Here. Fine tone.
And a bow to go with it.
你在这里 帕嘎匿尼
Here you are, Paganini.
Who’s that?
-他饥饿的像一只狼 -哦 孩子
-He was hungry as a wolf. -Oh, children.
This is a little gentleman I met in Liverpool
who will pay us a visit.
He… He’s dirty.
哦 不 不要使我为你 惭愧 凯茜
Oh, no. Don’t make me ashamed of you, Cathy.
给他洗完澡后 带他看刑立的房♥间
When he’s been scrubbed, show him Hindley’s room.
-他将会在那里睡觉 -在我的房♥间
-He’ll sleep there. -In my room?
他不能 我不让他
He can’t. I won’t let him.
孩子 你现在可能可以学到你一定要分享你有的
Children, you may as well learn now that you must share what you have…
with others not as fortunate as yourselves.
-掌管这个青年 亚伦 -过来 孩子
-Take charge of the lad, Ellen. -Come along, child.
What’s your name?
We’ll call him Heathcliff.
希斯克利夫 我会和你比赛到谷仓
Heathcliff, I’ll race you to the barn.
The loser has to be the slave.
Come on!
Come on!
哇 我嬴了
Whoa. I won!
你是我的奴隶 你必须做 我说的 伺候我的马
You’re my slave! You have to do as I say. Water my horse and groom it!
哦 那不公平 太真实了
Oh, that’s not fair! It’s too real.
-你想要什么 -这匹马
-What do you want? -This horse.
-不行 他是我的 -我的不好 我要骑你的
-You can’t have him. He’s mine! -Mine’s lame. I’m riding yours.
把他给我 否则我会告诉父亲
Give him to me or I’ll tell Father
you boasted you’d turn me out when he died!
那是一则谎言 我从没有说过
That’s a lie! I never said such a thing.
-他没有 -你从没有一个父亲
-He didn’t! -You never had a father!
你这个吉普赛人乞丐 你不能抢我的
You gypsy beggar! You can’t have mine!
Stop that!
-希斯克利夫 小心 -不要靠近我
-Heathcliff, look out! -Don’t come near me!
让他去 你杀了他
Let him go! You killed him!
我去告诉父亲 他将会为这处罚你
I’m going to tell Father. He’ll punish you for this.
直到他恢复 你不能靠近他
You can’t go near him till he’s well.
You heard Dr. Kenneth!
Are you hurt badly?
Talk to me.
你何不哭 希斯克利夫 不要那样
Why don’t you cry? Heathcliff, don’t look like that!
How can I pay him back?
I don’t care how long I wait…
if I can only pay him back.
来 让我们去蓬尼斯东峭壁摘山小菜
Come. Let’s pick harebells on Penistone Crag.
You can ride Jane.
请 我的主人
Please, milord?
-哦 希斯克利夫 -哇 珍
-Oh, Heathcliff. -Whoa, Jane.
当你微笑的时候 你是如此英俊
You’re so handsome when you smile.
Don’t make fun of me.
你不知道你很英俊吗 你知道我告诉亚伦什么吗
Don’t you know that you’re handsome? Do you know what I’ve told Ellen?
-你是假面目的一位王子 -是吗
-You’re a prince in disguise. -You did?
I said your father was the emperor of China
and your mother an Indian queen.
是真的 希斯克利夫
It’s true, Heathcliff.
你被坏的水手绑♥架♥ 而且被带到英国来
You were kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England.
但是我很高兴 我总是想要认识高贵的出生的人
But I’m glad. I’ve always wanted to know somebody of noble birth.
All the princes I ever read about had castles.
当然 他们捕获了他们 你也一定要捕获一个
Of course. They captured them. You must capture one too.
有一个美丽城♥堡♥ 等待你的枪矛 王子先生
There’s a beautiful castle that lies waiting for your lance, Sir Prince.
你再说蓬尼斯东峭壁 那仅仅是一块岩石
You mean Penistone Crag? Aw, that’s just a rock.
你不能看见那是一个城♥堡♥ 你永远无法是一位王子
If you can’t see that’s a castle, you’ll never be a prince.
这里 带你的枪矛和武器
Here, take your lance and charge!
看见在可开闭的吊桥那个黑色的骑士 向他挑战
See that black knight at the drawbridge? Challenge him!
我向你挑战到不免一死的战斗 黑色的骑士
I challenge you to mortal combat, Black Knight!
