
entice 英 [ɪnˈtaɪs] 美 [ɪnˈtaɪs]



  • Together with advances in technology, the reforms enticed new entrants and created what looks like a fragmented market.
  • The falling price suggests Apple sees that trend and is trying to entice more people to upgrade.


[verb] to persuade sb/sth to go somewhere or to do sth, usually by offering them sth
[动词] 说服某人去某处或者做某事,通常是通过向其提供某物


Entice 源自古法语 enticier(煽动、激发),于13世纪末进入英语,主要指通过提供愉悦或好处来“诱使、劝诱、怂恿”某人做某事,强调引诱手段巧妙且娴熟。另外,还有两个与 entice 相关的单词值得注意,一个是 enticement,指“诱惑物、引诱物”,另一个是 enticing,指“诱人的、迷人的”。


My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

出自旧约全书(Old Testament)。《旧约圣经》是基督教对《圣经》全书的前一部分的常用称呼。旧约圣经原是犹太教主要经籍《塔纳赫》(Hebrew Bible)。


entice” 通常用来表示吸引、诱使或引诱某人去做某事。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. entice with promises – 以承诺诱惑
  2. entice customers – 吸引顾客
  3. entice with discounts – 以折扣吸引
  4. entice someone’s interest – 引起某人的兴趣
  5. entice with rewards – 以奖励吸引
  6. entice with offers – 以优惠吸引
  7. entice potential buyers – 吸引潜在买家
  8. entice with free samples – 以免费样品吸引
  9. entice curiosity – 激发好奇心
  10. entice participation – 鼓励参与
  11. entice through advertising – 通过广告吸引
  12. entice with a tempting proposal – 以诱人的提议吸引
  13. entice with alluring images – 以诱人的图像吸引
  14. entice through marketing tactics – 通过营销策略吸引
  15. entice with special offers – 以特别优惠吸引
  16. entice potential customers – 吸引潜在顾客
  17. entice with exclusive deals – 以独家交易吸引
  18. entice with appealing benefits – 以吸引人的好处吸引
  19. entice through social media – 通过社交媒体吸引
  20. entice with captivating content – 以引人入胜的内容吸引
  21. entice through online advertising – 通过在线广告吸引
  22. entice with a compelling story – 以引人入胜的故事吸引
  23. entice with limited-time offers – 以限时优惠吸引
  24. entice with irresistible deals – 以不可抗拒的交易吸引
  25. entice with attractive discounts – 以诱人的折扣吸引
  26. entice through promotional campaigns – 通过促销活动吸引
  27. entice with exclusive perks – 以独家福利吸引
  28. entice potential clients – 吸引潜在客户
  29. entice with exciting opportunities – 以令人兴奋的机会吸引
  30. entice with special promotions – 以特别促销活动吸引
  31. entice through interactive content – 通过互动内容吸引
  32. entice with alluring offers – 以诱人的优惠吸引
  33. entice through persuasive techniques – 通过有说服力的技巧吸引
  34. entice with premium services – 以优质服务吸引
  35. entice potential investors – 吸引潜在投资者
  36. entice with exclusive rewards – 以独家奖励吸引
  37. entice with unique selling points – 以独特卖点吸引
  38. entice through engaging content – 通过引人入胜的内容吸引
  39. entice with personalized offers – 以个性化的优惠吸引
  40. entice potential users – 吸引潜在用户
  41. entice with limited-edition items – 以限量版商品吸引
  42. entice through emotional appeals – 通过情感呼吁吸引
  43. entice with exclusive privileges – 以独家特权吸引
  44. entice with desirable benefits – 以理想的好处吸引
  45. entice through interactive experiences – 通过互动体验吸引
  46. entice with appealing incentives – 以吸引人的激励吸引
  47. entice potential customers – 吸引潜在顾客
  48. entice with unique opportunities – 以独特机会吸引
  49. entice through creative marketing – 通过创意营销吸引
  50. entice with one-of-a-kind deals – 以独一无二的交易吸引


  • lure: (disapproving) to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them a reward
  • tempt: to attract sb or make sb want to do or have sth, even if they know it is wrong
  • beguile: charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
