-先生 正在退出时间结 -我们还活着
-Exiting time knot now, sir. -We’re alive.
我们成功了 长官 我们成功了
We made it, Commander. We made it.
上帝保佑 我们还活着
By Grabthar’s hammer, we live to tell the tale.
Systems register functional.
所有系统正常 长官
All systems are working, Commander.
我一点也不喜欢 太容易了
I don’t like it. It was too easy.
噢 不 等等 到处都是时间结
Wait! Oh, no. They’re everywhere!
There are time knots opening everywhere!
-这是个陷阱 -我们被包围了 长官
-A trap! -We’re surrounded, Commander.
我们完了 先生 我们阻止不了
It’s a core meltdown, sir. It can’t be stopped.
Surrender may be our only option.
不 永不放弃 决不妥协
No! Never give up! Never surrender!
下命令吧 先生
Your orders, sir?
先生 给大家下命令吧
Sir? Your orders?
启动 欧米茄13
Activate the Omega 13.
嗯 好了 已经启动了
Well, there you are. Yeah!
好 我说的就是这个
Yeah! Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!
You are the first people to see
久违了的《银河探险》的人 第92集二章
the lost Galaxy Quest episode 92 two-parter
since it was originally aired in 1982!
噢 是的
Yeah! All right.
现在 你们等待的时刻到了
Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.
勇敢无畏的NSEA保护者的全体人员 好啊
The intrepid crew of the NSEA Protector! Yeah!
红头巾 黑鞋子 等一下
Red scarf, black shoes. Wait.
白头巾 黑钮扣 白鞋子
White scarf, black buttons, white shoes…
伙计 他到底在哪里 已经迟了一个半小时了
Man, where the hell is he? An hour and a half late?
-一个半小时了 -这真奇怪
-An hour and a half. -I mean, this is unreal.
They’re gonna start eating each other out there.
你听到没有 他撇下我们 自己赶另外一个场子了
Did you hear? He booked another appearance without us.
You’re kidding!
-我怎么会这样 -再也不会了
-How did I come to this? -Not again.
-我扮演曾经理查德三世 -谢幕了5次
-I played Richard the Third. -Five curtain calls.
谢幕了5次啊 我曾是个真正的演员
There were five curtain calls. I was an actor once,
damn it, now look at me. Look at me!
我不能上台 我再也不想说那些愚蠢的台词了
I can’t go out there, and I won’t say that stupid line one more time!
-我不能 我也不想 -亚历 起码你有个角色
-I can’t, I won’t. -Well, Alex, at least you had a part.
Okay? You had a character people loved.
我是说 电视评论整整六段都是在说我的身材
I mean, my TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about my boobs
and how they fit into my suit.
No one even bothered to ask me what I do on the show.
你有 等等 让我想一想
You had the… Wait. Wait, I’ll think of it.
我再重复计算机的话 佛莱德
I repeated the computer, Fred.
Your commander is on deck!
今天雾很大 是吗
Wow, that smog is thick today, huh?
我是不是太迟了 亚历山大已经受不了了
Am I too late for Alexander’s panic attack?
我没有受不了 你应该看一看
Apparently not. You know, you should get that looked at. Yeah.
Let’s take a look at a few more clips.
好的 我♥干♥什么呢
Okay. What did I do?
-我们要见船员 -整整4年
-We want the crew! -For those four seasons,
我们对这些船员 产生了很深的感情
we developed the same affection for the crew
as the crew had for each other.
他们不仅仅是探索太空的冒险家 他们是朋友
I mean, these weren’t just adventurers exploring space. These were friends.
-不可思议 -说够了 伙计
-Unbelievable. -You are so full of it, man!
没什么了不起的 那些家伙在墙角放了一些布景
It’s not a big deal. These guys put a little set in their basement.
I’m there about an hour.
没什么的 格温 他们要见指挥官
It’s nothing, Gwen. They wanted the Commander.
-他来了 -亚历山大 等下 抓住他
-There he goes. -Alexander, wait! Grab him! Grab him!
-我们要见他们 -我们要见他们
-We want the crew! -We want the crew!
好的 他们来了
Okay! Yeah! Here we go!
-来啊 老朋友 -老朋友
-Come on, old friend, old friend. -Friend?