希斯克利夫 你杀了他 你有杀黑色的骑士
Heathcliff! You’ve killed him! You’ve killed the black knight!
He’s earned it for all his wicked deeds.
哦 它是一个令人惊奇的城♥堡♥
Oh, it’s a wonderful castle.
-希斯克利夫 我们留下不走吧 -不行
-Heathcliff, let’s never leave it. -Never in our lives!
让世界承认 没有比它更美丽的花
Let all the world confess, there is not a more beautiful damsel…
than the Princess Catherine of Yorkshire.
But I’m still your slave.
不 凯茜 我现在使你成为我的皇后
No, Cathy. I now make you my queen.
无论什么发生 你将会总是我的皇后
Whatever happens out there, here you will always be my queen.
他好吗 医生
How is he, Doctor?
He is at peace.
去找教区牧师 约瑟
Send for the vicar, Joseph.
我的亲爱 野性的小凯茜
My dear, wild little Cathy.
你可以过来 在他旁边祈祷
You may come up and pray beside him now.
You’re not wanted up there.
My father is past your wheedling.
去帮助马房♥的男孩 为教区牧师束马
Go and help the stable boys harness the horse for the vicar.
接受命令 现在的我是主人
Do as you’re told. I’m master here now.
And as the children grew up,
Hindley was indeed master of Wuthering Heights.
It was no longer the happy home of their childhood.
约瑟 给我再来一瓶
Joseph, bring me another bottle.
那是第三瓶了 刑立先生
That’s the third, Mr. Hindley.
第三或二十三 再给我另外一个
The third or the twenty-third, bring me another.
酒是一个嘲弄者 暴饮是疯狂的 主人
Wine is a mocker. Strong drink is raging, Master Hindley.
停止喷出圣经 接受你的命令 你个老鹦鹉
Stop spouting scripture and do as you’re told, you croaking old parrot.
是的 主人
Yes, Master Hindley.
坐下 凯茜 直到你被允许离开
Sit down, Cathy, till you’re excused from the table.
约瑟 给凯茜小姐斟酒
Joseph, fill Miss Cathy’s glass.
哦 我的小姊妹不赞成 喝酒
Oh, my little sister disapproves of drinking.
好吧 我认识一些不喝酒的人们
Well, I know some people who don’t.
希斯克利夫 鞍我的马 快点 你吉普赛人乞丐
Heathcliff, saddle my horse. Be quick about it, you gypsy beggar.
I told you to be quick.
看着这间马房♥ 这是一个猪舍
Look at this stable. It’s a pigsty.
Is this the way you do your work?
Clean it up.
I want this floor cleaned and scrubbed tonight.
不要站在那里站展现你的牙齿 帮我
Don’t stand there showing your teeth. Give me a hand up.
在我破晓回来前完成你的工作 你听到了吗
I want your work done when I come back at dawn, do you hear?
哦 你正在希望我将不回来
Oh, you’re hoping I won’t come back.
你正在希望我滑倒 而且折断我的脖子 你不是
You’re hoping I’ll fall and break my neck, aren’t you?
Aren’t you?
好吧 快点 希斯克利夫
Well, come on, Heathcliff.
希斯克利夫 你正要去哪里
Heathcliff, where are you going?
Come back!
-约瑟看见你来哪一方向吗 -有什么关系
-Did Joseph see which way you came? -What does it matter?
那里没有真的东西 我们的生活这里
Nothing’s real down there. Our life is here.
是的 主人
Yes, milord.
云正在下降 到哥梅尔顿
The clouds are lowering over Gimmerton Head.
See how the light is changing?
It would be dreadful if Hindley ever found out.
Found out what?
That you talk to me once in a while?
I shouldn’t talk to you at all.
看着你 你变的一天比一天坏了
Look at you! You get worse every day.
Dirty and unkempt and in rags.
Why aren’t you a man?
希斯克利夫 你何不逃走
Heathcliff, why don’t you run away?
逃走 从你
Run away? From you?
你可以衣锦还乡 而且带走我
You could come back rich and take me away.
你为什么不是我的王子 就像我们以前玩的
Why aren’t you my prince like we said long ago?
-你为什么不援救我 -现在和我来
-Why can’t you rescue me? -Come with me now.
-哪里 -无论何处
-Where? -Anywhere!
And live in haystacks and steal our food from the marketplaces?
不 那不是我想要的事情
