我还真不知道 原来他们让坏女孩用这个
I didn’t know they let bad girls into these things.
我看起来是不是 不属于这里 不会啊
Do I look like I don’t belong here? – No.
不 不会 我确定您是一个 在任何场合 做任何事 都很能干的人
No, no. I’m sure you’re a real ace at whatever it is that you do do.
您还真直接 但是 您如何看待
Damn straight. – But how you look…
我最头痛的是 生意场和人的原罪
I have a head for business and a bod for sin.
Is there anything wrong with that?
不 没有错
No… No.
嗨 您好
Hello. Hi.
I have to go now.
我跟您一块走吧 不
I’ll come with you. – No.
嗨 泰丝
Hey, Tess.
我需要点空气 您到外面等我吧 谢谢
I need some air. Meet me outside. Thank you.
Excuse me.

嗨 嗨
Hi. – Hi.
Where do you live?
Where do you live?
有公园 有树 有高楼的地方
Park, trees, tall building.
莫顿166号♥ 在哈德逊河旁边 好 莫顿166号♥
166 Morton. Near Hudson. – 166 Morton.
Might be kind of a mess.
The cleaning lady keeps changing days on me.
Anybody’s guess.
我要警告您 这要是在前天 那会更遭糟
I’m just warning you cos, if it’s the day before, it could be pretty bad.
我也没有注意到那么多 但是已经比有些人强多了
I don’t notice so much myself, but some of the people I’ve had over have,
行了 记住这个
you know, remarked on it.
It’s not so bad.
Would you…
Would you like a nightcap?
I guess not.
I guess it’s too late for coffee.
凉茶 要不要点凉茶
Herb tea? Herb tea?
I don’t have any.
当我在您这样的状态下 有人给我这个 总是听起来很好
It always sounds good when people offer it to me when I’m in your shape.
I might have a little brandy myself.
You sure are pretty.
不要搞砸了 不要搞砸了
Don’t fuck up. Don’t fuck up.
嗨 泰丝麦吉尔来约见杰克崔纳
Hi. Tess McGill to see Jack Trainer.
我能帮您拿大衣吗 好 谢谢
May I take your coat? – Yes, please.
先生们 这是泰丝麦吉尔
Gentlemen, Tess McGill.
泰丝麦吉尔 我是杰克崔纳
Miss McGill, I’m Jack Trainer.
How are you?
This is John Romano and Bernie Kotar.
Sit down, please.
咖啡 好
Coffee? – Sure.
需要奶和糖吗 两样都要 谢谢
Milk or sugar? – Both, thank you.
I suppose we should just get right down to it.
I’ve lost my briefcase.
在过去的三季里 特拉斯克公♥司♥ 已经宣布了它的计划
In each of the last three quarters, Trask Industries has announced plans
将要获得一个 主流市场的电视台 但是 每次洽谈都失败了
to acquire a major market television station, each time unsuccessfully.
同一时间 他们用了大量的时间和金钱 为对抗强行并购而战
At the same time they’ve expended time and money fighting off a takeover attempt
那是一个来自 日本的竞争对手
by one of their Japanese competitors.
然而 购买♥♥一家广播电台 倒是一个一举两得的好事情
Buying into radio would, in one fell swoop accomplish two important tasks.
它将为特拉斯克公♥司♥在广电业 提供一个稳固的基础
It would give Trask a solid base in broadcasting,
还有 基于国家通讯委员会 对外国公♥司♥ 拥有所有权的严格规定
and, because of FCC regulations forbidding foreign ownership of radio stations,
这样 将消除被日本公♥司♥ 强行收♥购♥的威胁
it would wipe out the threat of a Japanese takeover.
Interesting idea.
But I don’t like it.
特拉斯克的资产负债表上 有大量的现金
Trask has got a lot of cash on their balance sheet.
这就是为什么它成为被收♥购♥的目标 一家广播电台简直是一块小洋芋
That’s why they’re a takeover target. A radio station is small potatoes.
I can’t see him biting.
I’ve already thought of that.
我想这样 我们要找的是一个 真正高品位的广播网
I figure that we look for a radio network – one with a real high profile.
用那些现金的盈余 可以做到一次 重大的股票回购
And with the surplus cash, we implement a major stock repurchase.
那样的话特拉斯克公♥司♥得到了保护 它的股价也上升了 皆大欢喜
So Trask is protected and their stock goes up, and everybody’s happy.
反之 就什么也没有
Or not.
完了 真的完了
Shoot me. Just shoot me.
您有完没完 他们有把您扔出来吗 有吗
Would you cut that out? They didn’t throw you out, did they?
唉 馨 他们并不在乎是不是说谎 他们比那更狡猾
Well, they don’t exactly have bouncers. They’re a little more subtle than that, Cyn.
噢 天啊 还有昨晚的事
Oh, God. And last night.
对 我也应该谨慎点 活到老 学到老啊
Yeah. I should’ve checked the milligrams. Live and learn.
也许他会因为 感觉对不起您 而给您交易的机会
Maybe he’ll feel sorry for you, and make it up to you doing your deal or whatever it is.
您知道的 我不需要同情 我只是试着去做
I’m not looking for sympathy. You know, I had a shot at…
是他 是他来了
It’s him. He’s here.
帮我个忙 做我 做我的秘书
Do me a favour. Be me. Be my secretary.
泰丝 馨 拜托了 就帮我这一次
Tess. – Cyn, please, do it for me.