你抢了我的戏 我第二集没出场
You stole all my best lines, you cut me out of episode two entirely!
桃丽·麦迪逊 我最喜欢她了 格温·迪马克
Tawny Madison, my personal favorite, Gwen DeMarco!
“来吧 指挥官”
It’s getting hotter, Commander.
是 那正是我要说的
Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!
我们欢迎神枪手 拉雷多·汤米·韦伯
Let’s hear a warm welcome for crack gunner Laredo, Tommy Webber!
-你会上去的 -我不
-You will go out there! -I won’t.
-你说什么都没用 -戏必须演下去
-And nothing you say will make me. -The show must go on.
Freddie Kwan!
Damn you.
他妈的 我再也不会说 那些愚蠢的台词了
Damn you. I won’t say that stupid line one more time.
Tev’Meck, Alexander Dane!
Yeah! All right!
上帝做证 我会为你报仇的
By Grabthar’s hammer, you shall be avenged!
是 好的
Yeah! All right!
That guy can act.
最后 我亲爱的探险者迷们
And finally, my fellow Questerians,
the brave commander of the NSEA Protector,
彼得 彼得 彼得
Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter…
昆西 昆西 昆西
Quincy, Quincy, Quincy, Quincy…
塔加特 塔加特 塔加特
Taggart, Taggart, Taggart, Taggart…
Jason Nesmith!
Yeah! All right!
我们爱你 指挥官
We love you, Commander!
-永不放弃 -永不放弃
-Never give up. -Never give up.
-永不投降 -永不投降
-Never surrender! -Never surrender!
-别管那些火炮 -别管那些火炮
-Damn the resonance cannons, -Damn the resonance cannons,
-全力上啊 -全力上啊
-full speed ahead! -full speed ahead!
The Commander and his crew will be signing autographs
在可乐机旁边的 演播台C和B为大家签名
on imperial decks C and B near the Coke machines.
哇 永远探险 伙计
Quest forever, man!
对不起 飞行员们过来了
Excuse me, pardon me, crew member coming through.
-影迷吗 格温 -嘿 伙计
-Fans, right? Hey, Gwen. -Hey, man.
I want to thank you for that nice intro you gave us today.
伙计 你也许不认识我了 是因为我戴了眼镜
Guy. Probably don’t remember me, do you? It’s the sunglasses, right?
I was on the show in ’82, episode 81.
第一段插播的广♥告♥还没开始 我就被怪物杀掉了 唉
Got killed by a lava monster before the first commercial.
听着 也许我也可以坐在那里 签几个名
Listen, maybe I could sit in and sign a couple of autographs?
上帝做证 我会为你报仇
By Grabthar’s hammer, by the sons of Warvan, I shall avenge you!
By Grabthar’s…
如果我再向左移一英吋 怪物就已经杀掉我了
Had I moved an inch to the left, the beast would have killed me.
另一方面 我的船员正处在危险之中
On the other hand, my crew was in danger.
How did you know what to do?
没有我的这些船员 我就不是一个指挥官了
Come on! Without my crew, I’m not a commander, huh?
I think we all remember what happened to
的怪物后来怎么样了 对吧
that beast on Enok VII, right?
你必须承认 他们确实喜欢他
You’ve got to admit, they really do love him.
是 就像他自己喜欢自己一样
Yeah, almost as much as he loves himself.
对不起 指挥官 嘿
Excuse me, Commander. Hey!
I was wondering if you could help settle the dispute
that my crew and I seem to be having.
嗯 如果你记得 在”帝勒马类星体”
If you remember, in “Quasar Dilemma”…
对不起 打扰一下 伙计
Excuse me for a minute, fellas.
Hadn’t even gotten to the relevant conundrum.
In episode 15, “Mist of Delos V, ”
I got the feeling that you and the Commander kind of had a thing.
Did you?
没有 我们之间什么也没有
No. The Commander and I never had a thing.
好吧 是她这样说的
Well, that’s her story.
Excuse me.
-指挥官 -对不起
-Commander. -Excuse me.
我有事要和你说 十万火急
I must speak to you. It is a matter of supreme importance.
We are Thermians from the Klatu Nebula
and we need your help.
