Water plants. OK.
Cable comes on Friday.
Easy with the leg, will you?
Quit staring up my gown.
现在 我和管家住在我父母 位于巴巴多斯岛的家里
Now, I’m staying at my parents’ house and the housekeeper is in Barbados.
真是乱七八糟 您需要男园艺工 和清洁女工
What a mess. You need to let in the flower man and the cleaning lady.
将接收到的邮件分类 楼下大门的密♥码♥是
Sort through the mail. The entrance code for the front door is…
It’s 754-3-2000.
我知道还有其他的事要做 但目前我只想到这些
I know there’s more, but I can’t think of what.
去检查我桌上的日历 那里有一大堆 需要回覆的请柬
Go through the calendar on my desk. There’s a bunch of invitations to be RSVP’d.
I know I’m asking an awful lot, Tess, but I don’t know what else to do.
我需要您来接管这一切 好 再见
I need you to take over. – OK. Bye.
关于那些从艾伯兹处 得到的小玩意
Regarding those horrid little knick-knacks from the Alberts…
亲爱的艾莉诺和加里 谢谢您的盐 和胡椒搅拌器
Dear Eleanor and Gary. Thank you for the salt and pepper shakers.
他们不仅是能使 房♥子变暖的完美礼物 也是一份对我的念想
Not only are they the perfect house-warming gift, but it was so dear of you to think of me.
亲爱的姐姐,真难相信自从我们向韦尔兹利说再见 都已经过去八年
Dear Sister. It’s hard to believe it’s been eight years since we said goodbye to Wellesley,
但是当然了 我们从来都没有真的说 再见
but of course we never really say goodbye.
我仅代表校友基金会 写此信给您 询问
On behalf of the Alumni Giving Fund, I am writing to you to ask…
亲爱的姐姐 真难相信自从 我们向韦尔兹利说再见 已经过去八年了
Dear Sister. It’s hard to believe it’s been eight years since we said goodbye to Wellesley,
但是当然了 我们从来都没有真的说 再见
but of course we never really say goodbye.
我仅代表校友基金会 写此信向您询问
On behalf of the Alumni Giving Fund, I am writing to you to ask…
询问 询…询问
To ask… To a… To ask… To… ask…
I am writing to you to ask…
Dear Momo and Baa.
现在 我住在我妈妈家里
Here I am living in Mummy’s house
我勇敢的在 纽约房♥地♥产♥的市场上 寻找属于我自己的位置
while I brave the New York real-estate market looking for a place of my own.
of course I miss you all terribly
but it will be so lovely to see you when you return from Barbados.
至此 祝您玩的高兴 爱您 当然还有克洛
Till then, have fun. Much love to you and, of course, to Claudette.
爱您的 琪琪
Love, Kiki.
杜威石公♥司♥ 给杰克崔纳
To Jack Trainer, Dewey Stone & Company, from me.
关于:特拉斯克公♥司♥ 广播电台网收♥购♥案
Re: Trask Industries – radio network acquisition.
此项专案储存于家用电脑中 不能通过泰丝
Hard copy on this from the home computer. Do not go through Tess.
To Jack Trainer, Dewey Stone & Company, from me.
关于特拉斯克公♥司♥ 广播电台网收♥购♥案
Re: Trask Industries – radio network acquisition.
此项专案储存于家用电脑中 不能通过泰丝
Hard copy on this from the home computer. Do not go through Tess.
“Two-way street.”
和 我让该发生的发生
And “You make it happen.”
怎么 没去上课 没去上课
What? No class? – No class.
泰丝 这不是看起来的样子
Tess, this is not what it looks like.
我是说 这就是看起来的样子 但是我可以解释
I mean, it is what it looks like, but I can explain.
当然 没什么可以解释的 混♥蛋♥
Well, not exactly explain. – You snake.
行了吧 泰丝 我对不起了 真的对不起
Come on, Tess. I’m sorry, I really am.
我爱您啊 原谅我吧
I love you. Come on.
回来吧 打我也行
Come back and hit me.
您好 请接崔纳先生办公室
Hello. Mr Trainer’s office, please?
您好 泰丝麦吉尔从佩蒂麦诗公♥司♥打来 我要转接过去吗
Hello. Tess McGill calling from Petty Marsh. May I put her through?
可以 谢谢
Thank you.
Mr Trainer?
嗨 我是泰丝麦吉尔 我和凯瑟琳帕克 一起在兼并和收♥购♥部工作
Hi, this is Tess McGill. I work with Katharine Parker over here in Mergers and Acquisitions.
我有一项建议 希望能和您商议
I have a proposal that I’d like to discuss with you.
Not over the phone, though.
I have an opening tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock.

我会立即将建议 概要传送给您
I’ll messenger an outline over to you right now.
对 我为凯瑟琳帕克打来 是关于您的邀请函的事情
Yes, I’m calling for Katharine Parker in regard to your invitation.
凯瑟琳帕克目前不在本地 她的职务将由 泰丝麦吉尔小姐代替
Miss Parker is out of town, but Miss Tess McGill will be attending in her place.
对 谢谢 再见
Yes. Thank you.
Why does it do that?
为了清洁 您跟我开玩笑
For cleaning. – Are you kiddin’ me?
