嘿 丽莎 我是朗格医生
Hey, Lisa, it’s Dr. Langer.
丽莎 睁开眼睛
Lisa, open your eyes.
嘿 丽莎
Hey, Lisa.
Why don’t we just go take her down for a scan?
我不想这样盯着她 好吧?
I don’t want to sit around and stare at her like this. Okay?
Let’s take her for a scan.
她癫痫一发作 我就知道…
As soon as she seized, that was like…
It’s just bad luck.
It just colors the whole exam, it’s like,
癫痫大发作后 你会处于发作后状态
if you have a grand mal seizure, you’re postictal, gonna be postictal,
没精打采 持续12到24小时
meaning like lethargic, for 12, 24 hours.
I mean, you’re just, like, blech.
– This is where the tumor used to be. – Yeah, exactly.
-以前肿瘤在这里 -对 没错
不 没有中风的迹象 没有…
Nope, there’s no signs of stroke. There’s no signs of…
只是长时间的手术 外加头中有空气
Just with this long operation and air in the head,
that should be the cause of it.
她有空气 她癫痫发作
She has air, she has a seizure.
-不奇怪 -一点也不奇怪
– No surprise. No shock. – No shock at all.
好吧 看看她明天怎么样
All right. [sighs] Let’s see what she looks like tomorrow.
-回来真好 继续跟你搭档 -真是
– It’s good to be back. Back with you. – Really is.
I’m going back to my Vice Chair.
It’s a tough business.
How much longer for Tyler?
-什么还要多久? -泰勒
– Longer for what? – For Tyler.
For Tyler, that remains to be seen.
See that? See how pancaked it is?
As in, look at the posterior wall.
动脉太小了 无法操作
The artery is too small to apply this.
So the question is…
-你可以从这个孔重做吗? -嗯 或者我应该修补这个?
– Can you redo from this orifice? – Yeah, or should I patch this?
For Tyler, I have to make four connections.
两条动脉 一条静脉和一条输尿管
Two arteries, one vein, and one ureter.
I’m worried that there could be leaks.
如果其中一条血管渗漏 会导致出血
If the leak’s in one of the blood vessels, that’ll lead to bleeding.
– Can I get another clamp? – Sure.
Blood clots can happen.
And I need to make sure that the exposure is perfect
and that, technically, the surgery goes perfectly
因为毕竟这是一位父亲 捐器官给他十多岁的孩子
because, ultimately, this is a dad who’s giving to his teenage kid,
and there’s no room for error.
我们得修补这里 然后把它缝上去
We’re gonna have to patch this and sew on to attach it,
因为我觉得这是问题所在 这条动脉的切口太大了
because I think that’s the problem. This arteriotomy really opened up.
Let me see– Another… irrigation?
我看看另一个 灌洗
我不希望这条前动脉 现在出现凝块 因为它没有血流
I don’t want this anterior artery to clot now, because it’s got no blood flow.
这个肾脏有两条动脉 而这是一条非常小的原生血管
This kidney had two arteries, and it’s a very small native vessel,
so the main artery clotted.
关键是要时刻注意这个问题 如果你觉得不满意
The key is to always notice the issue, and if you’re ever not comfortable,
就重做一些步骤 因为你不能就这样离开手术室
you redo something, because you can’t leave the operating room
and just hope that things are going to work out.
你离开手术室时 必须确信不会有问题
You have to leave the operating room and be confident things are gonna work out
and the blood flow to the kidney’s gonna be great.
你好 我是麦肯齐护士 我将在途中照顾你
Hi there. I’m MacKenzie. I’m going to be the nurse in the back with you.
你摔得挺狠的 是吧?
You took a big spill, huh?
Well, I just fell.
我刚踏上草坪 就摔倒在私家车道上
I just came over the lawn, and then I went down on the driveway.
明白了 好的 也许是绊倒的?
Gotcha, okay, so maybe possibly tripped?
-有可能 -好
– Could be. – Okay.
Do you feel nauseous at all?
-不觉得 -好
– No. – Okay.
如果有任何变化 就告诉我 好吗?
So if any of that changes, just let me know, okay?
-这是你的老伴吗? -是的 结婚55年了 他是我的老伴
– Is this your better half? – Yes. For 55 years, he’s my better half.
天啊 不可思议
Oh my gosh, that’s amazing.
One, two, three.
好 完美
Alright, perfect.
所以你摔倒了 你没有…
So you just fell, you don’t–
– She didn’t. – Can you put your hands in front of you?
