那天是我妻子的生日
I remember because it’s my wife’s birthday.
I was window-shopping in Oxford Street
盘算着如果我有钱的话 会给我妻子买♥♥什么礼物
daydreaming about what I’d buy for her if I had any money.
-你真的喜欢这一顶 -哦 非常喜
-You really like this one? -Very much.
-你不觉得这太疯疯癫癫了 -疯疯癫癫
-You don’t think it’s too mad? -Mad?
一点也不 可能是有些大胆
Not at all. Daring perhaps.
我不会向所有女人推荐这一顶 但是你不一样
I wouldn’t recommend it to every woman. But you?
-你多吸引点目光又有什么问题呢 -哦你真这么想
-Why shouldn’t you attract attention? -You think so?
当然 请允许我 提一点小小的建议
Absolutely. But if I could suggest one little thing.
也许我们可以提起来 往后移一点
Perhaps we could tip it and bring it back a bit like that.
Show more of your face.
-我的公共汽车来了 再见 -再…
-My bus. Goodbye. -Good…
买♥♥下来吧 我坚持
You buy that hat. I insist.
Actually it was a ridiculous sort
又是缎带 又是大花的…
of hat -a silly thing with ribbons and flowers.
我一直都很奇怪 女人的帽子
I’m constantly surprised that women’s
hats do not provoke more murders.
好了 说下去吧
Go on please.
我只是想表示一下善意 让她感觉好一点
I was only trying to be nice to make her feel good.
我没想到还会再见到她 还有她的帽子
I never dreamed I’d see her again. Or the hat.
-但是你都见到了 -是的 就在几星期后
-But you did? -Yes a few weeks later.
仍然是巧遇 当时我正到处
Again by accident. I was peddling my eggbeaters
推销我的打蛋器 但是进展缓慢
and business was a little slow.
即伦纳德·沃尔”本人” 泰隆·鲍华
对不起 女士 您的帽子
Would you mind madam? Your hat.
-哦 是你啊 -你好啊
-Oh it’s you! -Hello!
知道吗 这是你的错 帽子是你选的
It’s your fault you know. You chose it yourself.
-我上来好吗 -好啊当然可以
-May I? -Sure if you like.
谢谢 一会儿脱下来 一会儿戴上去 太麻烦了
Thank you. It’s such a bother taking it off and putting it back on again.
That chap is Jesse James.
他们把他引入了埋伏圈 太不光明磊落了
They’ve led him into an ambush. It’s not at all cricket.
-别担心 他还是杀出了重围 -是吗
-Don’t worry he shoots his way out. -He does?
-这个电影我看过我经常来看电影 -是吗
-I’ve seen it. I got to the movies a lot. -You do?
I get restless so I go out.
Then I find I’ve no place to go so I go to the movies.
有时候一部电影 我会看两三遍 哦
Sometimes I see the same one two or three times. Ooh.
-来颗太妃糖 -哦 好的 谢谢
-Toffee? -Oh yes please.
这时候你还不知道 弗伦奇太太很有钱
At this time you had no idea that Mrs French was well-off?
是啊 完全不知道 我们坐的都是便宜的座位
No. Absolutely not. We were sitting in the cheap seats.
我只知道她看起来很孤独 好像没什么朋友
All I knew was she seemed to be very lonely had no friends whatsoever.
她和她丈夫以前 在英属尼日利亚生活
She and her husband lived abroad in British Nigeria.
她丈夫在当地的政♥府♥工作 他死于1945年 心脏病
He was in the colonial service. He died in ’45 of a heart attack.
拜托 梅休 我抽烟的时候 你别说这种事
Please Mayhew not when I’m smoking.
说下去吧 小伙子
Go on young man.
嗯 他们最终还是 干掉了杰西·詹姆斯
Well they finally polished off Jesse James
然后我们离开了电影院 她邀请我去她家喝茶
and after we left the movie she invited me to her house for tea.
I think it’s the most fascinating thing I’ve ever seen.
珍妮特 过来看看
Janet come and look.
我见过打蛋器 太太
I’ve seen eggbeaters before ma’am.
可是这个打得更快 而且可以分开蛋黄和蛋清
But this beats so quickly and it separates too!
这原理叫做离心力 还是向心力
It must be cen-trifugal or centrifugal which is it?
是一种特殊的吸引力 还可以打奶油
It’s specific gravity but it whips cream too.
听见了吗 珍妮特 还可以打奶油
Did you hear that Janet? It whips cream too.