What is this thing you’re going to anyway?
米尼道恩-达通合并案的闭幕晚会 杜威石的杰作
The closing party for the Minidyne-Dalton merger. Dewey Stone is throwing it.
那是崔纳工作的地方 也是能认识崔纳最好的机会
That’s where Trainer works. It’s the perfect time to meet him.
合并业务要能和协 运用空档时间是很重要的
Mix business with pleasure. Fringe times are crucial.
那又怎么样 那样您就可以偷她的邀请函
What’d you do, snatch her invite?
很好啊 反正她也用不到
Well, she can’t use it.
最重要的是 让我有机会认识些人 当然不是以秘书身份
It’s important for me to start interacting with people, not as a secretary…
但是可以作为骗子 对吗
But as a total impostor. Right.
对 就是这件
This is it.
It needs some bows or somethin’.
不 这就是所谓的古朴 典雅 当然还要做出说明
No. It’s simple, elegant, yet makes a statement.
告诉人们:自信 敢于冒险 不怕被别人评价
Says to people: Confident, a risk-taker, not afraid to be noticed.
然后用您的聪明击倒他 唉 鞋呢 我需要鞋
Then you hit ’em with your smarts. Here. Shoes. I need shoes.
六千块 居然连皮革也不是
$6,000? It’s not even leather.
对 六千块
馨 我不能正常呼吸了 噢 天啊 快过来这边坐
Cyn, I can’t breathe so good. – Oh, God. Come here.
快坐下 让我看看她有没有 什么镇静剂
Sit down. Let’s see if she’s got anything soothing.
镇定剂 方便经济型的
Valium. In the convenient economy size.
您确定吗 确定 只是让您稍微舒缓一下
You sure? – Just chills you ever so slightly.
You won’t even notice it.
Are you sure about this?
您想让别人 认真对待您 您就需要有认真的头发
You wanna be taken seriously, you need serious hair.
有1900万股的配股 被套牢了
Go for the jugular. There are 19 million shares outstanding.
我们已经得到了25% 要是再得到5% 就掐到他们的脖子了
We got 25% . We get another 5%, we’ve got ’em by the throat.
崔纳 快用胡说缠住他们
Trainer, let’s grab ’em by the balls.
您从膝盖处切掉他们 他们就会吃掉我们的双手 您怎么说
Cut ’em off at the knees. They’ll be eating out of our hands. What do you say?
有谁口渴吗 我们需要这个 崔纳
Anybody thirsty? – We need this one, Trainer.
您也需要这个 噢 噢 好
You need this one. – Yeah, yeah, yeah.
我一直在找您 为什么 您认识我吗
I’ve been looking for you. – Why? Do you know me?
不认识 但我答应过我自己 当我见到您时 我一定会知道是您
No, but I promised myself that, when I saw you, I would get to know you.
您是这里唯一 穿的像女人的女人
You’re the first woman here that dresses like a woman,
而不是那些想让男人 觉得自己是女人的女人
not like a woman thinks a man would dress if he was a woman.
我想我该谢谢您 您来这里做什么
Thank you, I guess. – What are you doing here?
我是来找人的 他的名字叫杰克崔纳 他在杜威石公♥司♥工作
I’m looking for someone myself. His name is Jack Trainer. He works at Dewey Stone.
Do you know if he’s here?
Why are you looking for him?
噢 因为我明天要会见他
Well, I have a meeting with him tomorrow.
我想先打个招呼 应该是个良好的开端
I thought it might be nice to say hello and get a head start.
噢 他刚刚离开了
Well, he just left.
我想我也该走了 先跟我喝一杯吧
I should be going myself. – Have a drink with me.
不行 您叫什么名字
I can’t. What’s your name?
没有 没有名字 没有名片
No. No names. No business cards.
没有您应该认识某某 那有什么
No “You must know so and so”. – What is this?
什么都没有 让我们像正常人类一样 正常相遇一次
No resume. Let’s just meet like human beings for once.
很高兴认识您 不管您叫什么名字 但是我真的该走了
It’s nice to meet you, whatever your name is, but I do have to go.
拜托 拜托 就喝一杯
Please. Please. One drink.
好 就喝一杯 但是我请客
OK, one drink. But I’m buying.
好啊 但是这是免费酒吧
OK, but it’s an open bar.
那个我知道 我的意思是 如果不是那样的时候 我会买♥♥单
I knew that. I meant that if it wasn’t, I would be buying.

双份的金色龙舌兰酒 龙舌兰酒
Tequila Gold. Doubles. – Tequila?
对 我答应过我自己 当我们见面时 我们就喝龙舌兰酒
Yeah. I promised myself that when we met we’d drink tequila.
不是加夏敦艾白酒 也不加水
No Chardonnay, no frog water.
Real drinks.
一般情况下 这东西是很烦人的
These things are usually so boring.
I wouldn’t know.
Power to the people.
The little people.
噢 您呀 您呀 您呀
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
您呀 您呀
Oh boy, oh boy…
您还好吗 还好 我很好
You OK? – I’m fine. I’m just fine.
来之前我服用了镇定剂 现在它正在我耳边 嗡嗡作响
I took an antihistamine before, and it just makes for a nice little buzz.
