好 现在该回到我们 正常计划日程中了
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I guess we’re ready.
崔纳和麦吉尔 好 请到楼上
Trainer and McGill. – Yes. Top of the stairs.
Are we waiting for Mr Trask?
特拉斯克先生不参加 这个级别的会议
Mr Trask doesn’t sit in at this level.
Of course he doesn’t.
我们这样认为 特拉斯克公♥司♥在此时 有两个最重要的需求
Here’s the way we see it. Trask Industries has two important needs to meet at this time.
而收♥购♥新城广播网 可以做到一石两鸟
By acquiring Metro Radio Network, you nail two birds with one stone…
对不起 除了新城广播以外 还有别的提议吗
Excuse me. Do you have any other proposals besides Metro?
没有 为什么呢 新城广播是一个很好的机会
No. Why? – Metro’s a terrific opportunity.
我当然同意 但是今天早上一家芝加哥的集团 正要收♥购♥新城广播
I’m sure it is, but a Chicago group just put a bear hug on Metro this morning
and the company’s in play.
就在今天早上 哪家集团
Just this morning? – Who?
The Slade brothers.
反正特拉斯克 也没有对广播电台感兴趣
Trask isn’t aiming at radio anyway.
我们当然不会希望 去加入这场竞购战
We certainly don’t want to get into a bidding war.
A moment, please.
如果阿姆瑞斯特认为他是新城广播家族的一份子 他就会关心谁是买♥♥主
Armbrister looks at Metro as if it were part of his family. He cares who he’s selling to.
对 而且他持有大部分的股票
Yes. And he holds the majority of the stock.
请注意 如果斯莱德兄弟集团 是不请自来的 我相信 他们一定是
Look. If the Slades are uninvited, and I’m sure they are,
而阿姆瑞斯特也可以 和特拉斯克达成协议 那样就不会有商战发生
and Armbrister and Trask can agree on a deal, then we won’t have a war.
如果我能邀请 阿姆瑞斯特到这里来 特拉斯克愿意商谈吗
If I get Armbrister up here, will Trask take the meeting?
太多如果了 我们真的不能给自己找麻烦
A lot of ifs. We really don’t want to get involved.
给我24小时 不 我们不感兴趣
24 hours. – Sorry. Not interested.
是 老板
Yes, sir.
明白了 老板
All right, sir.
好了 他愿意商谈
Yes, he’ll take the meeting.
那是特拉斯克先生 对 是他
That was Mr Trask? – Yes, it was.
How did he know?
He knows everything.
太感谢了 谢谢
Thanks a lot. – Thanks.
How’d you get this scar?
Some guy pulled a knife in Detroit.
不 没有
No. No.
在我19岁时 我想穿个耳洞 当时觉得很酷
I was 19 and I thought it’d be cool to have a pierced ear.
我女朋友把一根大针直接插入 我被疼昏过去了 下巴碰到浴缸上
My girlfriend stuck the needle through and I fainted and hit my chin on the toilet.
Have you been telling that story ever since?
您是唯一一个 知道这个真♥相♥的人
You’re the only one who knows the true story.
Except the girlfriend.
I had her disappear.
很遗憾 不错的女孩 真是惭愧
It’s too bad. Nice girl. Real shame.
杰克 我有些事情必须告诉您
Jack, there’s something that I have to tell you.


我知道 不
I know. No…
Can’t wait.
对 好 很好 到了您打电♥话♥给我
Yeah, OK. Well, call me when you get in.

Me too.
好 再见
OK. Bye.
好吧 是有一个女人
OK… There’s this woman.
It’s over.
但是 严格来说还没有 我只是还没有找到机会 和她挑明
But technically it’s not. I just haven’t had a chance to break it off yet.
没关系 您不需要解释
It’s OK. You don’t have to explain.
不 真的 几个星期前 我们应该一起外出
No, really. We were supposed to go away together a couple of weeks ago
and I was gonna tell her then.
但我那个周末不得不加班 所以没有去成
But I had to work through the weekend and never got there.
这只是一个 一个时间的问题
It’s just a… a timing thing.
后来她在滑雪时摔断了腿 一直躺在床上
It’s just she broke her leg skiing and was laid up
可我又不能在电♥话♥上 和她讲这个事 您懂吗
and I couldn’t see doing it over the phone, you know.
Kicking somebody when they’re down.
我没提过此事 其实她和您在佩蒂麦诗公♥司♥的同一个部门
I wouldn’t mention it, except she’s in your department at Petty.
您第一次跟我通电♥话♥时 有提到她 凯瑟琳
You mentioned her the first time you called. – Katharine.
帕克 对
Parker. Yeah.
好了 您说您要告诉我什么事
Now what did you wanna tell me?
