Artist: Dao Lang (刀郎) •Featuring artist: 云朵, 王漢儀
Song: 愛是你我 (Ài shì nǐ wǒ)


女:爱是你我 用心交织的生活
女:爱是你和我 在患难之中不变的承诺
女:爱是你的手 把我的伤痛抚摸
女:爱是用我的心 倾听你的忧伤欢乐
男:爱是你我 用心交织的生活
男:爱是你和我 在患难之中不变的承诺
男:爱是你的手 把我的伤痛抚摸
男:爱是用我的心 倾听你的忧伤欢乐
男:这世界我来了 任凭狂风漩涡
女:这是你爱的承诺 让我看到那阳光闪烁
合:就算生活 给我无尽的苦痛折磨
男:爱是你我 用心交织的生活
男:爱是你和我 在患难之中不变的承诺
男:爱是你的手 把我的伤痛抚摸
男:爱是用我的心 倾听你的忧伤欢乐
合:这世界我来了 任凭狂风漩涡
女:这是你爱的承诺 让我看到那阳光闪烁
合:就算生活 给我无尽的苦痛折磨

Love Is You and Me

W: Love is you and me, diligently intertwined for life
W: Love is you and me, unchanging commitment, even in adversity
W: Love is your hand, caressing my pain
W: Love is listening to your sadness and joy with my heart
M: Love is you and me, intertwined for life
M: Love is you and me, unchanging commitment, even in adversity
M: Love is your hand, caressing my pain
M: Love is listening to your sadness and joy with my heart
M: I’m on my way to this world despite the swirling strong wind
W: It is your promise of love that lets me see that the sun is shining
W: Love – embracing me
Both: I can feel it caressing me
Both: Even if life gives me endless pain and torment
W: I still feel happier
M: Love is you and me, diligently intertwined for life
M: Love is you and me, unchanging commitment, even in adversity
M: Love is your hand, caressing my pain
M: Love is listening to your sadness and joy with my heart
Both: I’m on my way to this world despite the vortex of strong wind
W: It is your promise of love that lets me see that the sun is shining
W: Love – embracing me
Both: I can feel it caressing me
Both: Even if life gives me endless pain and torment
W: I still feel happier
M: I feel happier

Submitted by gezellig

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
