which traces its brave past back to Richard the Lion-Hearted.
You’re to have a calcium injection daily
-每小时服用一次镇静剂药片 -我会设定好闹表
-tranquillising pill every hour. -I’ll set my wristwatch alarm.
但凡感到疼痛或者气短 要取一片硝酸甘油含在舌下
Any pain or shortness of breath pop one of these nitroglycerin tablets
哦 我要给你留一些
under your tongue. Oh and I’ll leave you some…
这就够了 医生 法官可能会要求我做唾液测试
That’s enough Doctor. The judge will be asking for a saliva test.
卡特 我最好 随身带上一瓶可可
Carter I’d better take that Thermos of cocoa with me.
-用来吞服药片 -请让我瞧瞧
-Helps me wash down the pills. -Let me see it please.
看我那博学的病人 是不是用白兰地冒充可可
My learned patient is not above substituting brandy for cocoa.
这是可可 真抱歉
It is cocoa. So sorry.
如果你不是女人的话 普利姆索尔小姐 我会打你的
If you were a woman Miss Plimsoll I would strike you.
帮我拿好 卡特
Take care of this Carter.
嗯 威尔弗莱德爵士 在法庭上你不可以过于激动
Now Sir Wilfrid in the courtroom you must avoid overexcitement.
好的 医生 好的 好的
Yes Doctor yes yes.
留神你的脾气 别让你的血压上升
Watch your temper. Keep your blood pressure down.
谢谢你 医生 有这些
Thank you Doctor I shall be
药片和可可 我会很安全的
quite safe what with the pills and the cocoa.
走吧 卡特
Come along Carter.
From the body temperature and other factors
we placed the time of death at between 9.30 and 10pm
approximately 30 minutes before Janet McKenzie
returned home and called us.
死亡发生在一瞬间 死因是头部遭到钝器重击
Death was instantaneous caused by one blow from a heavy and blunt instrument.
Were there any signs of a struggle?
没有 一击致命
None. Just the one blow.
有没有迹象表明弗伦奇太太 是被凶手突然袭击的
Would that indicate that the murderer had taken Mrs French by surprise?
法官大人 我必须提出反对
My lord I must object.
我博学的朋友 把攻击者称为”凶手”
My learned friend refers to the assailant as “the murderer”.
可我们还不能确定 攻击者是男人还是女人
We have not yet determined whether the assailant was a man or a woman.
如果说是”女凶手” 那也同样是令人信服的
It could quite conceivably have been “the murderess”.
梅耶斯先生 威尔弗莱德爵士及时赶到
Mr Myers Sir Wilfrid has joined us just in time
to catch you on a point of grammar.
Please rephrase your question.
好的 法官大人
Yes my lord.
警巡 根据你的看法 这个攻击者
Inspector is it your opinion that the assailant
whether he she or it had taken
Mrs French by surprise?
法官大人 我非常惊讶
My lord I am taken by surprise
that my learned friend should try to solicit from the witness
an opinion not a fact.
确实如此 你必须改改 梅耶斯先生
Quite so. You’ll have to do better than that Mr Myers.
法官大人 我♥干♥脆收回这个问题
My lord I withdraw the question entirely.
-这样是不是好些 -这样好多了
-Is that better? -That’s much better.
肃静 肃静
Silence! Silence!
好吧 警巡 我们继续来说事实
Very well Inspector let us proceed with the facts.
确定死因和死亡时间以后 你们接下来做了什么
After establishing the cause and the time of death what did you then do?
我们搜查了现场 拍摄了照片 采集了指纹
A search was made photographs were taken and the premises fingerprinted.
What fingerprints did you discover?
I found the fingerprints of Mrs French
珍妮特·麦肯锡的指纹 以及后来
those of Janet McKenzie and some which later
proved to be those of Leonard Vole.
-没有别人的 -没有
-No others? -No others.
你是否说过 那间屋子
Did you say the room had
the appearance that a robbery had been committed?
是的 东西散落了一地
Yes. Things were strewn about
and the window had been broken near the catch.
地板上有玻璃 室外有玻璃碎片
There was glass on the floor and fragments were found outside.
The glass outside was not consistent
with the window being forced from the outside.
You’re saying
有人故意制♥造♥窗户是从室外被击碎的假象 对吗
that someone made it look as if it had been forced from the outside?
法官大人 我必须提出反对
My lord I must object.
我博学的朋友 正试图把自己的意见强加给证人
My learned friend is putting words in the witness’ mouth.
说到底 如果他坚持 要自问自答的话
After all if he insists on answering his own questions
证人的出席 似乎就是多余的
the presence of the witness would seem superfluous.
