我认为我们是一个团队 泰丝 我们要有团队的口号♥
I consider us a team, and as such we have a uniform.
古朴 典雅 无误
Simple, elegant, impeccable.
穿的寒酸 人们注意的是衣服,穿的完美 人们注意的是女人
“Dress shabbily, they notice the dress. Dress impeccably, they notice the woman.”
Coco Chanel.
How do I look?
您看起来很棒 只是好像应该 注意一下那些珠宝
You look terrific. You might wanna rethink the jewellery.
I want your input, Tess. I welcome your ideas and I like to see hard work rewarded.
我们的团队是一条 双向通道 我说的够清楚了吗
It’s a two-way street on my team. Am I making myself clear?
很清楚 凯瑟琳
Yes, Katharine.
对 叫我凯瑟琳 好
And call me Katharine. – OK.
好 那我们就开始工作吧
So, let’s get to work, shall we?
我们部门去年的成绩 少的可怜 我们团队接到的任务 是扭转它
This department’s profile last year was pitiful. Our team’s got its work cut out for it.
OK. Thanks.
完了,我又忘了带避孕药 这个月这是第三次了
Damn. I forgot my pills again. It’s the third time this month.
您听到那个则 欧洲的新闻了吗
Did you hear about that shot they got in Europe?
他们给女人 在手臂上面注射 五年内都管用
They’re giving it to women, in their arm. It’s good for five years.
讨厌的避孕药 我总是忘了它
Damn pills. I’m always forgetting ’em.
给您 我想您应该喜欢 谢谢啊
I thought you might like this. – Thank you.
泰丝 麻烦您能进来一下吗 带上您的笔记本
Tess, would you come in here and bring a notebook?
They’ve sold the paper and printing divisions.
They sell Distribution too, we’re talking real scorched earth.
Come on in.
泰丝 这是金妮 金妮 这是泰丝
Tess, this is Ginny. Ginny, Tess.
我想透过一个 鸡尾酒会 将我自己 介绍给那个部门
I thought I’d throw a cocktail thing to introduce myself to the department.
金妮有些很好的主意 您要不要来把细节写下来
Ginny here has some great ideas. Will you jot them down?
The caterer is called Acme Eats. You can get the number from Information.
They do the usual hors d’oeuvres.
The Raging Bull has a bartender service.
还有 他们位于百老汇的酒库 可以提供免费配送
And the liquor store on Broadway and Liberty delivers.
懂了吗 贝丝 懂了 我叫泰丝
Got that, Bess? – Tess, yeah.
If that’s the way that you wanna go. – You have another idea?
哦,我只是刚好在网上看到一些点心的广♥告♥ – 类似中国水饺
Well, I was just reading in Wabout dim sum – these little Chinese dumplings.
有一家在莫特街的餐厅 他们正好很适合鸡尾酒会
A restaurant on Mott Street does them for cocktail parties.
I love those little dumplings. – It might be more fun than the usual tidbits.
我还有一些在我的桌上 我可以拿过来 您还上网
I have it on my desk. I could get it. – You read W?
I read a lot of things. You never know where the big ideas could come from.
也许您是对的 当然了 要是那些水饺 能引发什么好创意的话
I guess you’re right. If dumplings can be considered a big idea.
好了 现在您可以开始了 金妮 非常感谢您
Well, that oughta get you started.- Ginny, thank you so much.
终于走上正轨了 对
Back to the gold mines. – Right.
您能把那些都安排好吗 马上开始
You’ll set those up? – Right away.
点心 泰丝 我真的喜欢 这将是明智的选择
Dim sum, Tess. I like it, contribution-wise.
Keep it up.
这位酋长说:我们将让您 有个体面的死亡
The chief says “We will give you an honourable death.”
“But first, keke.”
对不起 请让一下
Excuse me. Excuse me.
请来一点点心 好 好
Dim sum? – Yes, yes.
行了 凯瑟琳 您到底怎么说
Come on, Katharine. What do you say?
吉姆 一个把黄金八月的每个周末 都粘在办公桌上的人
Jim, the man who spends every weekend in August glued to his desk,
他应该知道 我是无法从我自己 主办的晚会中溜走的
that man knows that I can’t just sneak out of my own party.
我告诉您怎么办 要是您能让我参加 东南亚航♥空♥的重组方案工作
I’ll tell you what, though. You get me in on the Southeast Air divestiture plan,
我就请您喝酒 一瓶科斯特酒 两支吸管
I’ll buy you a drink. Bottle of Cristal, two straws.
行吗 哦 噢
Deal? – Okey-dokey.
来一点点心吗 嗨
Dim sum? – Hi.
谢谢您了 真贱
Thank you. What a slob.
您对他那么温顺 我还以为您
You were so smooth with him. I would have…
千万不要把桥烧掉 年轻时最讨厌的人 可能是日后的合伙人
Never burn bridges. Today’s junior prick, tomorrow’s senior partner.
好了 您觉得我们的晚会 办得怎么样 我想 办得很好
So, how do you think the party’s going? – Pretty well, I think.
Should I stop serving now?
最好是再来一圈 好的
Better make one more round. – Right.
我很想帮您的忙 但是我们不能只顾四分卫 而输掉整场球
I’d help, but we can’t busy the quarterback with passing out the Gatorade.
阿尼 我的英雄 您终于来了
Arnie, my hero. You’ve come.

