别开那酒 – 为什么不呢
Don’t open that. – Why not?
我们是上宾 不用那么拘束 来点吧
We are houseguests, come on. You want some?
不 不用 这太奇怪了 伯尼怎么还不出现
No, thanks. This is strange. Where’s our host?
没听唐妮说吗 他去参加别人的派对了 来啊
You heard Tawny. He’s out partying. Come on.
Let’s check out the rest of this joint.
This is fabulous.
I found him. Mr. Lomax.
伯尼 你好啊 这地方太棒了
Bernie! How are you doing? Great place.
希望你别介意 我们擅自闯进来 因为我们以为你
I hope you don’t mind, but we just walked in. We didn’t know that you…
He’s sleeping.
现在还没天黑 他怎么就困了
It’s not even dark out and he’s out of his skull.
他今天一定是忙坏了 你知道的
He’s been working awfully hard, you know.
别打他头 他是你老板
Don’t slap him. That’s your boss.
我知道了 他在沉思
I know. He’s meditating.
不 他看起来像个死人 来 我们扶他走两步
He’s not. He’s like dead, man. Come on, let’s walk him around.
We’ll get the blood circulating.
出发 好的 这边走
There we go. Okay, this way.
Here we go.
好了 踏出你的脚 伯尼 非常好
That’s it. Move those feet, Bernie. That’s a boy.
前进 – 上台阶
Here you go. – Get him up.
加把劲 理查德
Carry your weight, here, Richard.
动起来啊 伯尼
Come on, Bernie.
动动你的脚 – 他还挺重
Move those feet. – He’s giving me a hernia.
我快扛不住了 把他放到沙发上
I am losing him. Put him on the couch.
我们不能就这么把他撂在这啊 – 起来 伯尼
We can’t just leave him like this, you know. – Come on, Bernie.
你碰到我的小♥弟♥弟♥了 伯尼
Get your hand off me, Bernie.
I’ll make the coffee.
别担心 卢麦克斯先生 我们去弄些咖啡 给你提提神
Don’t you worry, Mr. Lomax, we’ll make you some coffee, fix you right up.
我说 我们何不坐得舒服点呢
Tell you what, let’s just make you a little more comfy.
这不好多了 好样的
That is better. There you go.
你口袋里有东西掉出来了 伯尼
You are dropping things right out of your pocket here.
拉利 你快过来 大事不妙
You want to come in here for a minute?
怎么了 你说 速溶咖啡可以吗 – 可以
Yeah, look, Rich, is instant okay? – That’s fine.
什么事啊 – 看我在他口袋里发现了什么
Good. What? – Look what I found in his pocket.

I never knew he was into the drug scene.
天哪 这一包可不少
God. Look how much is here.
别说够欲♥仙♥欲♥死♥的了 这么多足够做桩买♥♥卖♥♥的啦
This is not recreational. This is a career.
这男人需要我们帮助 你知道吗
This man needs some help. You know that?
他要是一次吸多了 估计醒不过来了
If he’s not careful, he’s going to wake up dead.
我看过20/20[ABC一档电视新闻杂♥志♥节目] 上面有说
I watch 20/20. I know the statistics.
I read.
你怎么啦 – 拉利 卢麦克斯死了
What? – Larry, Lomax is dead.
He can’t be.
Why do these things always happen to me?
我老板邀请我来过周末 就是为了死给我看
What kind of a host invites you to his house for the weekend and dies on you?
他为什么要这么做 我是说 他拥有了一切
Why would he do this? I mean, he had everything.
别♥墅♥ 香车 美女
A house. Cars. Women.
This is tragic.
我只是不明白 他为什么不等到星期一再死
I don’t understand why he couldn’t wait until Monday to kill himself.
听着 我们得马上报♥警♥
Look. We have to call the police.
我要怎么回市里 他答应过要载我们回去的
And how am I going to get back to the city? He promised me a ride.
别闹了 拉利 都什么时候你还关心这个 我们这有个死人
Knock it off, Larry. Who cares about a ride? We are talking death here.
I mean this is just my luck.
I finally catch a break at the office…
终于看到点曙光了 然后 没了
finally see some light at the end of the tunnel and wham! Gone!
等等 等等 我该怎么跟警♥察♥局说
Wait a minute. What am I going to tell them?
他们可能会认为 我们跟这起自杀事故有关
They might think we had something to do with it.
我告诉了我所有的亲朋好友 说我要来伯尼的别♥墅♥度周末
I told everyone we were going to Bernie’s house for the weekend.
他们全都羡慕死了 你知道我有多自豪吗
They were so jealous. I mean, I loved it.
现在发生这种事 你让我回去怎么跟他们吹 – 我不知道
Now what am I going to tell them? – I don’t know.
伯尼 我们在球场等你好久了
Bernie, you should have been on the court.
