contrive 英 [kənˈtraɪv] 美 [kənˈtraɪv]



  • Google’s machine is a special-purpose device that was designed to solve a contrived problem with few practical uses.
  • All modesty — either real or contrived to guard against exposure — was absent from the man.


[verb] create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice
[动词] 通过有意识地运用技巧和手段来创造或引起(某个物体或情况)


Contrive 一词源自晚期拉丁语 contropare (通过修辞手法进行比较),经古法语 controver (找出、设法、设想,对应现代法语 controuver)于14世纪初进入英语后开始表示“设计、发明、想出、造出”,多指以某种巧妙的、可能不同寻常的方式发明或制造,比如:

  • 她对几块印花棉布加以充分利用,设计出了一条连衣裙。穿这件光鲜靓丽的新连衣裙,她显得更有身段了。
    She made full use of several pieces of calico and contrived a dress from them. The smart new dress was fitted to give her a flattering silhouette.
  • 事情一度糟糕透了。最终我们想出了对付局势的各种办法。
    Things were pretty grim for a time. Finally, we contrived ways of handling the situation.

之所以要采用巧妙的方式不走寻常路,常常是因为困难重重不得已而为之,而 contrive 也可以用来表示克服重重困难“促成”某事,或者接不定式表示不顾困难而“设法做到”,比如:

  • 他们一直在网上互相诋毁。我决定设法让他们双方见上一面。
    They have been vilifying each other online. I decided to contrive a meeting between the two of them.
  • 由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里的贫民无法从银行贷款。所以他们不得不靠菲薄的收入将就着过日子。
    The destitute here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral. So they have to contrive to live on a small income.

这股子聪明劲要是用错了地方,那就成了 contrive 的贬义指通过欺骗的手段“策划、谋划、图谋、设法做到”,多指做某种愚蠢的事或造成某种不良后果,比如:

  • 由于油价已到了停滞期,于是石油公司故意制造汽油短缺以名正言顺地提高油价。
    Since the oil price had reached a plateau, the oil companies contrived a shortage of gasoline to justify price increases.
  • 他们精心策划了一个方案来勒索那家公司。
    They contrived a plan to blackmail the company.


I know you will contrive it all.

出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。该小说出版于1813年,主要讲述了乡绅之女伊丽莎白·贝内特和富有的达西先生的爱情故事,反映了19世纪英国乡绅阶层的礼节、成长、教育、道德、婚姻的情态。


contrive” 通常用来表示设计、发明、策划等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. contrive a plan – 设计计划
  2. Ingeniously contrive – 精巧地设计
  3. contrive a solution – 设计解决方案
  4. Skillfully contrive – 巧妙地策划
  5. contrive a way – 设法想出方法
  6. Expertly contrive – 熟练地设计
  7. contrive an escape – 策划逃生
  8. Cleverly contrive – 聪明地设计
  9. contrive a scheme – 策划计划
  10. Wisely contrive – 明智地设计
  11. contrive a plot – 设计情节
  12. Thoughtfully contrive – 深思熟虑地设计
  13. contrive a strategy – 设计策略
  14. Artfully contrive – 巧妙地策划
  15. contrive an excuse – 想出借口
  16. Resourcefully contrive – 资源丰富地设计
  17. contrive a way out – 设法脱身
  18. Skillfully contrive a plan – 技巧地设计计划
  19. contrive a surprise – 设计惊喜
  20. Ingeniously contrive a solution – 精巧地设计解决方案
  21. contrive a clever trick – 设计巧妙的把戏
  22. Effortlessly contrive – 毫不费力地设计
  23. Cunningly contrive – 狡猾地策划
  24. contrive a mechanism – 设计机制
  25. Strategically contrive – 战略性地设计
  26. contrive a creative solution – 设计创意解决方案
  27. Deviously contrive – 偷偷摸摸地设计
  28. contrive a way forward – 设法前进
  29. contrive a workaround – 设计权宜之计
  30. Ingeniously contrive a plan – 精巧地设计计划
  31. Skillfully contrive a solution – 技巧地设计解决方案
  32. contrive a complex scheme – 设计复杂计划
  33. Thoughtfully contrive a strategy – 深思熟虑地设计策略
  34. Cleverly contrive a plan – 聪明地设计计划
  35. Resourcefully contrive a solution – 资源丰富地设计解决方案
  36. Cunningly contrive a plot – 狡猾地设计情节
  37. Ingeniously contrive a mechanism – 精巧地设计机制
  38. contrive a way to succeed – 设法成功
  39. contrive a diplomatic solution – 设计外交解决方案
  40. contrive a novel approach – 设计新颖方法
  41. contrive a brilliant idea – 设计出色的想法
  42. Wisely contrive a strategy – 明智地设计策略
  43. contrive a clever solution – 设计巧妙解决方案
  44. contrive a technical solution – 设计技术方案
  45. Effortlessly contrive a plan – 毫不费力地设计计划
  46. Skillfully contrive a strategy – 巧妙地设计策略
  47. Thoughtfully contrive a plan – 深思熟虑地设计计划
  48. contrive a way to overcome challenges – 设法克服困难
  49. contrive a unique solution – 设计独特解决方案
  50. contrive a detailed plan – 设计详细计划


  • engineer: skillfully or artfully arrange for (an event or situation) to occur
  • orchestrate: arrange or direct the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously
  • fabricate: invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