-没有 -没有 我能看出来
– No. – No. I can tell, no.
I just went to get the mail.
Just as I got to the driveway, I went down.
-飞行顺利 一会儿见 -嗯 希望如此
– Have a good flight. I hope to see you. – Yeah, I hope so.
Fifty-five years.
-你能相信吗?太神奇了 -没错 让人羡慕
– You believe that? That amazing? – I know. They’re adorable.
-天啊 这就是目标啊 -我告诉你
– Oh my God, goals. Goals, right there. – I’m telling ya.
我保证会好好照顾她 好吗?我保证
I promise I’ll take good care of her, okay? I promise.
好 我们一降落 我就给你打电♥话♥ 好吗?
Alright, I’m gonna call you as soon as we land, okay?
Thank you very much.
-不客气 -一路平安
– You got it. – Be safe.
如果你觉得恶心 或者需要止痛药
If you start to feel sick, or if you need anything for pain,
-就告诉我 好吗? -好
– please let me know, okay? – Okay.
泰勒?能听见我说话吗?泰勒? 泰勒 睁开眼睛
Tyler? Can you hear me, Tyler? Tyler, open your eyes.
能听见我说话吗? 做个深呼吸 好吗?
Can you hear me? Take a big deep breath, okay?
我们去看爸爸妈妈 不错吧?
We’re gonna go see Mom and Dad. That sound good?
能听见我说话吗?睁开眼睛 好了
Can you hear me okay? Open your eyes. There we go.
See how that urine is, like, a lighter color?
很好 这是好事
That’s good. That’s the… that’s the good stuff.
That’s like the aged, nice urine.
-波尔多葡萄酒? -里面富含单宁
– The Bordeaux? – A lot of tannins in there.
好 上楼
Okay. Upstairs.
再见 各位 谢谢
Later, guys. Thank you.
妈妈 你可以过来这边
Mom, you can come over here?
– Your son’s recovering. – Thank you.
-你儿子正在康复 -谢谢
嘿 儿子
Hey, buddy.
嗨 亲爱的
Hi, sweetheart.
听见我说话了吗 宝贝?妈妈来了
Can you hear me, baby? Mommy’s here.

他醒了 怎么回事 泰勒?
Oh, there he is. What’s happening, Tyler?
看看这个切口 好吗?
Taking a look at the incision here, okay?

Oh, wow.
我们用一个漂亮的纹身 遮住它 怎么样?好吗?
We’ll get you a nice tattoo right over it, how’s that, okay?
Push on the gas pedal, push. Gas pedal.
踩油门踏板 踩 油门
哦 你没有驾照
– Oh, you don’t have your license.
This is the biggest moment in their lives.
泰勒将度过许许多多个生日 希望泰勒会结婚
Tyler is gonna have birthdays, hopefully Tyler’s gonna get married,
泰勒将拥有自己的家庭 各种难忘的时刻
Tyler’s going to have his own family, and all of those moments
are going to be at the same level of the day
that Tyler was transplanted from his dad.
Oh, he’s all bundled up.
嘿 儿子 你给肾取名字了吗?
Hey, pal, did you name the kidney?
Think of a name for it.
-我觉得他在说“好的” -好
– I think that said, “Okay.” – Okay.
-好的 -我爱你 儿子
– Okay. – I love you, son.
He said he loves you too.
Medic 66 for an eight-year-old male in Queens.
急救车66 去皇后区接一名八岁男童
Patient was hit by an SUV in front of his home.
头部有外伤 颈部可能受伤 病人非常痛苦
Head trauma and possible neck injury. Patient is in extreme pain.
又要来一名创伤病人 他将在隔壁 过来
A second trauma coming in. He’ll be next door. Coming here.
My ear!
我最怕有一天走进创伤室 看见我的孩子躺在抢救台上
My biggest fear is entering a trauma room
and see one of my children’s on the table.
You get a call, and it’s an area where you know your children were hanging out
你接到电♥话♥去接病人 地点就在你的孩子常去的地方
or where they live.
多年来 我已经养成了 在巨大压力下处变不惊的能力
Over the years, I’ve developed a mechanism to function in high-stress situations.
I want to relax.
你很放松 你已经躺下了
You are relaxed, you’re already laying down.
– Ask someone for a leg? – Feel sleepy?
Nothing worse than my child needing something,
对我来说 最可怕的是我的孩子需要救助
and someone could not act and save them.
妈妈 我们去隔壁做CT扫描
