当然 非常好
Absolutely. Fine.
您只能等着 金妮 进去吧 我马上回来
…you’ll just have to wait. – Ginny, go on in. I’ll be with you in a minute.
What are you talking about?
您需要什么吗 咖啡 茶 不
Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea?
今晚可以一起吃晚餐吗 不行 对不起
Are you free for dinner tonight? – No, sorry.
How about tomorrow?
不行 怎么了 那什么时候有空
I can’t. – When, then?
我不认为我们 应该用那样的方式合作
I don’t think we should get involved that way.
您在说什么啊 那昨晚算什么
What are you talking about? What about last night?
注意 我可不是那样的女孩 昨晚是个特别情况
Look, I’m not that girl. Last night was special.
并不是很特别 只是我不得不背着您 爬了三层楼
It wasn’t so special. I had to carry you up three flights of stairs.
I meant unusual special.
您看 我们现在合作一个生意案子
Look, we’re in a business deal together now,
但我不认为 我们应该用那样的方式合作
and I don’t think we should get involved that way.
My life is real complicated as it is.
我也不想弄得复杂 只不过是一起吃个晚餐 或是看场电影
I don’t wanna complicate it either. I just thought dinner, a movie.
我们俩都知道 我们在谈论什么 我当然希望如此
We both know what we’re talking about. – I certainly hope so.
您知道吗 也许我根本不喜欢您
You know, maybe I just don’t like you.
不喜欢我 不
Me? Nah.
您确定她会出现吗 当然了 这是我的订婚晚会
You sure she’s gonna show? – It’s my engagement party.
她当然知道 要是她敢不来 她就死定了
She knows she’s dead meat if she doesn’t.
嗨 泰丝
Hi, Tess.
非常抱歉我来晚了 我被工作绊住了
I’m real sorry I’m late. I got stuck at work.
您快变成工作狂了 而且还是一个骗局
You’re gonna be outta work, you keep scamming like you are.
您知道 我都紧张死了 米克会被威士忌毁了的
Look, I’m nervous as hell and I think Mick’s about to drown himself in a Scotch bottle.
他很不好 是吗 扔块骨头给他吧 行吗
He’s bad, huh? – Throw him a bone, will ya?
I want happy humans here tonight.
You look different.
我再不是那个可怜兮兮 轻信别人的人了 那些是几天以前的事
I’m not the same pathetic, trusting fool that I was a couple of days ago.
那很清楚 懂了吗 嘿 泰丝 要吃点什么
It shows, huh? – Hey, Tess. What are you havin’?
帮我把包包放在 酒吧后面一下 可以吗 托尼
Stow this behind the bar for me, will you, Tony?
我要一个芝华士 给米克一个什么都行
And I’ll have a Chivas, and buy Mick one of whatever.

You got it.
没什么 我只是指您的发型 穿着和公事包 到底发生了什么事
No, I just meant the hair, the duds, and the briefcase. What’s goin’ on?
要是您想取笑我 可以啊 不 不 您看起来很棒
Make fun if you want. – No, no. You look good.
您是要去出席交通法庭 还是什么别的
Did you have to go to traffic court or somethin’?
没有 只是刚下班 我好像是升职了
No, I just got off work. I sort of got a promotion.
To Cyn and Tim.
To you and me.
To you and your promotion.
为了我得到了船贷款 您说什么 您真的做到了
To me getting a boat loan. – You what? You did?
今早被批准了 是吉米努南的旧船 已经付了首♥付♥款
It was approved this morning. Put a down payment on Jimmy Noonan’s old boat.
真是太好了 干杯
That’s so great.
暂短的欢聚 享受整个家庭 爱您们的泰丝和米克
“Hours of fun for the entire family. Love, Tess and Mick.”
Thank you.
我以我们两个的名义送的 也不知道您要送什么
I put from both of us. I didn’t know if you’d gotten something or what.
好了 干杯 大家来干一杯
OK, toast. We need a toast.
谢谢 谢谢了
Thank you. Thank you.
代表我自己和泰丝 和在场的全部朋友祝贺您们
From me and Tess and everybody here,
祝您们一起生活的长久 幸福 而且一路顺风
may your life together be long and happy, and may the road always rise up to meet you.
什么时候 我们能为您们两个祝福 米克
When are we gonna toast the two of you, Mick?
我们还没有认真的 商量过这个 起码最近没有 对 没有
We haven’t really discussed it. Not recently. – No.
您需要的不是商量 兄弟 您需要的只是求婚
You don’t discuss it, boy. You just ask.
现在 赶快跪下吧 兄弟
Now? – On your knees, man.
米克 米克 米克 米克 米克
泰丝 您愿意嫁给我吗
Tess, will you marry me?
That’s an answer?
您要别的答案 就去问另一个女孩
You want another answer, ask another girl.
您在那里丢了我们自己的脸 那是您设计的 您自找
You fuckin’ humiliated us in there. – You set us up, doing it like that.
您期望我怎么做 在那么多人面前说谎
What did you expect me to do? Lie in front of all of those people?
我不知道您需要说谎 我还以为您要我那样的求婚
Didn’t know you’d have to lie. I thought you’d want me to ask.
三天前 我在床上看到您和朵琳
Three nights ago, I find you in bed with Doreen.
我们一起喝酒 跳舞 然后突然 您要我对自己的余生做出选择
We have a drink, a dance, and boom – you want an answer about the rest of my life.
好了 好了
All right. OK.
在这儿 就我们两个人 您是要嫁给我 还是怎样
Here we are, just the two of us. Will you marry me or what?
天啊 米克 难道真要现在就决定吗
Jesus, Mick. Do we have to decide this right now?
有些事情我需要确定 这是关系到我一生的事情
I want to get things solidified. Things in my life.
您知道吗 不是只有您一个人 为生活做计划
You’re not the only one who’s got plans, you know.
我说了也许 也许个屁
I said maybe. – Maybe means dick.
什么他妈的是也许 我现在就需要答案
Fuck maybe. I want an answer now.
请您不要对我大呼小叫 您这样对待我 好像是我
Please don’t yell at me. You treat me like I’m…
为什么我们总是在讨论 您该得到什么对待
Why do we always talk about how you get treated?
谁他妈的死了 把您变成了格蕾丝凯利
Who the fuck died and made you Grace Kelly?
我不是一道牛排 您不能随便就叫一份
I am not steak. You can’t just order me.
不 我不需要这个 您先弄清楚先后顺序 我们再谈
You get your priorities straight, maybe we’ll talk.
但是现在 我们算是分手了
Right now, we’re history.
Katharine Parker’s office.
I’ll switch you over.
泰丝 是我
Tess, it’s me.
I couldn’t find the red shoes…
泰丝麦吉尔办公室 您是哪位
Tess McGill’s office. Who’s calling?
One moment, please.
我在孟菲斯进行的不错 是啊
It went well in Memphis. Yeah…
是啊 我想真的很好 但是我觉得应该采取更快 更高层次行动
Really well, I think. But we’re gonna have to move fast and hit ’em high.
阿姆瑞斯特认为 新城是个家族企业 您知道那将会是什么样子
Armbrister thinks that Metro is family, and you know how that can be.
他很愿意考虑 但是特拉斯克 需要说的很悦耳才行
He’s willing to listen, but you gotta get Trask to talk sweet.
He’s thinking about 70 mil.
我整夜在这里 核对这些数字
I’ve been up here all night, working the numbers.
我想和您一起来研究它 可以一起吃午餐吗
I’d like to go over it with you. Can we meet for lunch?
午餐应该可以吧 对吗 大白天的 周围还有很多人
Lunch is all right, isn’t it? Daylight, a lot of people around.
有一个很浪漫的烤羊肉摊 就在您的公♥司♥对面
There’s that real romantic souvlaki stand, out in front of your place.
我想 对您来说不是很危险
You’re in no particular danger, I think.
好 大约1点在那里见
Yeah. Meet you there around one.
好 一会见 再见
OK, I’ll see you then. Bye.
Mick’s really raw.
他说他要把您剩下的东西 全部丢出去
He says he’s gonna throw the rest of your stuff out.
他拉着我讲您的事 直到早上5点
He kept me there talkin’ at me till five this morning.
噢 天啊 馨 真是对不起
Oh, God, Cyn. I’m sorry.
要破坏一个婚礼有多难 您在说什么
How hard would it be to crash a wedding? – What are you talkin’ about?
奥伦特拉斯克的女儿 明天结婚 婚礼在联盟俱乐部举办
Oren Trask’s daughter is getting married tomorrow. The reception is at the Union Club.
所以我想混进去 认识特拉斯克先生
So I figure I blend in. I get to Trask.
我的意思是问您 这会有多困难
I mean, how hard could that be?
我还想到 婚礼现场是不会允许 陌生人进入的
The wedding party’s not gonna admit that they’ve never seen you before.
但是在那种场合 没有人会认识全部的人 对吧
Nobody knows everybody at those things.
泰丝 等一下 我只是需要跟特拉斯克先生 谈五分钟而已
Tess… – All I need is five minutes with Trask.
泰丝 我在跟您讲话
Tess, I’m talkin’ to you.
首先 请您看着我的眼睛
First of all, look me in the eye
然后告诉我 即使是在您最疯狂的梦想中 也没有那样想
and tell me you’re not thinking, even in your wildest dreams,
公事包先生一句 让我们一起吃午餐 就能把您带离了现实
Mr Briefcase “Let’s have lunch” there is gonna take you away from all of this.
我们只是在合作一个案子 仅此而已
We’re doing a deal together, that’s all.
因为您知道您还是会心碎 就像您让米克心碎一样
Cos you know you’ll get your heart stomped, just like you’re stompin’ Mick’s.
注意 不是我去破坏的 朵琳蒂姆茜爬上了我们的床 对吧
Hey, it wasn’t me poppin’ Doreen DiMucci in our bed, OK?
您们怎么会站在他那边呢 我不是呀
How come you’re all on his side? – I’m not.
但您甚至不给他一个 补偿您的机会 那可不像是您的作风
But you’re not even giving him the chance to make it up to you, and that’s not like you.
唉 如果您真的那么聪明 为什么不能聪明的做事 来保护自己呢
Look, if you’re so smart, why don’t you act smart and save your ass while you still can?
否则他们迟早会发现的 那时您会丢掉工作 还会失掉任何的工作机会
Else they’re gonna find out, you’re not gonna have your job, or any job.
您已经失去了 您的男人和您的家
You lost your man and your home already.
当我将这个案子建立好后 我会立刻去向他们坦白 我发誓
I’m gonna come clean as soon as I get my end set up. I swear.
我知道自己在做什么 我也是 毁了您的一生
I know what I’m doing. – So do I. Screwin’ up your life.
不 我在试着活得更好
No, I’m trying to make it better.
我不会让我的一生 在忙忙碌碌无为中度过
I’m not gonna spend my life working my ass off and getting nowhere
只是因为我循规蹈矩 就不能搞案子 明白了吗
just because I followed rules that I had nothing to do with setting up, OK?
