

[verb] catch fire or cause to catch fire
[动词] 着火或引起着火


Ignite 是一个与单词 lignite (褐煤)十分形似的单词,该词源自拉丁语 ignis (火),17世纪60年代经拉丁语 ignire (放火烧、烧红)的过去分词 ignitus 进入英语,即用作及物动词表示“点燃、使燃烧”,并到了1818后也开始用作不及物动词表示“着火、发火”。

相较于日常使用, ignite 更常用于科技文本,有时意味着将物质加热到发光或白炽状态,也就是“(使)灼热、发光”,比如使灯泡内的钨丝灼热发光(ignite the tungsten filaments in the bulb)。但更多时候意味着通过放置一个小火焰或者电火花,来直接或间接接触汽油、燃气、火药等易燃物质并使之燃烧。

而在日常使用时, ignite 与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)之前推送过的 kindle 区别很小,只是 ignite 更常用于点燃高度易燃的物质,比如:

  • 火焰熔化了一段铅管,燃着了漏出来的煤气。
    Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas.

从这个概念出发, ignite 很自然地就被用来喻指“激起、使激动”,也就是像点燃易燃物那般激起或激怒情绪或某个情况,比如:

  • 他的话引发了他们的盛怒。
    His words ignited their wrath.
  • 曾经有一位出色的老师真正激起了我对文字的兴趣。
    There was an eminent teacher who really ignited my interest in words.


Letters from men at the front complained constantly of shoes that wore out in a week, gunpowder that would not ignite, harness that snapped at any strain, meat that was rotten and flour that was full of weevils.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  • Mr Hamilton’s ascent has ignited debate over whether he is F1’s best driver ever.
  • Muslim groups and scholars in France and elsewhere voiced concerns on Tuesday that a satirical newspaper’s first cover since the attack on its journalists last week could ignite dangerous new passions in a debate pitting free speech against religious doctrine.



  1. Ignite a fire (点燃火焰) – To start or set a fire.
    • Example: He used a match to ignite a fire in the fireplace.
  2. Ignite a passion (点燃激情) – To spark or awaken a strong interest or enthusiasm.
    • Example: The teacher’s motivational speech ignited a passion for learning in the students.
  3. Ignite the imagination (激发想象力) – To inspire or stimulate creative thinking or ideas.
    • Example: The colorful illustrations in the book ignited the children’s imagination.
  4. Ignite a debate (引发辩论) – To initiate or start a heated discussion or argument.
    • Example: The controversial topic ignited a debate among the panelists.
  5. Ignite a revolution (引发革命) – To spark or trigger a significant social or political change.
    • Example: The injustice and inequality ignited a revolution in the country.
  6. Ignite a spark (点燃火花) – To create or generate a small burst of energy or inspiration.
    • Example: The guitarist’s amazing solo ignited a spark of creativity in the young musician.
  7. Ignite a movement (引发运动) – To initiate or start a widespread social or cultural movement.
    • Example: The leader’s passionate speech ignited a movement for equality and justice.
  8. Ignite curiosity (激发好奇心) – To arouse or stimulate a strong desire to know or learn more.
    • Example: The science experiment ignited curiosity in the students about the natural world.
  9. Ignite hope (点燃希望) – To inspire or instill a sense of optimism or belief in a positive outcome.
    • Example: The charity organization’s efforts ignited hope in the lives of underprivileged children.
  10. Ignite a memory (唤起记忆) – To trigger or bring back a specific memory or recollection.
    • Example: The scent of roses ignited a cherished childhood memory.
  11. Ignite creativity (激发创造力) – To stimulate or inspire the ability to generate new and imaginative ideas.
    • Example: The art class ignited creativity in the students through various creative exercises.
  12. Ignite the stage (点燃舞台) – To deliver an outstanding performance that captivates the audience.
    • Example: The actor’s powerful monologue ignited the stage and received a standing ovation.
  13. Ignite a revolution (引发革命) – To spark or initiate a significant change or transformation.
    • Example: The invention of the smartphone ignited a revolution in communication and technology.
  14. Ignite the crowd (点燃观众) – To energize or excite a group of people, typically during a performance or event.
    • Example: The band’s energetic performance ignited the crowd, and everyone started dancing.
  15. Ignite enthusiasm (激发热情) – To spark or generate a strong sense of enthusiasm or excitement.
    • Example: The coach’s motivational speech ignited enthusiasm in the team before the game.
  16. Ignite a change (引发变革) – To initiate or catalyze a transformation or alteration in a particular situation.
    • Example: The groundbreaking research ignited a change in the scientific community’s understanding.
  17. Ignite the engine (点燃发动机) – To start or activate the engine of a vehicle.
    • Example: He turned the key to ignite the engine and began his journey.
  18. Ignite a dream (点燃梦想) – To inspire or ignite a strong desire or ambition to achieve something significant.
    • Example: Her success story ignited a dream in many aspiring entrepreneurs.
  19. Ignite a revolution (引发革命) – To spark or incite a radical or transformative movement or change.
    • Example: The social media campaign ignited a revolution in public awareness and activism.
  20. Ignite determination (激发决心) – To inspire or strengthen someone’s resolve or determination to overcome challenges.
    • Example: The athlete’s comeback story ignited determination in others facing adversity.
  21. Ignite a fuse (点燃引线) – To light or activate the fuse of an explosive device.
    • Example: He carefully ignited the fuse and quickly moved away for safety.
  22. Ignite teamwork (激发团队合作) – To inspire or encourage effective collaboration and cooperation among team members.
    • Example: The team-building exercises ignited teamwork and improved productivity.
  23. Ignite a dream (点燃梦想) – To ignite or awaken a strong ambition or aspiration to pursue a particular goal.
    • Example: The mentor’s guidance and support ignited a dream of becoming an astronaut.
  24. Ignite motivation (激发动力) – To spark or awaken a strong drive or motivation to achieve success.
    • Example: The success stories of famous entrepreneurs ignited motivation in the aspiring business owners.
  25. Ignite change (引发变革) – To initiate or bring about a significant change or transformation.
    • Example: The political leader’s speech ignited a desire for change among the citizens.
  26. Ignite the night (点燃夜晚) – To make the night vibrant, exciting, or memorable through various activities or events.
    • Example: The city’s fireworks display ignited the night sky with dazzling colors.
  27. Ignite the audience (点燃观众) – To captivate, engage, or excite the audience during a performance or presentation.
    • Example: The comedian’s hilarious jokes ignited the audience, filling the room with laughter.
  28. Ignite a love for learning (点燃学习的热情) – To inspire or cultivate a strong passion and interest in acquiring knowledge and skills.
    • Example: The teacher’s interactive teaching methods ignited a love for learning in her students.
  29. Ignite possibilities (点燃可能性) – To stimulate or open up a wide range of potential opportunities or outcomes.
    • Example: The entrepreneur’s innovative idea ignited possibilities for new business ventures.
  30. Ignite a sense of purpose (点燃使命感) – To awaken or inspire a deep sense of meaning, direction, or purpose in life.
    • Example: The volunteer work ignited a sense of purpose and fulfillment in her heart.


kindle: set (something) on fire
light: make (something) start burning; ignite
arouse: evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
