You wanna play like Petie Wheatstraw?
你想要像佩帝 灰士卓一样来弹吗?
Well, say good night to your soul, son.
Go on, blind boy. Sign.
继续啊,盲孩子 签名吧!
Be here before 12 every Saturday night…
…and you learn them blues.
… 而你会学到蓝调的东西
Boy, about that 2 dollar…
…I’m running a little low on gas.
See you in hell, blind boy.
Oh, man. Look at this shit.
喔,兄弟 看看这玩意儿
Here we go. A little soul from the golden ghetto.
我们来吧 从黄金贫民区 带来的一点点灵魂乐
Hey, Long Island, let’s hear the one about the plantation you was born on.
嘿,长岛,让我们听一下你 出生地农场有关的音乐
Let’s hear how you come to doing time on the pea farm.
让我们听听看你在豌豆农场 时光的心声吧!
You ain’t gonna let me rest with this music talk, are you?
你不是想要让我完成接下来的部份吧, 是吗?
Meet Blind Dog Fulton.
The original, one and only, Willie Brown.
最原创,仅存的一个,威利 布朗
You have found your man. Oh, this is great.
你找到你要找的人 噢,这真的太棒了
This is great. I knew it. You thought…
太棒了,我知道 你以为…
Look, I’m not Robert Johnson, but… No, you ain’t.
听着,我不是罗伯特 强生,但是 不,你不是
You ain’t the beginning of a pimple on the late, great Robert Johnson’s ass.
你不是最后一个开始说 “太棒了”的罗伯特 强生
You might have lightning, but you missing everything else.
你必须要被启发, 但是你已无缘见到这些了
What? Like what? Mileage.
什么? 像什么? 费用
You can’t get that living at home with your mama wiping your butt.
你不能像那样在家里生活 而让你妈妈在背后帮你擦屁♥股♥
I don’t. Where you live?
我没有住家里 你住那里?
It’s like a school dormitory.
Oh, a school dormitory.
Oh, times is hard.
Times is hard.
Willie, wait up. Wait up.
威利,等等 等等
You know what song it was Robert Johnson didn’t record that day?
你知道那一天罗伯特 强生那一首 歌♥没有录到吗?
I was with Robert when he made it up.
Memphis, summer, 1936.
Could you let me in on it? Shit, no.
Well, why not? Why should I?
哦,为什么不行? 为什么我要?
Well, see, I could record it. Like Clapton did with “Crossroads.”
哦,看着,我能够录到就像 克雷普顿的”十字路口”一样
The Rolling Stones did it with “Love in Vain.”
It could be my whole introduction to the blues scene.
We could record it together.
You’re just one more white boy ripping off our music.
你只是一个剽窃我们音乐的 白人小孩而已
No, no. Willie, we’d be giving it to the whole world.
不是,不是这样 威利, 我们要把它带给全世界的人听
See, there’s people who’d give anything for that.
I mean, me and you, we could just… No, you ain’t deserving. No mileage.
我的意思是,我和你,我们就能够… 不,你不值得这么做 没有经费
Willie, look, when I get out of Juilliard, I’ll put on some mileage…
威利,听着,我我从茱莉雅学院回来后 我会有一些经费…
…but right now, I just… – When you get out of Julie who?
…但是现在,我实在是… 当你从茱莉什么的,回来?
Juilliard, it’s just a music school… Ain’t but one school…
茱莉雅音乐学院,她只是一所音乐学校… 不仅是一所学校…
…straight on down to the Delta. That’s where it all started.
…直接往”Delta”曲风走下去 这是所有它起源的地方
Sounds like bird shit.
Come on, Willie. We could record the song right here in the hospital.
拜托,威利 我们可以在医院 里录制这首歌♥
Imagine what we could do with that track. Just imagine what…
想像我们在音轨上能做什么 只要好好想一下…
Eugene, get me out of here.
What? Get me back down to Fulton’s Point…
什么? 带我回到福尔敦的那个地方…
…my piece of land outside Yazoo City.
Right, escape from here. I’d wind up… Get me out and you got that song.
对,逃离这里 我要振作起来… 带我离开这里而你就可以得到那首歌♥了
You serious?
You’re serious. What, are you trying to get me arrested?
你是认真的 什么,你是 想要让我被抓起来是吗?
Come on, Willie, cut the shit, now. I’m serious about this song.
拜托,威利,丢掉这个蠢主意,现在 我对这首歌♥是很认真的
The only shit to cut around here is you.
I’ve been of a mind that you was another lightning boy…
我脑海里有一个想法就是你会 是另一个阳光小子…
…but you just a chicken-ass.
