
[noun] a crack, split, or break in something
[名词] 某物的裂纹、裂缝或缝隙


Rift 是一个比较简单好记的4字母单词,通过它可以联想起不少与之结尾相同的单词来,诸如 gift, lift, sift, shift, swift, drift 等。


  • 不要践踏石缝中生长的小野花
    Don’t trample on the tiny wild flowers growing in the rifts in the rock.

进而也可以用 rift 引申指云间“缝隙”或林间“隙地”,比如云罅(a rift in the clouds)、林间隙地(a rift in a forest )。

等到了17世纪20年代后, rift 开始用来喻指人际关系等的“分歧、裂痕”,即友好关系的严重破裂或严重不和,常意味着类似于自然形成的岩石裂缝那般,起初很小但有扩大风险,比如:

  • 即将爆发的裂痕
    a simmering rift
  • 不断加深的分歧
    a growing or widening or deepening rift
  • 弥合总统和政府之间的分歧
    mend/heal a rift between the President and the government


  • Japan Inc is caught in the rift between America and China.
  • Officials tried to play down the rift.


rift“(裂缝,分裂)是一个名词,通常用来描述物体之间的裂缝或不和谐的状态。以下是一些包含单词 “rift” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Deep rift(深裂缝)
  2. Political rift(政治分裂)
  3. Economic rift(经济分裂)
  4. Family rift(家庭矛盾)
  5. Cultural rift(文化分歧)
  6. Ideological rift(意识形态分裂)
  7. Social rift(社会分裂)
  8. Emotional rift(情感裂痕)
  9. Growing rift(不断扩大的裂缝)
  10. Bridging the rift(弥合分歧)
  11. rift between generations(代沟)
  12. Religious rift(宗教分歧)
  13. Racial rift(种族分裂)
  14. rift within the team(团队内部的矛盾)
  15. Diplomatic rift(外交分歧)
  16. Cultural rift(文化分裂)
  17. rift in relationships(关系中的矛盾)
  18. Deepening rift(加深的裂缝)
  19. National rift(国家分裂)
  20. rift between neighbors(邻国分歧)
  21. Generation gap rift(代沟矛盾)
  22. rift in the alliance(联盟内部的分歧)
  23. rift over policies(政策分歧)
  24. Ideological rift(意识形态裂痕)
  25. rift within the family(家庭内部的矛盾)
  26. Social rift(社会不和谐)
  27. Emotional rift(情感裂缝)
  28. rift in communication(沟通不畅)
  29. Racial rift(种族矛盾)
  30. Bridging the rift(弥合分歧)
  31. rift within the organization(组织内部的矛盾)
  32. Diplomatic rift(外交不和谐)
  33. Political rift(政治裂痕)
  34. Cultural rift(文化矛盾)
  35. Economic rift(经济矛盾)
  36. Family rift(家庭矛盾)
  37. Growing rift(日益加深的分歧)
  38. Religious rift(宗教不和谐)
  39. Emotional rift(情感不和谐)
  40. Bridging the rift(弥合不和谐)
  41. rift between partners(合作伙伴分歧)
  42. rift in opinion(意见分歧)
  43. Generation gap rift(代沟冲突)
  44. rift in values(价值观分歧)
  45. Ideological rift(意识形态不和谐)
  46. Political rift(政治分歧)
  47. Emotional rift(情感矛盾)
  48. Social rift(社会裂缝)
  49. Economic rift(经济裂痕)
  50. Family rift(家庭冲突)


crack: a line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking apart

fissure: a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth

fracture: a crack or break in a hard object or material, typically a bone or a rock stratum

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