It’s not important.
120, even.
小姐 小姐 您忘了您的笔记本
Miss. Miss, you forget your book.
泰丝 是我 是我回来了
Tess. It’s me. I’m back.
She took a muscle relaxant for the flight.
给每个人都吃一点 我可不这么认为
Let’s all have one. – I don’t think so.
电♥话♥ 我需要一部电♥话♥
Telephone. I need a telephone.
泰丝 帮我看好我的皮包 车上见
Tess, take care of the bags. I’ll meet you at the car.
I love these pills.
只需要一分钟 杰克 好吗
Just for a minute, Jack. Please?
我立即要见到您 亲爱的
I must see you, darling.
一个小时内来我家 不管您有什么理由 都不能说不
My apartment in one hour and I won’t take no for an answer.
对 不管什么理由我都不接受
No, I won’t take no for an answer.
哇 终于到家了 到家了 到家了
Oh, I’m home. I’m home, I’m home.
噢 老天
Oh, God…
您有碰巧看到过这个吗 是什么
Did you happen to see this? – What is it?
It’s an outline of your idea for a Trask radio acquisition.
我正打算把它 传送给杰克崔纳 给您的这个想法 最后一个机会
I was planning to send it over to Jack Trainer. I thought I’d give your idea one last go-round.
我刚刚想到 看看这个 看起来好像是我的主意
It just occurs to me, looking at it, that it reads as though it were my idea.
您知道吗 杰克曾经有过一次麻烦 他被指控窃取公♥司♥机密
Jack got burned once. He was accused of stealing a plan for taking a company private.
他用自己很注重的道德规范 去评价其他人的工作策略
He’s very sticky about the ethics of reviewing other people’s strategies.
如果是一个同事的主意 他就不会去做
He wouldn’t look at if i said it was from a colleague,
所以我没办法告诉他 这是一个秘书的主意
and I couldn’t say it was a secretary’s notion.
不管怎样 重点在于 泰丝 我还是要让您知道这件事
Anyway, the point is, Tess, that I’m still trying to get you heard.
我能说什么呢 如果您看到了 完全可以直接来问我
What am I saying? If you had seen it, you simply would have asked me about it.
我在洗澡和换衣服的时候 需要您的帮助
I’ll need help bathing and changing.
我需要用什么东西 来遮住这些石膏
I need something to cover this cast.
There’s an afghan on the chair.
非常好 如果没什么了
Perfect. – If that’ll be all…
给我一些香水 夏利马尔牌的 在梳妆台上面
And some perfume. Shalimar, on the dresser.
He loves Shalimar.
谁是他 他就是杰克崔纳
He, who? – Jack Trainer, who.
He’s on his way over.
我必须要走了 我有医生的预约
I have to go. Doctor’s appointment.
再帮我最后一个忙 可以吗 帮我去药店 买♥♥一些避孕药
One last thing? Run down to the drugstore and get me my pills?
我真的必须马上走了 没关系 医生会理解的
I really have to go. – The doctor will understand.
是谁 杰克
Who is it? – Jack.
凯瑟琳 我在卧室里
Katharine? – In the bedroom.
Boy, did I ever miss you.
会痛吗 您说呢
Does it hurt? – Look at you.
您说是有急事 凯丝 我忘记了您有多么帅
You said it was urgent, Kath. – I’d forgotten how handsome you are.
谢谢 您看
Thanks. Look…
我能说什么呢 我实在是太忙
I meant what I said. I really am swamped…
噢 给点什么回家的欢迎啊 我甚至连一个亲吻 都没有得到
Boy, some welcome home. I haven’t even gotten a kiss.
在小冰箱里有一些香槟 我们来一点
There’s some champagne in the little fridge. You wanna get it for us?
当然可以 但是 之后我必须走了
Sure. And then, I really do have to go.
杯子在什么地方 在洗碗机里找一找
Where are the glasses? – Try the dishwasher.
Here you are.
您知道我爱您 杰克 您一定知道的
You know I love you, Jack. You know that.
凯瑟琳 我真的必须马上走了
I have to get going.
在过去的几周里 我总是在我的内心深处 听到这个可爱的小声音
These past few weeks, I’ve heard this funny little sound, way deep down inside.
滴答 滴答 滴答
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
是我的生物时钟响了 很大的案子 委托人正在召开重要会议
My biological clock. – Big deal going. Principals are all meeting…
但是 我想的是我们俩的兼并
And I’ve been thinking “Let’s merge.”
You and I.
想像一下 亲爱的 惊人快乐先生 和惊人快乐夫人
Think of it, darling. Mr and Mrs Fabulously Happy.
凯瑟琳 现在真的不是聊天好时机
Katharine, it’s really not a good time to talk.
You’re right.
