you can keep waiting forever.
他怎麽了 送你 香水 他没有自豪吗
What’s wrong with him, sending you perfume? Hasn’t he any pride?
我道歉了 没有吗
I sent my apologies, didn’t I?
我不能相信你变了 凯茜小姐
I can’t believe this change in you, Miss Cathy.
Yesterday you were a harum-scarum child
with dirty hands and a willful heart.
Look at you.
哦 你是可爱的 凯茜小姐 可爱的
Oh, you’re lovely, Miss Cathy. Lovely.
That’s a very silly lie.
我不可爱 我非常聪明
I’m not lovely. What I am is very brilliant.
-我有很棒的头脑 -是吗
-I have a wonderful brain. -Indeed?
It enables me to be superior to myself.
There’s nothing to be gained by just looking pretty like Isabella.
每个美人一定隐藏一个想法 而且充满幽默
Every beauty mark must conceal a thought and every curl be full of humor
as well as brilliantine.
如此的喃喃而语 我们…
Such prattle. We…
从何时起你习惯进入我的房♥间 希斯克利夫
Since when are you in the habit of entering my room, Heathcliff?
我想要和你说话 出去 亚伦
I want to talk to you. Go outside, Ellen.
I will not!
I take orders from Mistress Catherine,
not stable boys.
Go outside.
好吧 亚伦
All right, Ellen.
Now that we’re so happily alone,
may I know to what I owe this great honor?
-他又来了 -你完全地无法令人忍♥受
-He’s coming here again. -You’re utterly unbearable.
你今天早上在荒野之上 不这样想
You didn’t think so this morning on the moors.
-好吧 我的心情在户内改变 -他会来这里
-Well, my moods change indoors. -Is he coming here?
-当然不 请走开 -你撒谎
-Of course not. Please go away. -You’re lying!
为什么你穿着 丝绸裙子
Why are you dressed up in a silk dress?
Because gentlefolk dress for dinner.
这不是你 你为什么尝试赢得 他的谄媚
Not you. Why are you trying to win his puling flatteries?
我不是孩子 你不能像那样对我说话
I’m not a child. You can’t talk like that to me.
我没有和孩子说话 我和我的凯茜说话
I’m not talking to a child. I’m talking to my Cathy.
-哦 我是你的凯茜 -是的
-Oh, I’m your Cathy? -Yes!
我遵守你的命令 而且允许你选择我的洋装
I’m to take your orders and allow you to select my dresses?
你不能向他假笑 听他的愚蠢谈话
You’re not gonna simper in front of him, listening to his silly talk!
I’m not?
好吧 我会 听马房♥男孩说话 更愉快
Well, I am. It’s more entertaining that listening to a stable boy.
-不许你像那样说话 -我会 走开
-Don’t you talk like that. -I will. Go away.
这是我的房♥间 一个淑女的房♥间
This is my room, a lady’s room,
not a room for servants with dirty hands.
Let me alone!
告诉肮脏的马房♥男孩 忘了你
Tell the dirty stable boy to let go of you.
He soils your pretty dress.
但是谁弄脏你的心 不是呼啸山庄
But who soils your heart? Not Heathcliff!
-谁将你变成徒然廉价的世间愚人 -林顿做的
-Who turns you into a vain, cheap, worldly fool? -Linton does!
You’ll never love him,
but you’ll let yourself be loved to please your vanity.
被那个穿带扣子鞋子的 懦夫爱
Loved by that milksop with buckles on his shoes!
闭嘴 滚出去
Stop it and get out!
你曾有你的机会 变成别的类型的人
You had your chance to be something else.
But thief or servant were all you were born to be,
or beggar beside a road.
不是赚得宠爱 而是用你的肮脏手为他们呜咽
Not earning favors, but whimpering for them with your dirty hands!
那是所有的我变成你: 一双肮脏的手
That’s all I’ve become to you: a pair of dirty hands.
好吧 拥有它们吧
Well, have them then!
Have them where they belong!
It doesn’t help to strike you.
晚安 亚伦 我希望不是太早
Good evening, Ellen. I hope I’m not too early.
-凯茜小姐马上会下楼 -谢谢
-Miss Cathy will be down in a minute. -Thanks.
如果你进客厅 我会告诉凯茜小姐你在这里
If you’ll go into the parlor, I’ll tell Miss Cathy you’re here.