确实 你觉得呢 梅耶斯先生
Quite. Don’t you think so Mr Myers?
好吧 法官大人
Yes my lord.
据你所知 死者的财物有没有丢失
did you ascertain if any of the murdered woman’s property was missing?
据女管家说 什么也没丢
According to the housekeeper nothing was missing.
根据你的经验 警巡 有没有入室抢劫犯
In your experience Inspector when burglars or burglaresses
或者女犯 闯入屋子后会什么都不拿就离开
break into a house do they leave without taking anything?
没有 先生
No sir.
-你是不是提供了一件外衣警巡 -是的 先生
-Do you produce a jacket Inspector? -Yes sir.
Is that the jacket?
-是的 先生 -这是控方一号♥证物法官大人
-Yes sir. -That is exhibit P1 my lord.
你从哪里发现这件外衣的 警巡
Where did you find this Inspector?
That is the jacket found in the prisoner’s flat
然后我们把衣服 送去实验室作血迹鉴定
which I handed to our lab to test for bloodstains.
-是否发现了血迹 -是的
-And did you find any bloodstains? -Yes.
尽管犯人曾经 试图洗掉血迹
Though an attempt had been made to wash them out.
What tests were made?
First to determine if the stains were human blood
then to classify it by group or type.
And was the blood of a particular group or type?
是的 先生 是O型
Yes sir. It is type O.
And did you subsequently test the blood of the dead woman?
-是的 先生 -是什么血型
-Yes sir. -What type was that?
是一样的 O型
The same. Type O.
谢谢你 警巡 没有别的问题了
Thank you Inspector. No further questions.
警巡 你说采到的指纹只有弗伦奇太太
Inspector you say the only fingerprints you found were those of Mrs French
Janet McKenzie and Leonard Vole.
In your experience
入室 抢劫犯一般会留下指纹
when a burglar breaks in does he usually leave fingerprints
-还是会戴手套 -会戴手套
-or does he wear gloves? -He wears gloves.
So the absence of fingerprints in a robbery
-并没有出乎你的意料 -是的 先生
-would hardly surprise you? -No sir.
Can’t we surmise the burglar
有可能认为屋里没人 所以破窗而入
might have entered a presumably empty house
却突然发现了弗伦奇太太 所以对她发动袭击
suddenly encountered Mrs French and struck her
结果意识到她已经被打死 于是什么也没拿就逃走了
then realising she was dead fled without taking anything?
我反对 法官大人 我们完全不可能去猜测
I submit my lord that it is entirely impossible
一个完全是臆想出来的 入室抢劫犯究竟做过些什么
to guess what went on in the mind of some entirely imaginary burglar.
不管是戴手套的 还是没戴手套的
With or without gloves.
我们不能讲”猜测” 威尔弗莱德爵士
Let us not surmise Sir Wilfrid
but confine ourselves to facts.
警巡 当你向犯人 问起外衣上的血迹时
Inspector when you questioned the prisoner as to the stains on his jacket
他有没有给你看 他手腕上刚愈合的伤疤
did he not show you a recently-healed scar on his wrist
saying he had cut himself slicing bread?
是的 先生 他是这么说的
Yes sir that is what he said.
那他的妻子是不是 也告诉你同样的说法
And were you not told the same thing by his wife?
-是的先生但是后来…-只需要说是或不是 谢谢
-Yes sir. But afterwards… -Just a simple yes or no please.
Did the prisoner’s wife show you a knife
给你看 并且告诉你
and tell you that
her husband had cut his wrist while slicing bread?
-是的 先生 -我想请你检查一下这把刀警巡
-Yes sir. -I will ask you to examine this knife.
请用手指试试看刀刃 小心点
Just test the edge of it with your finger. Carefully!
刀刃很锋利 你同意吗
You agree that the point and the cutting edge are razor-sharp?
-是的 先生 -那么如果这把刀滑脱了
-Yes sir. -Now if such a knife were to slip
是否有可能 造成割伤及大量流血
might it not inflict a cut that would bleed profusely?
是的 先生 有可能
Yes sir it might.
警巡 你说犯人 外衣上的血迹
Inspector you stated that the bloodstains on the prisoner’s jacket were analysed
以及弗伦奇太太的血样 都已经被化验过 都是O型
as was the blood of Mrs French and they were both found to be of group O.
-确实如此 -那么
-That is correct. -However
if the prisoner’s blood were also of this same group
then the stains on his jacket may well have resulted
像他说的那样 是在家里沾上的
from the household accident he described to you.
是的 先生
Yes sir.
那么你有没有 检测过犯人的血型 警巡
Did you examine the prisoner’s blood Inspector?
没有 先生
No sir.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