多棒的一天啊 – 你见着他了吗
What a great day. – Do you see him?
Where are you?
伯尼 伙计 快出来啊 派对时间到了
Bernie, baby, get off your ass. It’s party time!
You should have been out there sailing with us today.
阳光明媚 海风宜人 我们玩得很嗨啊
The sun was fabulous, the wind was fabulous, we had a great time.
嗨 小伙子们 – 嗨
Hi, guys. – Hi.
我爱你 爱死你了 你该多晒点太阳 知道吗
Love you, darling, just love you. You know, you could use a little sun.
我们明天还会去 我希望你能来
We are going again tomorrow if you want to go.
躺在甲板上 沐浴在阳光下 别客气 我不用你招呼
Lie on the deck, catch those rays. Don’t worry. I’ll help myself.
He’s dead.
这听起来很不错 不是吗 干杯
That’s the idea, isn’t it? Cheers.
嗨 伯
Hi, Bern!
嘿 伯尼
Hey, Bernie.
嗨 伯尼
Hi, Bernie.
嘿 小弟 该多做些运动了你
Hey, dude. You need to pump some iron.
喂 伯尼 我听说你的保时捷要卖♥♥啊
So, Bernie. What about your Porsche?
Had a chance to think about my offer?
你知道吗 3万块对你这辆车来说 已经很值了
You know, $30,000 is a more than decent price for that car.
你好好考虑一下 玩得愉快啊 别太早做决定哦 回头见
You just think about it, take your time, don’t rush into anything. See you later.
Excuse me.
You promised me a review…
on the front page of the Sunday Times book section.
我知道 爱丽丝 但是他就是不肯让步
I know, Alice, but he won’t bend on it.
He says there’s no interest in the subject matter.
不好意思 那是本是关于什么的
Pardon me. What’s the book about?
Whether Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were secretly married.
眼睛 鼻子 胸部 – 要整成什么样
Eyes, nose, and breasts. – How much?
这里得塞进去 那边要做砂磨 那里要垫高一点
A little tuck here, little sand there, a little lift there.
Do I need that much?
看这些人啊 他们都是从哪冒出来的
These people. Where did all these people come from?
这是流动派对 每个周末都会举♥行♥
Floating party. Happens every weekend.
要喝一杯吗 – 不 谢谢
Like a drink? – No, thanks.
恩 我想来点香槟 谢了
Yeah, I’d love some champagne, thanks.
嘿 伯尼 好热闹的派对啊
Hey, Bernie. What a radical party.
我得把你的健身时间推到明天傍晚了 伯
Got to move your workout to late tomorrow afternoon, B.
丽萨的女佣这个周末要过来伺候她 我不得不把明天上午的时间留给她
Liza’s maid is over for the weekend, and I had to give her your regular time.
谢了 克劳斯 交给我吧
Thanks, Klaus. I got it.
待会见 伯
See you, Bern.
很舒服吧 伯尼 你怎么这么松垮垮的
Feels good, eh, Bern? You are really loose.
从没看你这么放松过 保持下去啊
Never seen you this relaxed before. Keep it up.
我得走了 有工作要做了
I’ve got to go. Duty calls.
嘿 美女
Hey, babe.
嗨 伯尼 我听说你要给我个惊喜
Hi, Bernie. I hear you got something for me.
A little present.
藏哪了呢 在逗我玩吗
Playing games, are we?
It’s got to be in here somewhere.
I think I found something.
谢了 伯尼
Thanks a lot, Bernie.
Doesn’t anyone realize he’s dead?
好吧 伯尼 我豁出去了
Okay, Bernie, I’m going to shoot the wad.
我给你4万怎么样 连我自己都不敢相信
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I am going to go $40,000.
不答应 你会后悔的
No? You’ll be begging me.
We have to call the police.
那是知名的制片人吧 – 是吗
Some of the biggest producers. – Yeah?
你好 请问是警♥察♥局吗 我们这
Hello, is this the police? Yes…
I got an idea.
我知道这听起来很疯狂 不过你要听我把话说完
I know it’s going to sound funny, but just hear me out.
不 我已经起了一身鸡皮疙瘩了 你别再出馊主意了
No, why is the hair on the back of my neck starting to stand up?
好好 就算 我们打电♥话♥报♥警♥ 我们现在就打
Okay, now, we could call the police, we could do that…
but you know where we’d be spending our weekend…
在某个没有冷气的警♥察♥局 回答那些连我们自己都不知道答案的问题
in some hot police station answering questions we don’t know the answers to.
听着 很明显 伯尼觉得对我们 有所亏欠
Now, obviously Bernie felt he owed us something here…
some small little favor for discovering those mistakes at the company.
于是乎 邀请我们以上宾的身份来到他的别♥墅♥过周末
That’s why he invited us out here for the weekend in the first place.
