

[verb] release from a leash or restraint
[动词] 从皮带或约束措施中放出来


Unleash 一词最早出现于17世纪70年代,由前缀 un- (相反动作、取消、除去)+ leash (用皮带等系住、缚住、牵住狗、鹰等动物,作名词指“拴狗的皮带、链条”)构成,其本义即“解皮带放开”,比如:

  • 被这犟孩子的行为激怒后,该男子解带放开了一条恶狗。
    Enraged by the restive child’s behavior, the man unleashed a vicious dog.

从这个概念出发, unleash 很自然地就被用来引申指“突然释放、放纵……发出、使爆发”,多指突然使强大或暴力的力量、情绪、活动或群体等释放出来或者变得不受约束,比如:

  • 几天之内,他就向首都发起了猛攻。
    He unleashed an onslaught against the capital within days.
  • 那个脾气暴躁的老人把所有的怒气都发泄在我身上。
    The full force of the grumpy old man’s rage was unleashed against me.


To deliver on the two centenary goals, realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, and steadily improve our people’s lives, we must continue to pursue development as the Party’s top priority in governance; we must unleash and develop productive forces, continue reforms to develop the socialist market economy, and promote sustained and sound economic growth.

出自十九大报告《决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利》(Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)。


  • Enemies and friends know that it is prepared to unleash an economic arsenal to protect its national interest.
  • He unleashed an avalanche of lies and baseless claims of fraud — conspiracy theories that filled his supporters with a delusional belief that the election had been stolen from him.



  1. Unleash the power – 发挥力量
    • The athlete unleashed her full power in the final sprint. (运动员在最后的冲刺中发挥出她全部的力量。)
  2. Unleash creativity – 发挥创造力
    • The workshop aims to unleash the creativity of participants through various artistic activities. (这个研讨会旨在通过各种艺术活动发挥参与者的创造力。)
  3. Unleash potential – 发掘潜力
    • The educational program is designed to unleash the potential of students in science and technology. (这个教育计划旨在发掘学生在科学技术方面的潜力。)
  4. Unleash a weapon – 发动武器
    • The military decided to unleash their secret weapon to gain an advantage in the battle. (军方决定发动他们的秘密武器,在战斗中取得优势。)
  5. Unleash anger – 发泄愤怒
    • The frustrated crowd unleashed their anger on the vandalized property. (沮丧的人群对遭到破坏的财产发泄了愤怒。)


  1. Unleash a flood – 引发洪水
    • The heavy rain unleashed a flood that caused widespread damage. (暴雨引发了一场洪水,造成了广泛的破坏。)
  2. Unleash a storm – 引发暴风雨
    • The strong winds and dark clouds unleashed a powerful storm in the area. (强风和乌云引发了该地区的强烈暴风雨。)
  3. Unleash a virus – 释放病毒
    • The accidental release of the virus unleashed a global health crisis. (病毒的意外释放引发了全球的健康危机。)
  4. Unleash chaos – 引发混乱
    • The sudden announcement of the policy change unleashed chaos in the market. (政策变更的突然公布在市场上引发了混乱。)
  5. Unleash a revolution – 引发革命
    • The influential book unleashed a revolution in the way people think about society. (这本有影响力的书引发了人们对社会思考方式的革命。)


  1. Unleash your potential – 发挥你的潜力
    • With proper training and guidance, you can unleash your full potential. (通过适当的培训和指导,你可以发挥出全部潜力。)
  2. Unleash your inner strength – 发挥内在力量
    • In challenging times, it’s important to unleash your inner strength and resilience. (在艰难的时刻,发挥内在的力量和韧性是很重要的。)
  3. Unleash the beast – 释放野兽(指释放内在的力量或激情)
    • The adrenaline rush during the performance allowed him to unleash the beast within. (表演期间的肾上腺素激增使他释放出内在的力量。)
  4. Unleash a torrent of emotions – 释放情绪的洪流
    • The heartfelt speech unleashed a torrent of emotions among the audience. (那个发自内心的演讲引发了观众中的情绪洪流。)
  5. Unleash a wave of innovation – 掀起创新的浪潮
    • The company’s new product line has the potential to unleash a wave of innovation in the industry. (公司的新产品系列有潜力在行业中掀起一股创新的浪潮。)


release: allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free
untether: release or free from a tether
unshackle: release from shackles, chains, or other physical restraints

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
