猫咪保护世界安全之卧底 猫咪情报员
Mousers Enforcing Our World’s Safety. Feline intelligence.
猫咪情报员 是吗! 好啊 快问快答 8乘8是多少?
Feline intelligence, huh? Okay, quick, what’s eight times eight?
6♥4♥ – 哈哈 错了
Sixty-four. – Ha! Wrong!
八先拿掉三 然后去掉二
It’s eight, carry the three, move the two…
I’m gonna have to get back to you.
MEOWS protects the world’s cats against the pooch peril.
就是你 浪子. – 有人
That’s you, Rover. – Human!
快躲 快躲
Hide. Hide. Hide.
Can’t you doggies do anything else?
噢 为什么我们只有这一招
Ugh. Why is this always our fallback position?
You weren’t hired by Kitty Galore to find the bird?
你又错了 臭狗
Wrong again, fleabag.
My mission is to find her and take her down.
听好 珍珠猫 本来的代号♥叫a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu
See, Kitty Galore, a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu…
曾经是猫底最棒的探员 直到一年前
…was one of MEOWS’ best agents until a year ago.
不 不要靠近我!
No. Don’t come any closer.
She was on assignment at a cosmetics factory…
…when a guard dog chased her into a vat of hair-removal cream.
从此他光秃秃 还被探员同事嘲笑排挤
Hairless beyond recognition and humiliated by her fellow agents…
…Ivana left MEOWS and returned to her home.
这只怪物是什么? 都把狗狗吓坏了 快把那东西赶出去
What is that hideous thing? It’s freaking out the dog! Get that thing out!
But it’s Christmas.
I’ll make them pay.
从此之后 他浪迹天涯 并且改名叫做珍珠猫
After that, she went rogue, changed her name to Kitty Galore…
展开了他的复仇计划 直至今日
…and has been bent on revenge ever since.
等等 如果他想毁掉所有狗类 那你为什么还要阻止她?
Wait. If she wants to destroy all dogs, why are you trying to stop her?
别再听信谣言了 并不是猫咪就是邪恶的代表
Contrary to your belief, all cats aren’t evil.
We care about humans as much as you do.
珍珠猫要对人类与狗进行复仇 这就是为什么要阻止她
Kitty wants revenge on dogs and humans, and that is why she must be stopped.
嘿 狗狗 你有毛病啊 小子
Hey, doggies. – What is wrong with you, kid?
How many times can you go down the same slide?
真对不起 我的意思是…我是说“咕”
I’m sorry. I mean… I mean coo.
Mommy! Mommy!
We’ve been compromised.
你不要在人类面前讲话 除非你变成鹦鹉
Unless you turn into a parrot, never talk in front of humans!
听着 我知道珍珠猫会为了这只鸟而来 而你会需要我的帮助
Listen, I know Kitty. She’s coming after this bird, and you’ll need my help.
抱歉了探员 跟猫合作免谈
Sorry, Agent LicksAlot, no cats allowed.
Something we agree on.
你们没有退路了 试试看阻止我啊!
You guys don’t have a choice. Just try and stop me.
喂, 你好
拉森警官 我是雷蒙德警官
Officer Larson, this is Officer Raymond.
你编号♥K-9的搭档迪格斯失踪了 – 什么?
Your K-9 partner, Diggs, is missing. – What?
我们今天去查看他的笼子时 发现他已经不见了
During today’s rounds, his cage was vacant. He seems to be lost.
How do you lose Diggs?
他还没有真的丢掉 因为我们还没收到相关的文件
He’s not officially lost. We’re filing the appropriate papers.
你回笼子再找找他 再告诉我他没躺在地板上
Go back and check for him. He didn’t fall through the floor!
Yes, sir.
抱歉亲爱的 我等等再回来 迪格斯失踪了
Sorry, honey, I’ll be back. Diggs is missing.
Today’s specials are leftover meatloaf and bacon.
Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
为了你好 最好是跟紧我 小猫 我建议你眼睛不要到处乱瞄
Follow me, cat. For your own good, I suggest you avoid sudden moves.
今晚七点将上映的《史酷比》入场卷 已售完 请各位准时入场
The 7 p.m. Screening of Scooby-Doo is now sold out. Tickets still available…
Wait! Is that a cat?
Why is everybody looking at me…
like they’ve never seen a crippled pigeon riding on a dusty dog?
Would you guys stay out of there?
派奇 不可以 那电脑不是给你咬的玩具
Patches, no, that computer is not a chew toy.
嘿 别把你的尾巴放进削铅笔机里
Hey, get your tail out of that pencil sharpener.
酷奇 不要和你哥哥吵架
Cookie, stop barking at your brother!
Where’s the Dog Whisperer when you need him?
At least they’re not wearing sweaters.
我老婆今天放大假 所以我只好看着这些调皮蛋
The wife is at the groomers today, so I’m watching the litter.
