

[adjective] not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable
[形容词] 在模式或运动上不平稳或不规律的;不可预测的


Erratic 是一个与熟词 error 同源的单词,都源自于拉丁语 errare (漫游;犯错)。

其中, erratic 由词根 err (漫游、走;迷路、偏离)+后缀 -atic (属于……的)构成,于14世纪末经古法语 erratique (漫游的、游走的)或者直接由拉丁语 erraticus (漫游的、游走的、偏离的)进入英语后,也是用来表示“流浪的、游移的、无固定路线的”,比如运行轨道不定的彗星(an erratic comet)、小溪不定的流径(the erractic path of the rivulet)。

从这个概念出发,到了1841年后, erratic 开始发展出现在的主要含义指“不稳定的、不确定的、不规则的”,常作贬义词使用,多指动作、行为、表现、性情、记录、结果等变化无常地偏离常规,不可预测,比如:

  • 玛丽是一名勤奋努力的运动员,但发挥不稳定。
    Mary is an industrious but erratic player.

用作名词时, erratic 主要用在地质学中表示“漂砾、漂石”,即与周围岩石不同的岩石或巨石,被认为是在冰川作用下从远处带来的,也作 erratic block 或 erratic boulder 。


It was too much like laughing at a man when sober for his erratic deeds during intoxication.

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代的长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)。


  • But consistent behaviour can have as deterrent an effect as erratic unpredictability: if your adversaries believe that you will keep your word, then your word can shape their actions.
  • He is also likely to offer a stark contrast to the flamboyant style and erratic behavior of Boris Johnson, his former boss and Ms. Truss’s discredited predecessor.


  • 定义:Erratic 是一个形容词,用于描述行为、运动或情况的不规律、不稳定或不可预测。它表示缺乏一贯性、不按规律或常态行事的特征。
  • 例句
    1. His erratic behavior puzzled his friends.(他的反常行为让他的朋友感到困惑。)
    2. The stock market has been experiencing erratic fluctuations recently.(股市最近出现了不稳定的波动。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 行为或运动的不规律
    • The child’s erratic sleeping pattern has been causing concern for the parents.(孩子不规律的睡眠模式让父母感到担忧。)
    • The dog’s erratic behavior made it difficult to train.(这只狗行为反常,训练起来很困难。)
  2. 情况、状态或现象的不稳定
    • The weather has been highly erratic this month, with sudden temperature changes and unpredictable storms.(这个月的天气变化异常不稳定,温度突然变化,风暴无法预测。)
    • The company’s financial performance has been erratic, with alternating periods of profit and loss.(公司的财务表现不稳定,盈亏交替出现。)
  3. 预测或计划的不可靠
    • The train service is known for its erratic schedule, often arriving late or departing early.(这条火车线路因其不可靠的时刻表而闻名,经常迟到或提前发车。)
    • The project progress has been erratic, with frequent changes in timelines and objectives.(该项目的进展不稳定,时间表和目标频繁变动。)

总之,erratic 是一个形容词,用于描述行为、运动或情况的不规律、不稳定或不可预测。它表示缺乏一贯性、不按规律或常态行事的特征。


  1. Erratic behavior (反复无常的行为)
  2. Erratic movement (不规则的移动)
  3. Erratic schedule (不稳定的日程安排)
  4. Erratic performance (波动的表现)
  5. Erratic weather patterns (变幻莫测的天气模式)
  6. Erratic driving (鲁莽驾驶)
  7. Erratic decision-making (反复无常的决策)
  8. Erratic energy levels (不稳定的能量水平)
  9. Erratic sleep patterns (不规律的睡眠模式)
  10. Erratic communication (不可预测的沟通)


erratic (er RAT ik) This adjective is a bit different from the other words that mean changeable. From the Latin word that means “to wander,” it connotes lacking consistency or regularity. There is a noun form— “erraticism”—but no one uses it.

  • Joey’s erratic behavior stymied his parents; they considered taking him to a psychologist.
  • Martine’s grades were so erratic that the teacher did not recommend her for the honors class.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


飘忽不定(er RAT ik)这个形容词与其他表示可变的词有点不同。从拉丁语单词“流浪”的意思来看,它意味着缺乏一致性或规律性。有一种名词形式——“勘误表”——但没有人使用它。

  • 乔伊反复无常的行为使他的父母感到困惑;他们考虑带他去看心理医生
  • 玛蒂娜的成绩太不稳定了,以至于老师没有推荐她参加荣誉班。


volatile: (of a person) liable to display rapid changes of emotion
fickle: changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties, interests, or affection
mercurial: (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind
