Give me another beer and a vodka on the rocks for a pretty lady.
给我一瓶啤酒另外给那位 可爱的小姐来一杯伏特加加冰块
Yeah, I think I might have to dance here.
Okay, where is it?
What? My wallet.
什么? 我的钱包
What are you trying to say?
Come on, you little thief, cough it up.
What, you think I took your wallet? That’s right.
什么,你认为我拿了你的钱包吗? 没有错
Go ahead and search me. Well, I just believe I will.
来啊!你来搜我啊! 喔,我相信我会的
Come on, why don’t you get your hands off her.
This your lady? Yeah, she’s with me.
这是你的小姐? 是啊,她跟我在一起的
Well, she snagged my wallet and she don’t wanna give it back.
喔,她扒了我的钱包 而且她还不想把它还给我
She said she didn’t take it. Did you? No, I didn’t take his wallet.
她说过她没有扒走钱包 你有吗? 没有,我没有拿他的钱包
And he’d better shut his mouth before my friend takes out his gun.
在我的朋友把他的枪拿来之前 或许他最好闭上他的嘴巴
A gun? Yeah.
一把枪? 是啊
You got a gun? Yeah.
你有一把枪? 没错
Let me see it. Go ahead, show it to him.
让我瞧一瞧 去吧,让他瞧瞧
Go on. Come on.
Fella comes in here, packing a gun.
I don’t want any trouble.
It’s not my gun. Hey!
这不是我的枪 嘿!
Holy shit. I don’t want any trouble. Hand that piece over.
我的老天爷 我不想要有任何麻烦 把那把枪放下
Don’t you dare. Will you just come on?
你好大胆 你就不能拜托一下吗?
Great, fine. I don’t want the gun.
很棒,很好 我不要这把枪了
I just wanna get out of here. Let’s get out.
我只想要离开这里 我们走
Now, now, hold it, hold it.
Now, you can get out of here.
I just wanna give you something. Duck!
我只想为你做一些事 呆头鸭!
You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch, Harley!
你这个狗♥娘♥养♥的, 你这个狗♥娘♥养♥的,哈利!
Now, hold it just a goddamn minute.
There ain’t gonna be no more fighting. Harley, Alvin, you settle down.
这里不要再有任何打斗 哈利,亚文,你们冷静下来
Did you take his wallet, miss? Because if you did, give it back to him.
小姐,你有拿他的钱包吗? 因为假如你有拿,把它还给他
Harley’s dumb, but that don’t mean he deserves to have his wallet stolen.
哈利有点垃圾, 但不代表他的钱包就该被偷
He’s got a family and they need the money.
You both got a lot of growing up to do. Now, get on out of here.
你们两个有许多地方要成熟点 现在,过来这里吧
All right, now, let’s everybody get back to drinking!
What you doing in here, honey?
You on the wrong side of the tracks, ain’t you?
You looking for Crupp’s. Crupp’s across the road.
你在找克拉普的地方 克拉普的地方在对面
No, we were there already. We’re just…
不会吧,那里我们已经去过了 我们只是…
We’re just looking for a friend, that’s all.
You see this boy, Ledell?
You come in the juke with your guitar, dressed to play?
你带着你的吉他进来这个小酒馆, 是准备要表演吗?
In a black man’s juke?
I’m surprised you can walk, boy. You got balls this big.
男孩,我很惊讶你可以走路, 你可能有这么大的一颗鸟蛋
Let’s take his guitar from him.
Yes, sir, people! The Lightning Boy has arrived…
是啊,先生,各位! 阳光小子已经来啦…
…and if you’d be so kind to let him and his girl toward the stage
…而假如你们有够亲切的话 让他和他的女孩往台上这边来…
…we gonna blow the roof off this joint.
Let him to the stage, I say!
我说! 让他到台上来
I said, let him toward the stage.
Now, this boy’s come a long way…
…to show you how good he can play that thing.
You wanna hear some music, people?
Come on up here.
How’s the Lightning Boy? Yeah.
阳光小子怎么啦? 是啊
What’s wrong with you? I told you not to come in here.
你是怎么搞的? 我告诉过你不要来这里
I got some heat from the other side. I lost the gun too.
我在别的地方惹了一些麻烦 枪我也搞丢了
You dumb shit, we gonna get heat from this side…
…if we don’t take them back home.
That’s Willie Brown!
那就是威利 布朗!
That’s Willie Brown up there singing. It is?
那就是威利 布朗上来唱歌♥ 就是它?
Sure, I used to see him all the time when I was tiny.
当然,当我很小的时候 我经常可以看到他
Used to play for all the big ones. Yeah, that’s him.
常常为大家弹奏 耶,就是他
He’s a friend of mine. A friend of yours?
他是我的朋友 他是你的朋友吗?
Willie Brown, prince of the Delta blues…
威利 布朗,戴尔它的蓝调王子…
…blows into a juke house that’s been dead for 40 years…
…在这间酒馆刮起一阵旋风 那已经有40年没有看到过了…
…and turns it inside out, man.
And who was up there filling Robert Johnson’s shoes, huh?
而是谁在上面填补罗伯特 强生的位置,哼?
A dipshit from Long Island.
Come on. I was great and you know it.
The owner walked up to Willie, gave him $300 and says:
老板走到威利的旁边, 给了他300美元并对他说:
“Your boy can play.”
“你的孩子真能弹 ”
They know what they’re talking about down here.
You guys were terrific. You guys? Us guys.
你那个小伙子棒呆了 你那个小伙子? 我们的小伙子
Don’t count yourself out.
Looks like Weevil’s right outside Vicksburg…
听起来像是威米尔 又好像是维克博格…
…which is 30 miles shy of Yazoo County. You’re almost there.
…到亚卢郡大概还差30英哩 你们差不多快到了
Willie says that’s the most beautiful land in the state.
I think we should hang with Willie.
We should settle into Fulton’s Point until he teaches me the lost song.
我们应该到福尔敦的地方后落个脚 直到他教我那首遗忘的歌♥
Then we’ll get a van and tour the country.
Blind Dog, Lightning Boy, peddling lost blues.
This stuff is happening… Yeah, it sounds great.
这样的事正在实现… 是啊,听起来很棒
What do I get to do, drive the van? We could get a Blazer. We could go…
我要做些什么,开这辆货车? 我们可以到布雷勒 我们可以到…
Ladies and gentlemen.
Here he is, prince of the Delta blues, Willie Brown!
威利 布朗!他就在这里, 戴尔它的蓝调王子,
Bright lights fry your brain? I guess that’s why you forgot your hat.
炽热的光线烤了你的脑袋吗? 我猜那就是你会忘了你的帽子的原因
I just played my first barrelhouse. I’m a bluesman now.
我只是第一次在爵士酒吧里表演 我现在是一个蓝调乐手了
Bluesman, shit. Only one bluesman in town tonight, that was me.
蓝调乐手,放屁 今晚在这个小镇 只有一个蓝调乐手,那个人就是我
Where you learn to play them pussy chords, in music school?
你从那里去学到那些娘娘腔的和♥弦♥, 是在音乐学院吗?
Only one school. I played the chords I learned on the road and I kicked ass.
只有一个学校,那就是我在这条路上 学会弹这些和♥弦♥而且我实在棒呆了
People felt it, so don’t give me that garbage.
人们感觉到它了, 所以不要跟我讲那些垃圾
People felt whiskey. Same as I’m feeling right now.
人们的感觉到威士忌 就像我现在感觉到的一样
And just about to feel some more.
Hey, Willie, lay off him, okay? He was great.
嘿,威利,让他喘口气,好吗? 他弹的很棒
Got a problem with that? He’s on the road to learn something.
你对那个有什么问题吗? 他在路上想学些东西
Now, he can’t be learning if he’s thinking he’s the boss…
现在,如果他以为他是个老大… 他可不能学到这些
You won’t give an inch, will you?
You can’t even come in here and say, “Nice job, kid.”
你甚至无法进来这里而对 他说,”做的好,孩子 ”
You can’t even give me a “congratulations.”
You know what you want, Lightning?
You want me to stand here and say:
“Boy, you as good as Robert Johnson.” But you ain’t.
“孩子,你像罗伯特 强生一样棒 ” 但你不是
Now, if you’d spend as much time with your hands on them strings…
现在,如果你用更多时间 让你的手花在那些琴弦上…
…as you do on this girl’s ass, you might get somewhere.
…就像你在这个女孩身上做的, 你可能已经在其他地方了
Excuse me, I think I’ll go to my room and leave you two lovebirds be.
很抱歉,我想我要回去我的房♥间 让你们两只小鸳鸯独处吧
He’s a mean, shitty old man.
Shame on you, Willie Brown…
你真丢脸,威利 布朗…
…traveling all the way back down home as if you had a chance.
…长途跋涉回到家乡 就好像你会有一个机会一样
Ain’t got no chance, Blind Dog. You sold your soul.
盲狗,不会有什么机会 你已经出♥卖♥♥♥了你的灵魂
You going down. All the way down.
你撩下去了 很久以前就撩下去了
Hellhounds on your trail, boy. Hellhounds on your trail.
地狱使者紧跟着你的足迹, 孩子 地狱使者紧跟着你的足迹
All right.
Why you sneaking around?
I’m going. Going where?
我要走了 走去那里?
Gotta get to L.A. I’m just like you and Eugene, you know.
要到洛杉矶去 你知道嘛, 我蛮喜欢你和尤金两个的
I got places to go.
What about the boy? You know…
这孩子怎么办? 你是知道的…
There’s no goodbyes on the road. It doesn’t work that way.
在这条路上没有人会说再见 这样做是没有意义的
You give Lightning Boy a hug for me, okay?
Tell him I’ll miss him.
You’re right. Ain’t no goodbyes on the road.
你是对的 没有人会在这条路上说再见
See you around, huh?
What’s this? $ 100 take care of you for a while.
这是什么? 100美元可以让你撑个一阵子
Keep you out of trouble. Get you to L.A. safe.
你要离麻烦远一点 让你安全地到洛杉矶
I don’t want you having to deal…
…with no more of them motel men, you understand?
…跟一些汽车旅馆等奇奇怪怪的男人, 你了解吗?
Jesus, I can’t believe you.
Go ahead. Take care of yourself.
走吧 照顾好你自己