Chicken-ass chickenshit.
胆小鬼 胆小鬼
You can walk?
I can still do a few other things too.
I may be about ready for another woman.
You know, I’ve been married four times. I just wore them all out.
你知道嘛,我曾结过4次婚 只是她们让我吃不消啊!
You’re not a cripple.
You’re always asking people to get things for you.
Yeah, well, they find out I can walk, they take away my Pontiac.
啊,哦,他们发现我能走路 把我的”朋帝克”给弄走
Man ain’t no man he ain’t got no car.
You got a car? No.
你有车吗? 没有
Then you ain’t no man yet.
Not even close, are you, Mr. Chicken-Ass?
Come on, Willie. I’m not chicken.
拜托,威利 我不是胆小鬼
I’m not crazy either.
You want me to get you to Mississippi on what they pay me here?
你要我带你到密西西比 在他们要付我钱的时候?
I got some money I been saving.
You’re not gonna teach me the song? Sure I will.
你并不想要教我那首歌♥对吧? 我是要教你
In the state of Mississippi.
I got a train to catch, Willie.
Go home to your dormitory. Let them wipe and polish your ass real good.
回去你学校宿舍的家吧 让他们好好地打你一顿屁♥股♥
And be sure to call your mama and kiss her…
Why don’t you just leave my mother out of it, Willie.
我妈妈跟这件事无关 你就不要再要提起它了 威利
Look, that song Robert wrote is a real good one.
You could be the first man to record it.
All right. Look.
好的 看着
Tomorrow morning, 5:00. You be ready.
We’ll go to Mississippi, all right?
You mean it? I told you, just be ready.
你是认真的吗? 我告诉过你,给我准备妥当
All right, I’ll be out in a few minutes, okay?
It’s your meter, kid.
孩子 哩程表在跳
Looking for me?
What are you dressed like that for? Because I’m a bluesman.
你穿的那个样子像什么? 因为我是蓝调乐手
You be quiet. Come on.
你给我店店 快一点
Okay, let’s go. Come on.
好啦,我们走 快一点
Hey! Shit.
嘿! 完蛋了
Come on.
Where the hell you think you’re going?
Come on.
Willie. Hey, get back here!
威利 嘿,回来这里!
Come back here. Open the door, open the door!
回来这里 把门打开,把门打开!
Okay, come on.
Get in.
Okay, come on.
Willie, I checked this out last night.
I only have enough cash to get to Memphis.
That’s where we change buses.
I want you to kick in some money to Mississippi. Got that roll on you?
我要你留一点钱到密西西比 你有带一些钱吧?
Been on my hip right next to my whip for 15 years.
已经在我的口袋15年了 可以激发我的斗志
Of course I got it. Let’s have it. Come on.
当然 我有带钱 让我们实现它吧 快点
You don’t be pulling out a wad of bacon like that in New York City.
你不能像在纽约市一样的 对那几块培根肉缩手
In Memphis, I’ll pick up the tickets and pay for the rest.
到了缅菲斯, 我会买♥♥车票和支付其他的费用
All right. I’m gonna go get the tickets.
好的 我要去买♥♥车票了
Well, half is mine. All right, here. You take this.
哦,一半是我的 很好,这里 你拿着
I traveled with Robert off and on between 1932 and 1938.
Last time I saw him was a couple of months before he died.
I wanted to go on to Chicago, but he wanted to go on back to Mississippi.
我想要到芝加哥去 但是他想要回到密西西比
He wanted to learn real good blues and make a name.
他想要学习真正很棒的蓝调音乐 并为它取一个名字
So he went on down… I know. I read all about this, Willie.
所以他持续走下去… 我知道 这一些我都有读过,威利
He went to the crossroads. That’s where he made his deal with the devil.
他走到了十字路口 那里是他和魔鬼交易的地方
You read about it? They have books on blues folklore.
你读过这些吗? 他们书里有蓝调的小故事
Oh, don’t give me that folklore shit. It happened.
噢,不要给我那些狗屁的小故事 它实际发生过
Now, that’s where Robert made his deal…
…and after he told me about it, that’s where I made mine.
…而之后他跟我说这件事, 我也在那里作了交易
They learn you in school what happened to Robert?
Well, some books say he was shot. Some say he was poisoned.
哦,有些书写说他被枪杀 有的写说他被下毒而死
One said he was poisoned, then stabbed.
I don’t think anybody really knows. Yeah, well, I know.
我不认为有人真正地了解 哦,我知道
And it all means just one thing: dead.
而所有的意思就只有一件事: 死亡