我们一定要买♥♥一个 是不是很贵
We must have one. Is it expensive?
恭维一下发明者 制♥作♥者兼销♥售♥者就行了
Compliments of the inventor manufacturer and sole distributor.
哦 谢谢你
Thank you.
我们会一直用下去的 是不是 珍妮特
We’ll use it constantly won’t we Janet?
来 沃尔先生 我们最好离开这儿
Come we’d better get out of here.
Janet doesn’t like visitors in her kitchen.

这儿有点冷 是不是 我们生个火怎么样
It’s a bit chilly in here isn’t it? Shall we have a fire?
Why not?
This is a charming room.
这些都是休伯特和我 在非洲生活期间收藏的
Hubert and I collected all these things when we lived in Africa.
Hubert was my husband.
哦 嘿 这东西很有意思
Well now there’s a loveable chap.
That’s the mask of the witch doctor.
他给我们的仆人们 拔牙的时候就戴这个
He wore it when he pulled our servants’ teeth.
So Hubert used to call him a witch dentist.
-休伯特为人很风趣 -是啊 看得出来
-Hubert was so witty. -Yes I can see that.
哦 茶来了
Oh here’s tea.
Let’s use our good silver and china.
哦 不 不用麻烦了 弗伦奇太太
Oh no don’t bother Mrs French.
-这就非常好了 -要柠檬还是牛奶
-This is perfectly all right. -Lemon or milk please?
-我无所谓 -雪利酒怎么样
-I don’t really care. -Would you prefer sherry?
-那太好了 -我们没有雪利酒了
-That’d be fine. -We’ve no’ got any.
哦 有的 有一瓶 我们去年圣诞节买♥♥的
Oh but we have. There’s that bottle the one we bought last Christmas.
If you care for an eggnog
厨房♥里还有一只多余砸开的鸡蛋 蛋黄和蛋清都分开了
there’s a wasted egg in the kitchen ready and separated.
请坐吧 别在意珍妮特 沃尔先生
Do sit down. Don’t mind Janet Mr Vole.
It’s just that she’s terribly Scotch.
哦 是吗 我还以为 她跟这些藏品是一个地方来的
Oh is she? I thought she came with the collection.
知道吗 也许我也 应该来一杯雪利酒
You know maybe I’ll take a glass of sherry myself.
不知怎么搞的 我觉得现在就像圣诞节
I feel like Christmas somehow.
After that I saw her once or twice a week.
She always kept a bottle of sherry for me.
我们聊天 玩牌 听唱片
We’d talk play canasta listen
to gramophone records
Gilbert and Sullivan mostly.
It’s so weird to think
她就这样躺在那个客厅里 被杀死了
of her now lying in that living room murdered.
我向你保证 她现在一定被搬走了
I assure you she’s been moved by now.
To leave her would be unfeeling unlawful
and unsanitary.
跟威尔弗莱德爵士 说说案发当晚的事吧
Tell Sir Wilfrid about the evening of the murder.
嗯 好的 我大约在 八点钟到了她家
I went around to see her about eight o’clock.
She fixed a sandwich
我们聊天 听了轻歌♥剧《日本天♥皇♥》
we talked listened to The Mikado.
我离开的时候大约是九点钟 我是走回去的
I left about nine. I walked home.
I got there about half past.
这我能证明 我可以发誓
I can prove that. I can swear
在法庭外 法庭上 证人席上 任何地方都可以
to it in or out of court in the witness box anywhere!
How much money did you get from Mrs French?
-问谁 -问弗伦奇小姐
-我没拿过一英镑都没拿过 -说实话拿了多少
-Nothing. -The truth. How much?
-她为什么要给我钱 -因为她爱上你了
-Why should she give me any money? -Because she was in love with you.
哦 真荒谬 她是喜欢我
That’s ridiculous. She liked me.
She pampered me like an aunt.
但也就仅此而已 我可以发誓
But that’s all I swear.
-你为什么没告诉她你是有妇之夫 -我告诉她了
-Why didn’t you tell her you had a wife? -I did!
但是你从来没 带你妻子去拜访她
But you never took your wife along
是啊 我没有 为什么没有
when you went there. Why not?
-嗯 因为…-因为什么
-Because… -Because what?
因为弗伦奇太太认为 我和我妻子克莉丝汀关系不好
Because she was under the impression we didn’t get along too well.
-是真的不好吗 -不 我们彼此相爱
-Is that true? -No! We love each other.
Then how did she get that impression?
She just seemed to want to believe it.
You never corrected her. Why?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
