

[noun] a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way
[名词] 能够很好地应对困难或以一种精神饱满和富有弹性的方式面对严苛形势的能力


Mettle 一词不仅是一个与小站去年推送的 meddle 十分形似且容易混淆的单词,同时其发音也与熟词 metal (金属)一样。这从词源上来说,源于 mettle 是 metal 的拼写变体,最早出现于16世纪80年代。

在当时的莎士比亚时代, mettle 与 metal 这两种拼法不仅在字面意思“金属”上,而且在喻指“自然气质”以及“热烈的阳刚气质、精神、勇气”等上时,都可以互换使用。

不过到了18世纪后,两者的含义开始出现分化,其中 mettle 专门用来表示其喻意,发展到今天主要指“奋斗精神、勇气、毅力、才能、气魄”,具体来说是一种内在的、根深蒂固的能力,能够很好地应对困难或以一种精神饱满和富有弹性的方式面对严苛形势,多用来形容韧性、热情、无畏、刚毅、英勇等精神品质,而非体力,比如:

  • 该队浪费了好几次得分机会,但在最后一轮中展现了他们的拼搏精神。
    The team squandered several good scoring chances, but showed its mettle in the final round.
  • 十一月份的选举将是对她政治才能的真正考验。到时候她得克服重重障碍。
    The real test of her political mettle will come in the November elections. Then she has to overcome formidable obstacles.

对于小站的老铁而言,可能还会想起去年推送的 小词详解 | turmoil 来,里面的例句用到了 mettle 的一个习语叫 be on one’s mettle 指“奋发起来全力以赴、准备尽最大努力”,也可以用作 put sb on their mettle 相应指“激励某人尽最大的努力”,比如:

  • 沧海横流,方显出英雄本色。
    When the seas are in turmoil, heroes are on their mettle.

而上面两个外刊例句都有用到的 prove one’s mettle (证明有本事、禁得起考验)这个固定表达在小站前不久推送的 好书推荐 | 挑战200个《时代周刊》核心高频短语 一书中有专门讲到,感兴趣可以翻开回顾。


The Chinese nation is a great nation; it has been through hardships and adversity but remains indomitable. The Chinese people are a great people; they are industrious and brave; and they never pause in the pursuit of progress. The Communist Party of China is a great party; it has the courage to fight and the mettle to win.

出自十九大报告《决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利》(Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)。


  • In Houston it showed off data-storage kit that was continuously showered with water, to prove its mettle in inhospitable oilfields.
  • America has always been at its best when it has had to overcome adversity and prove its mettle on the world stage.



  1. Show one’s mettle(展现某人的勇气)
  2. Test one’s mettle(考验某人的勇气)
  3. True mettle(真正的勇气)
  4. Inner mettle(内在的毅力)
  5. Unyielding mettle(坚定不移的勇气)
  6. Steel one’s mettle(坚定某人的勇气)
  7. Resilient mettle(有韧性的毅力)
  8. Courageous mettle(勇敢的勇气)
  9. Unbreakable mettle(坚不可摧的毅力)
  10. Indomitable mettle(不屈不挠的勇气)
  11. Test the mettle of someone(考验某人的毅力)
  12. Prove one’s mettle(证明某人的勇气)
  13. Rise to the mettle(展现勇气)
  14. Challenge one’s mettle(挑战某人的毅力)
  15. Courage and mettle(勇气和毅力)
  16. Mettle under pressure(面对压力的勇气)
  17. Resolute mettle(坚决的勇气)
  18. Mettle in adversity(逆境中的毅力)
  19. Mettle and determination(勇气和决心)
  20. Unshakeable mettle(坚不可摧的勇气)
  21. Unwavering mettle(坚定不移的毅力)
  22. Lionhearted mettle(狮子般的勇气)
  23. Unswerving mettle(坚定不移的勇气)
  24. Unfaltering mettle(坚定不移的毅力)
  25. Demonstrating mettle(展现勇气)
  26. Mettle in the face of challenges(面对挑战的勇气)
  27. Determined mettle(坚决的勇气)
  28. Exemplify mettle(展示毅力)
  29. Unflinching mettle(坚定不移的勇气)
  30. Mettle and perseverance(勇气和毅力)


fortitude: courage shown by sb who is suffering great pain or facing great difficulties
grit: courage and determination despite difficulty
tenacity: the quality or fact of being very determined
