
adj. 憔悴的;野性的
n. 野鹰
n. (Haggard)人名;(英)哈格德




1. hag => haggard.
2. 谐音“骸骨的”—-瘦的只剩下骸骨了-消瘦的
3. hedge => haggard. 表示未驯服的野鹰停栖用的树篱。由此表示从野外捉回来的野鹰。其实 hedge 在这里的含义为引申义“ catch, seize”。


haggard 疲惫的,憔悴的

词源不确定,可能来自古法语faulcon hagard,野鹰,被抓获的猎鹰,来自古英语haga,树篱,篱笆,围栏,词源同haw,hedge.因野鹰的天性狂野,桀骜不驯,被抓获后常绝食而亡,因此引申词义消瘦的,后用为形容人憔悴的。或来自hag,老巫婆。


单词解释: “Haggard” 是一个形容词,用来形容人的外表,意指面容憔悴、消瘦、精疲力竭。下面是包含单词 “haggard” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. A haggard expression: 憔悴的表情
  2. Looking haggard: 看上去憔悴
  3. His haggard appearance: 他憔悴的外表
  4. Haggard and exhausted: 憔悴且疲惫
  5. The haggard face of a survivor: 幸存者的憔悴面容
  6. Deeply haggard after sleepless nights: 经过无眠之夜后非常憔悴
  7. Haggard from overwork: 因工作过度而憔悴
  8. The haggard look of someone who’s been through a lot: 经历了很多的人的憔悴神情
  9. His haggard eyes betrayed his fatigue: 他憔悴的眼神流露出他的疲惫
  10. A haggard face with sunken cheeks: 两颊凹陷的憔悴面孔
  11. Haggard from lack of sleep: 因缺乏睡眠而憔悴
  12. The haggard appearance of a long-distance runner: 长跑运动员的憔悴外表
  13. A haggard and worn-out expression: 憔悴和疲惫的表情
  14. Her haggard look spoke of her ordeal: 她憔悴的神情表明了她的折磨
  15. Haggard from the emotional strain: 因情感压力而憔悴
  16. The haggard faces of the refugees: 难民们憔悴的面容
  17. His haggard face mirrored his inner turmoil: 他憔悴的脸反映了他内心的动荡
  18. A haggard appearance due to illness: 因疾病而憔悴
  19. Haggard and unkempt after a long journey: 经过漫长旅程后憔悴而不整洁
  20. A haggard countenance after a sleepless night: 经过一夜未眠后的憔悴面容
  21. Haggard from the stress of exams: 因考试压力而憔悴
  22. The haggard look of someone who’s been through a tragedy: 经历悲剧的人憔悴的神情
  23. His haggard face told the story of his hardships: 他憔悴的面孔诉说了他的艰辛经历
  24. A haggard appearance due to worry: 因忧虑而憔悴
  25. Haggard and gaunt after a prolonged illness: 经历长期疾病后憔悴而消瘦
  26. A haggard look from sleep deprivation: 由于睡眠不足的憔悴表情
  27. Haggard from the emotional rollercoaster: 因情感起伏而憔悴
  28. The haggard faces of those affected by the disaster: 那些受灾害影响的人憔悴的面容
  29. Her haggard expression spoke of her despair: 她憔悴的表情流露出她的绝望
  30. Haggard from the demands of the job: 因工作需求而憔悴
  31. The haggard look of someone who hasn’t eaten for days: 几天没吃东西的人的憔悴神情
  32. Haggard from the sleepless nights of parenting: 由于育儿的无眠之夜而憔悴
  33. A haggard appearance from the constant stress: 持续的压力造成的憔悴外表
  34. Haggard and drawn from the impact of the loss: 因失落的影响而憔悴
  35. His haggard face revealed the toll of the journey: 他憔悴的面容显示了旅程的代价
  36. Haggard from the battle against illness: 因对抗疾病而憔悴
  37. The haggard look of someone who’s been working tirelessly: 不知疲倦工作的人的憔悴神情
  38. The haggard expression of a person who’s lost hope: 失去希望的人的憔悴表情
  39. Haggard from the harsh conditions: 因恶劣条件而憔悴
  40. A haggard face reflecting the stress of deadlines: 反映截止日期压力的憔悴面孔
  41. Haggard from the emotional upheaval: 因情感波动而憔悴
  42. The haggard faces of the soldiers after battle: 士兵们在战斗后的憔悴面容
  43. His haggard appearance showed the strain of caring for his sick mother: 他憔悴的外表显示出照顾生病母亲的压力
  44. Haggard from the strain of constant travel: 因不断旅行的压力而憔悴
  45. A haggard countenance from the pressure of perfection: 完美压力造成的憔悴面容
  46. Haggard and emaciated from a prolonged hunger strike: 由于长时间绝食而憔悴和衰弱
  47. A haggard appearance after enduring the elements: 经历恶劣天气后的憔悴外表
  48. Haggard from the relentless pursuit of success: 由于对成功不懈的追求而憔悴
  49. The haggard look of someone who’s lost everything: 失去一切的人的憔悴神情
  50. Haggard and defeated after a long struggle: 经过长时间的奋斗后憔悴且失败

这些短语描述了 “haggard” 这个词所涵盖的憔悴、疲惫、消瘦等状态,希望能帮助你更好地理解这个词汇的用法。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
