


eyesight [‘aɪsaɪt] n. 视力;目力
eyesight 视力 ←词中词→ sigh 叹气
eg. The old lady always sighs because of poor eyesight.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Good eyesight – 良好的视力
  2. Poor eyesight – 弱视
  3. Clear eyesight – 清晰的视力
  4. Impaired eyesight – 视力受损
  5. Farsightedness – 远视
  6. Nearsightedness – 近视
  7. Corrected eyesight – 矫正视力
  8. Blurred eyesight – 视力模糊
  9. Sharp eyesight – 敏锐的视力
  10. Weak eyesight – 弱视
  11. Normal eyesight – 正常视力
  12. Protect your eyesight – 保护视力
  13. Enhance eyesight – 提升视力
  14. Check your eyesight – 检查视力
  15. Optimal eyesight – 最佳视力
  16. Diminished eyesight – 视力减退
  17. Strained eyesight – 视力疲劳
  18. Precise eyesight – 精准的视力
  19. Sharpness of eyesight – 视力的锐利度
  20. Deteriorating eyesight – 视力下降
  21. Eye exercises for better eyesight – 改善视力的眼部锻炼
  22. Protect your eyesight from screen time – 保护眼睛免受长时间使用屏幕的影响
  23. eyesight correction methods – 视力矫正方法
  24. Natural ways to improve eyesight – 提高视力的自然方法
  25. Age-related eyesight changes – 年龄相关的视力变化
  26. Brightness of eyesight – 视力的亮度
  27. Strengthen your eyesight – 加强视力
  28. Preserve your eyesight – 保护视力
  29. eyesight deterioration with age – 随着年龄增长,视力下降
  30. Refractive errors affecting eyesight – 折光错误影响视力
  31. eyesight tests – 视力测试
  32. eyesight improvement tips – 提高视力的建议
  33. Lasik surgery for correcting eyesight – 激光手术矫正视力
  34. Maintain good eyesight – 保持良好的视力
  35. Retain clear eyesight – 保持清晰的视力
  36. Visual acuity – 视力锐利度
  37. Perfect eyesight – 完美的视力
  38. Protect your eyesight from UV radiation – 保护眼睛免受紫外线辐射的影响
  39. eyesight problems – 视力问题
  40. eyesight deterioration due to prolonged reading – 由于长时间阅读导致视力下降
  41. Sharpness of eyesight – 视力的锐利度
  42. eyesight improvement exercises – 视力改善练习
  43. Regular eye check-ups for maintaining eyesight – 定期眼部检查以保持视力
  44. Clearness of eyesight – 视力的清晰度
  45. eyesight preservation techniques – 视力保护技巧
  46. Color perception in eyesight – 视力中的色彩感知
  47. Protect your eyesight from blue light – 保护眼睛免受蓝光的影响
  48. Protect your eyesight from eye strain – 保护眼睛免受眼部疲劳的影响
  49. eyesight improvement supplements – 视力改善补品
  50. Regular breaks for maintaining eyesight – 定期休息以保持视力
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