请问有什么事 杰克崔纳约见泰丝麦吉尔
May I help you? – Jack Trainer to see Miss McGill.
Let’s give her a shout, shall we?
You decent?
有一个杰克崔纳要见您 泰丝麦吉尔小姐
A Mr Jack Trainer to see you, Miss McGill.
谢谢您 馨蒂亚
Thank you, Cynthia.
不接全部的电♥话♥ 泰丝麦吉尔小姐 对 馨蒂亚 谢谢
Hold all calls, Miss McGill? – Yes, Cynthia. Thank you.
需要什么吗 崔纳先生 咖啡 茶 我
Can I get you anything, Mr Trainer? Coffee? Tea? Me?
她是不是有点错乱 行了 这样就行了 馨蒂亚
Isn’t she a riot? That’ll be all, Cynthia.
为什么昨晚您说 您不是您
Why did you say you weren’t you last night?
因为我知道会发生什么 只有兼并和收♥购♥
Because I knew what would happen. All mergers and acquisitions.
No lust and tequila.
那只是 只有突然发生的 好吗 我要说清楚
That was… That just happened, OK? I wanna make it clear…
What did happen exactly?
地球被移♥动♥了 天使都哭了
The earth moved. The angels wept.
The Polaroids are…
are in my other coat.
什么也没有发生 真的什么也没有发生
Nothing happened. Nothing happened.
我醒来的时候 只穿着内衣
I woke up in my underwear.
我敢打赌 那样看起来一定很漂亮
I’ll bet you looked nice.
Did you get me that way?
我 我帮您脱鞋 脱了衣服 还把您抬上♥床♥
I… I took off your shoes and dress, I put you on the bed.
I kept my eyes closed the whole time.
And that was it?
我可能有偷看 我不记得了
I might have peeked. I don’t remember.
行了吗 我不能一整天站在这里 跟您讨论您的性生活
Look, I don’t have all day to hang out here and discuss your sex life.
这是什么 打开看
What’s this? – Open it.
What’s this for?
我觉得要完成这个案子 您应该使用一个 更好的公事包
I thought you could use a better briefcase if we’re gonna put this deal together.
您喜欢我的提议 起码有可行性
You liked it. – It has possibilities.
I wanna go to Metro Radio Systems.
他们是家族企业 是南部的一个中型网络
They’re a family-owned, mid-sized network in the South.
他们曾经收到过估价 但拒绝了 但是
They had offers before and rejected ’em, but
父亲即将退休 儿子正受到排挤
the father’s about to retire, and the son’s just been forced out.
每天争吵不休 正是进入的好时机
A lot of squabbling. A good time to go in.

Why didn’t you just put it together with your people here? Why come to us?
Will you excuse me for one second?
您不是在帮忙 不
You’re not helping. No.
贝丝 我的电脑坏了 我现在就需要 使用凯瑟琳的办公室
Bess, my computer’s down. I need Katharine’s office right away.
没问题 给我五分钟
No problem. I’ll be with you in five minutes.
我五分钟以前就需要它 好 马上就好
I need it five minutes ago. – I’ll be right with you.
里面发生什么了 她在清洁打扫
What’s going on in there? – She’s dusting.
杰克 是这样 我定时闹钟响了 另有要事处理 所以 我送您去电梯吧
Jack, listen. My one o’clock is getting a little antsy, so can I walk you to the elevator?
当然可以 但您要先回答我的问题
Sure, but first answer my question.
I came to you because
我希望和高手合作 最好的
I wanted an ace on this. The best.
Good thinking.
好吧 我明天一早飞往孟菲斯 把一切都弄清楚
Well, I’ll fly down to Memphis in the morning and feel them out.
