strut 英 [strʌt] 美 [strʌt]



  • But no one is keener to strut their stuff than Airbus and Boeing, the world’s two biggest makers of airliners.
  • But many more strut out coolly toward their lanes wearing headphones.


[verb] walk with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait
[动词] 以硬挺、竖直、明显傲慢或自负的步态行走


Strut 一词源自古英语 strutian (凸出、鼓起或直挺挺地凸起),16世纪末开始用来表示“趾高气扬地走、高视阔步”,强调浮夸的或演戏似的装模作样,带着矫揉造作的尊贵,比如:

  • 他过去常常在城里大摇大摆地晃荡,好像那是他的地盘。但他现在要面对狱中生活的严酷现实了。
    He used to strut around town like he owned the place. But he now faces the stark reality of life in prison.
  • 男孩们神气十足地走来走去,想引起旁边一群女孩的注意。女孩们忍住不嘲笑他们,直到他们走了。
    The boys strutted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby. The girls refrained from sneering at them until they were gone.

而在上面《经济学人》例句中出现的习语 strut one’s stuff 本义指为了引起他人注意而“卖弄地跳舞、表演”,泛指则表示“显露身手、卖弄本领”,比如:

  • 别自吹自擂了。你为什么不下舞池露上一手?
    Stop blowing your own trumpet. Why don’t you get out on the floor and strut your stuff?
  • 他决心一改公司保守落后的形象,并且认为这是他大展身手的好机会。
    He decided to revamp the company’s provincial image and believed that it was the opportunity for him to strut his stuff.

另外, strut 也可以用作名词,除了表示“趾高气扬的步态、高视阔步的样子”外,还可以指细长的用来支撑车辆、建筑,或使之部分结构更加坚固的“支柱、撑杆、支杆”,比如:

  • One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.


Malfoy strutted over, smirking.

出自英国作家J.K.罗琳创作的长篇小说《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)。该小说是《哈利·波特》系列的第二部。


strut” 这个单词的中文解释是 “趾高气扬地走” 或者 “炫耀”。

以下是包含 “strut” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. strut with confidence – 自信地走
  2. strut down the runway – 走T型台
  3. strut like a peacock – 像孔雀一样炫耀
  4. strut one’s stuff – 展示自己的本领
  5. strut your stuff – 展示你的本领
  6. strut in style – 以时尚的方式走
  7. strut with pride – 自豪地走
  8. strut with elegance – 优雅地走
  9. strut confidently – 自信地走
  10. strut with grace – 优雅地走
  11. strut with poise – 带着自信走
  12. strut in high heels – 穿高跟鞋走
  13. strut in a fashionable outfit – 穿时尚的服装走
  14. strut with a swagger – 自信地走
  15. strut with a confident demeanor – 自信的举止
  16. strut like a model – 像模特一样走
  17. strut with attitude – 带着态度走
  18. strut with a sense of importance – 带着重要感走
  19. strut confidently in front of an audience – 自信地在观众面前走
  20. strut in a business suit – 穿西装走
  21. strut with a sense of achievement – 带着成就感走
  22. strut with a triumphant air – 带着胜利的气氛走
  23. strut with a bold manner – 带着大胆的方式走
  24. strut like a champion – 像冠军一样走
  25. strut in a parade – 在游行中走
  26. strut with a confident stride – 自信地大步走
  27. strut with a casual air – 带着随意的氛围走
  28. strut with a carefree attitude – 带着无忧无虑的态度走
  29. strut in front of the camera – 在摄像机面前走
  30. strut in a music video – 在音乐视频中走
  31. strut in a dance performance – 在舞蹈表演中走
  32. strut like a superstar – 像超级巨星一样走
  33. strut on the red carpet – 在红地毯上走
  34. strut with a flamboyant style – 以艳丽的风格走
  35. strut with a confident posture – 带着自信的姿势走
  36. strut with a dramatic flair – 带着戏剧性的风格走
  37. strut with charisma – 带着魅力走
  38. strut in a show – 在演出中走
  39. strut like a celebrity – 像名人一样走
  40. strut with elegance and grace – 优雅地走
  41. strut with a touch of arrogance – 带着一丝傲慢走
  42. strut with a hint of mystery – 带着一丝神秘走
  43. strut with a confident smile – 带着自信的微笑走
  44. strut with a charismatic presence – 带着有魅力的气场走
  45. strut like a boss – 像老板一样走
  46. strut with a sense of fashion – 带着时尚感走
  47. strut with a graceful movement – 优雅地走
  48. strut with a bold and confident attitude – 带着大胆自信的态度走
  49. strut with a confident demeanor – 自信的举止
  50. strut with a proud attitude – 带着骄傲的态度走


  • swagger: walk or behave in a very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive way
  • swank: display one’s wealth, knowledge, or achievements in a way that is intended to impress others
  • prance: (of a person) walk or move around with ostentatious, exaggerated movements
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
