God or mortal.
是偶然还是命运 或是冥冥之中另有安排
Is it by chance, by fate, or are there bigger forces at work?
Is our modern technological age…?
I shouldn’t be up here.
开什么玩笑 当然要站上来 我们赢了啊
Are you kidding me? Of course you should. We won.
自豪吧 你♥爸♥爸看起来就很自豪
Be proud. Your dad looks like he is.
the way of all people working for a free and peaceful planet.
As we have seen…
对了 老兄
By the way, man,
thanks for not talking about the other thing.
Don’t sweat it.
And thanks for seeing me in here.
什么话啊 你超杀的 维克多利
What? You’re the bomb, Victory.
我知道 我知道 你总是在提醒我
I know, I know, you keep reminding me.
维克多利 维克多利 维克多利
Victory. Victory. Victory.
这些超级朋友们 用他们的超能力保护我们
These superfriends use their superpowers to protect us.
And we’re not friends either.
我们就让他们这样认为 为啥
We let them think we’re both. Why?
能帮我摆脱哥谭警方的纠缠 帮你摆脱空军
It’ll keep Gotham P.D. off my back, the Air Force off yours.
我想想看 一个团队
I don’t know, a team?
I’ve got a lot of responsibilities.
As do I.
我有整个宇宙要保护 所以交给你们了
Well, I have a whole universe to protect, people, so there you go.
别这样 我们可以一起嘛
Come on, we can do it together.
是吗 你能飞到太空中吗
Yeah? Can you fly into space?
I can.
不是重点 重点是我们不是朋友 也不是团队
Not my point. Look, we are not friends. We’re not a team.
我不同意 哈尔
I don’t agree, Hal.
I kind of liked being a part of something.
好吧 随你高兴
Yeah, you would.
听着 这次只是干完一票就散伙 好吗
Listen, this was just a onetime deal, okay?
And what if something should happen again?
拜托 能有什么事发生呢
Please, what could possibly happen?
以上 我很荣幸为你们介绍
That said, I am very pleased to introduce to you…
哎呀 我都还没问 你们有名字吗
Gee, I didn’t even ask. Do you guys have a name?
有的 有吗
Yes, we do. We do?
是的 你可以叫我们——
That’s right. You can call us
the Super Seven.
哦 请不要叫我们那个名字 赫拉保佑我们
Please don’t call us that.
The Super Seven?
怎么了 你们不喜欢吗
What, you don’t like it?
The surface dwellers have killed our king.
这是战争行为 他们要付出代价
This is an act of war and they will pay.