我有一个建议 您说过 要是有什么建议 可以来找您
I have an idea and you said I could come to you.
好 您知道特拉斯克公♥司♥ 有通过购买♥♥ 来进军广电业的意向吗
Well, you know how Trask Industries has been looking to buy into broadcasting?
好像听到一点 是哪个部门 我正在查 好
The department is… – Working on it, yeah.
我一直在做研究 我突然有个想法 应该是广播电台
I’ve been following it myself, and all of a sudden I thought “radio.”
特拉斯克要找的是电视台 当然这只是其中的 一个可能性
Trask is looking for television stations. – So is every Tom, Dick and Harry.
我的想法是 他们可以从广播电台进入市场 并从那里开始发展
My idea is that they get their feet wet in radio and build from there.
可能这并不是一个 进入电视业的好的起点
It’s not as glamorous as jumping right into TV,
但是 这是一个非常稳固的起点 而且有大的买♥♥卖♥♥空间
but it’s a solid place to start and there’s a lot more of them for sale.
再加上这正好解决了 它的日本对手 准备收♥购♥他们的问题
Plus it would solve Trask’s problem with the Japanese trying to take him over,
因为国家通讯委员会 禁止外国公♥司♥拥有广播电台和电视台的所有权
because FCC forbids foreign ownership of radio as well as TV.
有意思 您是说 您自己在私下 研究这个案子
Interesting. You’ve been following this, you say?

会不会是偶尔听到的 比如说在电梯里
No chance you overheard it, say on the elevator?
不 没有 或者在其他地方
No, no way. – Somewhere.
不 这是我自己的主意
It’s my idea.
好 很好
Good, good.
您和别人商量过这件事吗 没有 您觉得这个想法 有可行性吗
Discuss it with anyone else? – Nope. You think there’s something there?
好吧 我帮您想想 把您的资料留给我 我认真的看一下
Well, I can think it through for you. Leave me your notes. I’ll have a look-see.

我一直想成为干部培训人员 这个主意要能成功 就帮了大忙了
I’ve been trying to get into the entr閑 programme and this would be a big push.
要是有什么进展 您能 当然了 泰丝
If anything happens, you’ll… – Absolutely, Tess.
我说过是双向通道 记得吗
Two-way street, remember?
对 谢谢您
Yeah, thank you.
这只是 这太令人兴奋了 我的意思是 她把我当回事了
It’s just… It’s so exciting. I mean, she takes me seriously.
我知道您不喜欢 我说这些 但我觉得那是因为 她是个女人
I know you hate when I say this, but I think it’s because she’s a woman.
绝不是那种 在办公桌旁边 转来转去废话
There’s none of that chasing-around-the-desk crap.
我想使她成为 我的良师益友 我目前正需要这个
And it’s like she wants to be my mentor, which is exactly what I needed.
我只是觉得自己 终于被人重视了 米克
I feel like I’m finally gettin’ somewhere.
那很好 但是我们还是快点走吧 不然匹萨就要结冰了,亲爱的
That’s great, but let’s step on it or the pizza’s gonna freeze, honey.
也许我们该约她一下 一起在城里吃个晚餐
Maybe we could all go out sometime. Dinner in the city.
You would like her, I think.
主啊 您记得几件最重要的事情吗
God. Remember when all you had to do was a few buckles?
记得 在过去的几天里 都做好了
Yeah. Those were the days.
我给酒店打过电♥话♥ 他们给您安排的 是一楼新建的单人房♥
I called the inn. All they can give you is a ground-floor single in the new wing.
Did you tell them it was me?
对 我说是帕克
Well, I said Parker.
他们给我的房♥间是那种 有架子床 和大壁炉的房♥间
It’s this tower room with a canopy bed and a fireplace big enough to stand in.
太完美了 一切都刚刚好
Perfect. Everything’s in place.
怎么了 这段时间 有个一直和我交往的男人
For what? – The man I’ve been seeing for a while.
I think he’s it. And I think this could be the weekend we decide.
他说他有非常重要的事情 和我商量
He said there was something very important he wanted to discuss with me.
I think he’s gonna pop the question.
真的吗 我这样感觉
You do? – I think so.
我们现在住在同一个都市 我感觉 我会接受那个求婚的
We’re in the same city now. I’ve indicated that I’m receptive to an offer.
我有个整整六月的假期 万事俱备 剩下的就看我自己了
I’ve cleared the month of June. And I am, after all, me.
如果他没有求婚 那该怎么办
What if he doesn’t pop the question?
I really don’t think that’s a variable.
Tess, you don’t get anywhere in this world by waiting for what you want to come to you.
您要去引导它 它才会发生
You make it happen.
看看我 泰丝 向我学学吧
Watch me, Tess. Learn from me.
By the way
I ran your Trask radio idea by some of our people.
看起来特拉斯克 最终决定的是电视台
It seems Trask is dead set on television.
好在还不是生死大事 不过我真的很喜欢 您的主意
But it wasn’t out in left field either. I really liked the idea.
请您保持这种 不断带给我的新主意 看看我们能做点什么
You just keep plugging and bring me your ideas, and we’ll see what we can do.
谢谢您 凯瑟琳 泰丝
Thank you, Katharine. – Tess…
看着我 谁让该发生的发生
Look at me. Who makes it happen?
I do.

Who does?
我 我让该发生的发生
I do. I make it happen.
这就对了 只有这样 我们才能得到 我们应得的东西
That’s right. Only then do we get what we deserve.
Miss Parker’s office.
嗨 凯瑟琳
Hi, Katharine.
您怎么了 滑雪的时候把腿摔断了
You what? – Broke it skiing.
两周内不能移♥动♥ 所以我需要您的帮助
They won’t be able to move me for two weeks, so this is what I need you to do.
给花浇水 好
