-要点面包片吗? -好的
-Want toast? -Yes.
艾丽 你的麦片碗呢?
Ellie, where’s your cereal bowl?
-我不饿 -你必须吃点东西
-I’m not hungry. -You need to eat.
-我不饿 妈妈 -你得吃点东西再去上学
-I’m not hungry, Mom. -You need to eat before school.
-再吃一口 -要不要加点果冻?
-One more bite. -You want jelly?
好的 谢谢
Yes, please.
看着点 布伦达 别弄脏了我的衣服
Watch it, Brenda. Don’t mess my clothes up.
Billy Baker’s in my class this year.
-哦 他是不是也挂科了呀? -闭嘴!
-Oh, did he flunk too? -Shut up!
-嘿! -你说的
-Hey! -You’re one to talk.
-第一天上学是不是很兴奋呀? -是啊
-Are you excited about school? -Yeah.
-妹妹看起来很可爱是不是? -哎 你很臭耶
-Isn’t your sister cute? -You stink.
Very cute.
他好臭 他必须洗了澡再来跟我们吃饭
He stinks. He’s gotta shower before he eats with us.
别挑你弟弟的毛病了 吃你的饭
Stop picking on your brother and eat.
May Belle?
-宝贝 这是你的果汁 -谢谢妈妈
-Honey, here’s your juice. -Thanks.
哎 谁把我的球鞋藏起来了?
OK, who hid my sneakers?
杰西 那已经不能再叫做球鞋了 我把它扔了
Jess, you could hardly call them sneakers anymore. I threw them out.
啊? 妈妈!
What? Mom!
我道歉 可我不能让我家孩子像个流浪汉一样去学校
Sorry, but I will not send any child of mine to school looking like some hobo.
有一双布伦达的 还很新 我给你放在那边了
There’s a perfectly good old pair of Brenda’s I put out for you.
These are girls’ ones.
这次坏的是风扇皮带 不过我还有一条
It’s the fan belt this time, but I got another.
-再见 -艾丽? 拿去吧
-Bye-bye. -Ellie? Honey, here you go.
-你又怎么了? -今天学校有场重要的赛跑
-What’s the matter? -There’s a big race today.
-所以? -我的球鞋
-And? -My sneakers.
-我给他准备了一双很好的 -可是那是女孩子的
-I got a perfectly good pair for him. -These are girls’ ones.
-我穿那个怎么跑啊 -你以为穿那双旧的就能跑了?
-I can’t race in these. -You couldn’t race in your old ones.
玛丽 我们得给他买♥♥双新的
He needs some new sneakers, Mary.
-穿这个引起比利注意吧 -我们真的没有闲钱买♥♥新的
-Catch Billy’s eye in that. -We don’t have anything for extras.
-你说什么? -好话不说二遍
-Excuse me? -You’re excused.
穿这个也一样 你干完你的活了吗?
They make them the same. You got your chores done?
Just about to.
我想保持每站只停十秒 小子
I try to keep my pit stops under ten seconds, ace.
Give it to me.
-给我… -嘿 那是我的午饭!
-Give it… -Hey, that’s my lunch!
I found it!
You’re kidding me.
喂 够了
OK, that’s enough.
Consider it a free lunch program, farmer boy!
好了 别吵了
All right, settle down.
干的好 贾尼斯
Good one, Janice.
你叫你们老师什么来着? 我要告诉艾利山德拉
What do you call your teacher? I wanna tell Alexandra.
-“大嘴怪兽” 走开吧 -艾利山德拉
-“Monster Mouth.” Now scoot. -Alexandra,
-他们叫她”大嘴怪兽”梅尔斯 -我让你走开!
-they call her “Monster Mouth” Myers. -I said scoot!
A few ground rules for this classroom.
不准讲话 不准嚼口香糖 不准用电子设备
No talking. No chewing gum. No electronic devices. Be forewarned.
If you download essays off the Internet,
you’ll be downloaded into detention.
Let’s start the year off on the right foot and all do our own work.
-你们最好记下笔记 -哔 哔 哔
-I expect you to take notes. -Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,
哔 哔 哔 知道是什么吗? 我的烂仔探测器
Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. Know what that is? My loser detector.
Jesse Aarons!
你姐姐就很头痛了 你不要步她们后尘
I got it from your sisters. I do not need it from you.
-哦 天哪 -你也给我坐回去
-Oh, man. -That goes for you as well.
He hit me.
-你完蛋了 -斯科特·豪格和加里·福切
-You’re dead meat. -Scott Hoager and Gary Fulcher,
be quiet!
好了 现在回到我被粗鲁打断之前讲的
Now, back to what we were discussing before we were so rudely interrupted.
真漂亮的鞋子哟 艾伦斯
Sweet sneaks, Aarons.
You wear your sisters’ hand-me-down underwear too?
他问你话呢 光脚趾
He asked you a question, twinkle toes.