派奇 把兄弟们带出去
Patches, take your brothers outside.
Let’s go!
And don’t take treats from strangers!
泰博 拉泽比
Tab Lazenby.
So you’re the new fat cat at MEOWS.
我刚有说你是肥猫吗?我本来是想说… 脱脂鲜奶有益健康
And when I say “fat cat,” I mean you might wanna switch to the skim milk.
噢 卢兄不要紧 看来他们给了一个高高在上的官位坐啊
Oh, Lou, so catty. I see they’ve given you the key to the executive Dumpster.
All that butt-sniffing paid off.
寒暄到此就好 现在有个我的人在你那吧
But enough pleasantries. You have one of my operatives.
据我所知 那个珍珠猫也曾是你的人对吧
I understand that Kitty Galore is one of yours too.
她已经不再是了 我们会以此为戒
She’s our spilled milk. We’ll lick it up.
You can’t begin to imagine how dangerous she is.
She’ll never stop until she has her revenge.
她正在威胁着我们 泰博
She’s threatening us, Tab.
世界都反了 本来应该是狗追猫的
It takes a dog to chase a cat.
But it’ll take a cat to catch this kitty.
这跟谁去抓珍珠猫无关 重点是要保护人类
This isn’t about who should go after Kitty. It’s about protecting the humans.
他说的对 我们不能干坐在这吵嘴
She’s right. We can’t just sit around arguing jurisdiction.
现在 将是我们历史上重要的时刻
Now, this would be a first in our political history.
距离珍珠猫的期限只剩下不到24小时 我们没有别的选择了
With 24 hours left on Kitty’s deadline, we may have no other choice.
Cats and dogs will have to work together.
That ain’t right.
什么?不可能 跟她一起合作?
What? No way, man. Work with her?
Why don’t we go ahead and make an alliance with the mailman?
迪格斯 和谢默斯一起在外面等着
Diggs! Wait outside with Seamus.
Work with cats? I’d rather have worms.
Outside! Now!
我看你们都忘了自己是谁 居然要跟猫一起玩
Where I’m from, we don’t play with cats.
我们可是追猫的 – 再见
We chase them. – Bye-bye, now.
卢兄 小朋友说的也有道理 我们也许不该跟猫合作 我们无法信任他们
Lou, the kid’s got a point. We can’t just work with cats. We can’t trust them.
You’re being dramatic.
这些家伙到底要我怎样? 我才不要跟猫合作
What do these guys want from me? I can’t work with a cat.
But I don’t wanna go back to the kennel.
你有在笼子里生活过吗 好朋友
You ever live in a cage, my friend?
哈 我还真希望有
Ha. I wish.
有小秋千玩 免费的瓜子吃 还有个小镜子挂在那
The little swings, free sunflower seeds, that little mirror to hang with.
天啊 我真希望能回到尚恩的身边
Man, I wish I was back with my partner, Shane.
现在, 那只像是个美好的安排.
Now, that was a sweet setup.
你知道谁是完美的吗? 猫吗?才不是
You know who has the sweetest setup? Cats. Mm-mm-mm.
谈点轻松的 他们老爱高高在上的被宠爱
Talk about cushy. They’re pampered like royalty.
像我有个表哥尼奇 他曾跟珍珠猫住在同个地方表演
This one house my cousin Nicky used to work at for Kitty Galore…
…it was a feline paradise.
House? What house?
布奇 我知道哪里能找到珍珠猫了!
Butch! I think I know where we can find Kitty!
This is historic.
三个不同种族抛开己见一起逛大街 齐心协力就为解开谜团
Three species coming together, putting aside our differences to solve a mystery.
这真是个梦幻组合 除非这不是个梦
This is like the Dream Team, except we ain’t dreaming.
把爪子磨利 我们到了
Pick up your paws, y’all. We’re almost there.
What are you talking about?
Is there a soundproof bag we can stuff him in?
This is the joint where Nicky smuggled stuff for Kitty Galore. I think.
是的 应该是没错 我肯定
No, it is, I’m positive.
Sixty-five percent sure.
也许可能有67% 可是我又…
I could go up to 67, but I’m de…
喔你看 有虫虫大餐
Oh, look, a potato bug!
提高警觉 珍珠猫也许就在里面
Stay alert. Kitty could be ready to pounce inside.
我们正在突破自我 就在这陌生的地方
We’re on an epic quest. Through foreign lands.
Learning about each other. And a little about ourselves.
项圈 开锁
Collar: Lockpick.
Look out!
Whoa, man!
嘿 他看起来好像条狗喔 老兄
Hey. It’s, like, a bunch of dogs, man.
嘿 我们在哪见过面吗?
Hey, are we related?
老兄 我刚看他眨眼睛了
Dude, I saw it blink.
