Both Stephen and his younger brother Gary
were really close to their mother.
It was very upsetting for them.
You’re taking their mammy.
They were a great lift to her.
She died at such an early age.
‎史蒂芬亲眼见到了 ‎命运会有多么的不公平
Stephen had seen firsthand how unjust fate can be.
It did inform his personal philosophies.
Live for today,
for you never know what’s coming down the line.
So he wanted to drink up every last drop of the world.
The Amazon, Congo, and Indonesia.
It had always been a dream of mine to get to these places.
When I was young, I collected National Geographic.
‎我记得有一张照片 ‎是大猩猩在泥炭沼泽地上涉水而行
I remember, it was a picture of a gorilla wading through this peat bog water,
and this photograph was taken in Northern Congo.
‎我出发去了刚果 想要寻找大猩猩
I was going to travel to Congo, and then find the gorillas.
It was kind of a daunting experience.
I’d never done anything like this.
What’s your name?
‎史蒂芬 史蒂夫也行
Stephen. Steve.
‎-史蒂芬? ‎-对
Stephen? -Yes.
‎-你是基♥督♥徒吗? ‎-是的
Huh. Are you Christian? -Yes.
‎-我们爱尔兰人都是… ‎-新教♥徒♥?
In Ireland, we are– -Protestant?
‎不是 天主教♥徒♥
No, Catholic.
Palm wine.
‎嗨 你好
Hi. – Hello.
She’s been the village queen for how long?
‎-六年了 ‎-六年了?好
Six years now. – Six? Okay.
Looks like I’m staying here tonight with this family.
‎显然 每一个 ‎过了这条河的人都会患上河盲症
Apparently, everyone who crosses the river gets river blindness.
‎他们说我也患上了 我得去做治疗
So I’m told that I have it now. I’ll have to get some treatment.
At last.
Just over the Congolese border.
‎-我们到了 ‎-好的
So here we are. – Okay.
‎去这样的地方 ‎是我一辈子的梦想 我成功做到了
It was one of my lifelong dreams to be in such a place. I was, I’d made it.
And this really lit something up inside me,
‎我想用我的人生 ‎去做一些非同寻常的事
to do something really unusual with my life.
To find what I was searching for,
I knew I needed to take the less-traveled road.
I wanted free diving to be my life.
‎所以 尽管四年 ‎对我来说是很长的一段时间
So even though I saw four years as a really long time,
‎我还是决定:“好 加油 继续练吧”
I said, “Okay. Come on, let’s keep doing this.”
‎换做是其他人 大家都会说:“行吧”
Plenty of others would have said, “Okay.”
“I’ll do something else.”
‎她可不是这样 她还是坚持了下去
But not her. She carried on regardless.
She continued going to the pool,
to the sea.
‎然后你就意识到 ‎有一股力量在推着她向前走
Then you realize there’s something that drives her.
Once she turned 18…
‎就像一颗流星一样 横空出世
she suddenly arrived, like a rocket.
She immediately showed her potential.
150 meters in the pool.
‎一开始 这是很惊人的成绩
At first, it was, “Wow.”
But Ilaria was better.
I certainly wasn’t expecting this result.
I was the strongest in Italy.
‎阿莱西娅是唯一一个 ‎能接近我的成绩的人
Alessia was the only one that can get anywhere close to me.
But Alessia, in that period, was a really… crazy head.
‎(伊拉莉亚·博宁 意大利国家队)
Here’s Alessia Zecchini
. Near the 200-meter wall.
Let’s see if she turns.
‎不行 她出水了
No, she’s coming out.
‎她还非常年轻 还是青少年的想法
She was really young, with a teenage mind.
She was sad.
She was upset.
It was really tough.
‎我知道如果我再逼自己一下 ‎就不会在200米墙那里出水了
I knew if I pushed more, I wouldn’t have come out well.
Ilaria Bonin!
‎好样的 伊拉莉亚!
Go on, Ilaria!
If you want to be the best
and you always take silver medal…
Ah, it’s something that drives you mad.
When someone out there is stronger than you,
it becomes another motivation.
‎我必须进步非常多 ‎才能创下意大利纪录
I had to improve so much to set an Italian record.
‎对我来说 看了纳塔利娅的视频 ‎我才意识到要如何才能取得成功
For me, it took watching Natalia’s videos to realize how I could get there.
My advice is that mental relaxation
is the foundation of free diving.
If we want to be successful underwater,
‎就必须要放松 ‎而不是朝着某个目标去奔跑
we should be relaxed, not running towards some goal.
She start to approach the competition in a different way.
She was so relaxed.
‎太棒了 停下吧
That’s good. Stop.
An amazing 224-meter performance.
She was so satisfied when she reached the gold medal.
Congratulations for this new Italian title.
‎是的 太棒了 我终于做到了!
Yes, it’s amazing. At last!
That moment was the beginning
of our deep friendship.
This result was always written.
She had some supernatural power with free diving.
But the pool was too small for Alessia.
The sea was really her home.
‎史蒂芬以为会在非洲某处 ‎找寻到自己的终极命运
Stephen thought that he’d meet his ultimate destiny somewhere in Africa.
With the lads in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia, Sudan,
Sierra Leone…
He traveled with a lot of care and seriousness.
‎然而 有好几次 ‎差一点就发生了非常糟糕的情况
However, very bad things nearly happened on a number of occasions.
‎在几内亚 ‎发生了一场针对总统的人♥民♥起义
In Guinea, there was a popular uprising against the president.
There’s been gunfire all morning.
‎每隔一段时间 ‎就会听到“砰砰砰”的声音
Every so often, you hear, “bam, bam, bam.”
‎他内心充满矛盾 他很痛苦
He was torn and conflicted.
‎他说:“不知道我是否应该 ‎开始做我的朋友们在做的那些事?”
He’d say, “I wonder, should I be doing what all my friends are doing?”
‎“结婚 有些朋友已经有了孩子”
“Getting married. Some of them have children.”
“What am I not doing that I should be doing?”
“Am I right living my life the way I am?”
He asked me once
if I was disappointed in him.
Wandering around the world like this,
searching for something that he couldn’t put his finger on.
Been thinking about family, my friends.
‎毫无疑问 这是我人生的最低谷
It is, without doubt, the lowest,
awfullest time of my life right now.
until tomorrow.
He was going to come home and live the conventional life.
‎但在回家之前 他要去最后一个地方
But before that, he was going to make one last stop.
‎(埃及 达哈卜)
Stephen always loved the sea.
He loved scuba diving out in the ocean.
He heard that there was a town in Egypt which is kind of a mecca for divers.
‎我记得开车沿海岸行驶 ‎就那么听着大海的声音
I recall going along the coast and just listening to the sea.
I got a real feeling of hope about this place.
When Steve drive from Cairo by bus,