早上好 孩子们 欢迎回来
Good morning, kids. Welcome back.
I hope you had a great summer.
梅尔太太 这位是莱斯利·柏克 她将加入你们班
Mrs. Myers, this is Leslie Burke, who will be joining your class.
-莱斯利 欢迎你加入我们学校 -谢谢
-Leslie, welcome to Lark Creek. -Thanks.
Thank you, Principal Turner.
莱斯利 你今天得先坐在讲台上了看来
Well, Leslie, um, you’ll sit at my desk this morning,
until we can figure out where to squeeze you in.
I like to start the year with a little fun.
我想请你们写一篇一页的短文 谈谈自己最钟意的爱好
I want you all to write a one-page essay about your favorite hobby.
梅尔太太 你说写一页 是说正反面吗?
Mrs. Myers, when you say one page, did you mean both sides of the paper?
-只要写一面就好了 麦迪森 -我会两面都写的
-You can do one side, Madison. -I’ll do two.
-很好 -没门!
-Yeah, that’s cool. -No way!
-好棒哦 -我能看看吗?
-It was so amazing. -Can I have this?
你可以抽两块钱 我要其余的 怎么样?
You could have two bucks out of it all. I’m getting most of it, OK?
-请让一下 -交一块钱
-Excuse me. -Got a dollar?
-没有 -哦 那你得尿在裤子上了
-No. -You’re gonna have to use your pants.
-你怎么回事? -你话说反了吧
-What’s your problem? -You got that backwards.
-你才怎么回事? -是哦 新来的
-You got the problem. -That’s right, new girl.
-美丽的大脚 -你说什么?
-Nice feet. -You say something?
What I said was,
你有听过一个故事吗? 关于桥下的怪物
have you ever heard the story about the trolls under the bridges
who collect tolls from unlucky travelers?
怪物? 她说什么呢?
Trolls? What is she talking about?
这招没用的 瘦猴 照样得交一块钱
Nice try, beanpole. It’s still a dollar.
-快点 快点 -哈哈 我们有豪格
-Let’s do it. Do it. -Yeah, we’ve got Hoager.
下个年级的 在线后站好 要开始了 快点
Next grade, line up. Let’s do this thing. Come on.
霍奇 豪格 快过来
Fulcher, Hoager, get in here.
快准备好 赶快开始 快点
Get ready. Let’s get this race started.
-哔 哔 哔 -死烂肉
-Beep, beep, beep. -Dead meat.
在线后站好 你们知道规则 站到线后去 快点
Back behind the line. You know how it goes. Back behind. Come on.
嘿 新来的小妞 这是男孩子的项目
Hey, new girl. This is just for guys.
哎 我在跟你说话呢!
Hey, I’m talking to you!
怎么? 你怕你跑不过她?
What’s the matter? Afraid a girl’s gonna beat you?
-各就各位 预备 跑 -死烂肉
-On your mark. Get set. -Dead meat.
加油 豪格! 快跑!
Go, Hoager! Get in there!
加油! 杰西 加油!
Go! Go, Jess, go!
Come on!
快跑! 你一定能赢的!
Come on! You can do it!
加油 杰西!
Come on, Jess!
加油 杰西!
Go, Jess, go!
杰西 杰西 你赢了吗?
Jess, Jess, did you win?
Hey, Jess, right?
-白♥痴♥! -什么?
-Idiot! -What?
-明天见 -我只等十秒 小子
-See you tomorrow. -Ten seconds, ace.
Thank you.
Are you following me?
不 我就住那儿
No. I live over there.
我们是邻居呀 你有妹妹吗?
We’re neighbors? You got little sisters?
-没有 就我自己 -哦
-No. Just me. -Oh.
You got any Barbies?
有 应该有几个 你呢?
Yeah. I think I have a few. You got any?
-我有一个…半 -半个?
-Yeah, I have one… and a half. -And a half?
有一个在玩 “超级激流芭比” 时被切成一半了
One got cut in half playing Super Extreme Barbies.
Never heard of that before.
You flush the toilet with them in it,
drop them from the upstairs window, stuff like that.
-那个可好玩儿了 -听起来不错
-It’s really fun. -Sounds like fun.
-好吧 再见咯 -好 再见
-Well, I’ll see you around. -Yeah. See ya.
-再见 -嘿 孩子们
-See ya. -Hey, guys.
Hey, Dad.
-我去买♥♥点东西 你要一起来吗? -好吧
-I’m getting supplies. You wanna come? -Yeah. Sure.
See ya.
-怎么能是我的错? -我叫你顾好宝宝
-How come it’s my fault? -When I ask you to watch the baby,
-你就该顾好她 布伦达 -该轮到艾丽了这回
-I mean watch the baby, Brenda. -It’s Ellie’s turn.
-我得做我的代数题 -再多放点奶油
-I’m doing my algebra. -Put more cream on there.