八点半 不神圣的小时
Half past eight. Unholy hour.
他不知道吗 年轻的愚人 什么时候该回家
Doesn’t he know, young fool, when it’s time to go home?
That’s Mr. Edgar now.
Go and fetch his horse.
-把这些苹果放进那柜子 -是 上帝
-Take these apples into the larder. -Yea, Lord.
宽恕公正的 责打罪恶的
Spare the righteous and smite the ungodly.
Stop your pratter.
-晚安 约瑟 -晚安 先生
-Good night, Joseph. -Good night, sir.
Has he gone?
你的手 你做了什么
Your hands! What have you done?
林顿 他离去了吗
Linton. Is he gone?
What have you done to your hands?
What have you been doing?
我想要爬行到她的脚 呜咽乞求得到宽恕
I want to crawl to her feet, whimper to be forgiven…
为爱我 为需要她 超过我的自己生命…
for loving me, for needing her more than my own life…
为属于她 超过我的自己的灵魂
for belonging to her more than my own soul.
Don’t let her see me.
我想你是否仍然醒着 我有一些新闻
I wondered whether you were still up. I have some news!
厨房♥不是做那的地方 进来客厅
The kitchen is no place for that. Come into the parlor.
来这里 坐下 听
Come here. Sit down. Listen!
你能维持一个秘密吗 埃德加要求了我与他结婚
Can you keep a secret? Edgar’s asked me to marry him.
-你告诉他什么 -我明天给他我的答案
-What did you tell him? -That I’d give him my answer tomorrow.
你爱他吗 凯茜小姐
Do you love him, Miss Cathy?
-是的 当然 -为什么
-Yes! Of course. -Why?
为什么 那是一个愚蠢的问题 不是吗
Why? That’s a silly question, isn’t it?
不 不很愚蠢 你为什么爱他
No, not so silly. Why do you love him?
他很英俊 也容易相处
He’s handsome and pleasant to be with.
-那不够 -因为他有一天会变富有的
-That’s not enough. -Because he’ll be rich someday.
I’ll be the finest lady in the county.
Now tell me how you love him.
我爱他的脚之下的地面 他头上的空气…
I love the ground under his feet, the air above his head…
and everything he touches.
What about Heathcliff?
哦 希斯克利夫 他一天比一天坏
Oh, Heathcliff. He gets worse every day.
It would degrade me to marry him.
I wish he hadn’t come back.
能从这个无秩序的 无安慰的地方 逃走就好了
It would be heaven to escape from this disorderly, comfortless place.
好吧 如果主人埃德加和他的魅力 还有钱…
Well, if Master Edgar and his charms and money…
and parties mean heaven to you…
什么使你不成为 林顿家’天使们’的一员呢
what’s to keep you from taking your place among the Linton angels?
I don’t think I belong in heaven.
I dreamt once I was there.
我梦见我去天堂 它不像是我的家
I dreamt I went to heaven, and it didn’t seem to be my home.
我哭泣的回到地面 和受伤的心
I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth.
天使是如此生气 他们把我 丢到空中…
The angels were so angry, they flung me out in the middle of the heath…
on top of Wuthering Heights.
I woke up sobbing with joy.
那就是了 亚伦
That’s it, Ellen!
我与埃德加结婚的可能性 小于去天堂
I have no more business marrying Edgar than I have of being in heaven.
但是亚伦 我能做什么
But Ellen, what can I do?
You’re thinking of Heathcliff.
Who else?
他这麽堕落 他像是 从残忍♥中得到乐趣
He’s sunk so low. He seems to take pleasure in being brutal.
And yet…
he’s more myself than I am.
Whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same.
林顿的是不同的 如同火和冰
Linton’s is as different as frost from fire.
My one thought in living is Heathcliff.
I am Heathcliff.
每件事物他被伤害 我受到伤害
Everything he’s suffered, I’ve suffered.
他快乐 我也快乐
The little happiness he’s ever known, I’ve had too.
如果每件事物都死了 而且希斯克利夫活着
If everything died and Heathcliff remained…
life would still be full for me.
嗨 希斯克利夫 你去哪里
Hey, Heathcliff! Where’s thee going?
希斯克利夫 回来
Heathcliff! Come back!
He must have been listening.
-听我们的话 -是的
