这又是一个死刑案 这家伙被陷害入狱了
It’s another death row case, the guy’s being railroaded.
A thousand dollars for you.
嗨 伙计
Webby. Hey, man.
I am loving the digs.
迈克 我是贾斯汀
Mike? It’s Justin.
If I just sit with you a minute, huh?
我们都很担心你 伙计
We’re all worried about you, man.
你要干嘛 迈克 迈克
What are you doing, Mike? Mike.
-别这样 -没事的…
-Don’t do it -It’s alright…
我只是 我不想入睡
I just, I don’t wanna go to sleep.
我听说你把自己的超级碗戒指卖♥♥了 迈克
I heard you sold your Super Bowl rings, Mike.
超级碗的戒指啊 迈克
Your Super Bowl rings, Mike
迈克 嘿 帕姆是你的妻子
Mike, hey, Pam’s your wife.
-加勒特是你的儿子 -嗯
-Garrett’s your boy. -Yeah.
I’m starting to forget things.
I’m saying this crazy crap to my kids.
I nearly pushed Keana into a wall.
-我从没想过我会那么对她 -不要…不要放弃自己
-I never thought I’d do that to her. -Well, don’t… just don’t give up.
All we gotta do…
是结束比赛 那么我们就是赢家
is finish the game. And we’ll all be winners.
开心点 见到你很高兴
Have a good day, it’s good to see you
-班尼特 等一下 -怎么了 神父
-Oh, Bennet, a moment. -Yes, father?
你好 -我们有一个新朋友
How are you. -We have a new member,
a young lady from Kenya.
她几周前刚过来 她需要我们的帮助
She came to us a couple of weeks ago and she needs our help.
明白 你需要多少钱 神父
Sure, how much do you need, Father?
她需要住所 班尼特 直到她有工作稳定下来
She needs shelter, Bennet, until we find her something permanent.
神父 我…我正在读工商管理硕士
Father, my… I… I’m working on my MBA,
我忙着读书 我的书扔的到处都是
I’m studying… my books are all over everywhere.
她是个很不错的女孩 从内罗毕过来的
She’s a nice girl, she’s from Nairobi.
在英国上的学 她想找个工作
Went to a British school, she wants to work.
We’re letting her tidy around the church.
我们请你帮忙 是因为
We’re asking you because
we know she’ll be safe and cared for.
-我知道你很善良 班尼特 -谢谢 神父
-I feel God in you, Bennet. -Thank you, father.
Where is she?
So… you can see.
That is basically my office there.
Is that your father?
是的 还是个酋长
Ah yes, The Chief.
Those are my peaches.
They should not be here.
你的房♥间 有…
Your room, there is a…
the key for you.
你有钱吗 我有一些…
How are you for money? I have something…
Need is not weak.
Need is need.
我知道你的情况 我曾跟你一样
I know where you are, I was you.
你现在是在美国 所以
You are in America now, so,
you have to be the best version of yourself.
如果你不知道那是什么 你就选一个并装成那个样子
If you don’t know what that is, you pick something and fake it.
I will put it there for you.
-你选的什么 -我选择什么
-What did you pick? -What did I pick?
-伪装 -我选了一个又老又秃的白人
-To fake. -I picked an older, bald headed white man.
Why an older, bald headed white man?
Because he is the best at what he does.
Do you want to see your room?
I was a registered nurse.
At the Aogakan hospital in Nairobi.
明白 无意冒犯
I understand, I meant no offense.
嘿 醒醒
Hey, hey , wake up. Hey.
醒醒 叫你呢
Wake up, you.
快点 这可不是酒店 你不能在这儿睡
Come on now, this ain’t no hotel, you can’t sleep here.
车窗放下来 走开
Put down your window, let’s go.
你是迈克·韦伯斯特 真的吗 铁人迈克
You’re Mike Webster, right? Iron Mike.
-我打电♥话♥给他了 他就来 -好吧 我没有看到他
-I called for him, he’s coming. -Okay, well, I don’t see him.
哦 拜托 克劳德
Oh, come on, Claude.
拜托 拜托
Come on, come on.
迈克 他在这儿
Mike, he’s here.
-嗨 迈克 -看看你…
-Hey, Mike. -Look you, uh…
-迈克 你能听到我说话吗 -能 我只是…
-Mike, can you hear me? -Oh, yeah, yeah. I just uh…
你只要 呃 你只需要告诉我该怎么做
You just, uh, you just have to tell me to do,
because I am…
I am freaking overwhelmed.
-我们会给你一些帮助迈克 -你现在在做什么
-We’re gonna get you some help, Mike. -What are you taking right now?
The Ritalin.
中枢神经刺♥激♥剂 百忧解 扭角羚都要吗
Dexedrine, Prozac still takin all of those?
-坐吧 -是的 全部都要 还有强力胶
-Sit down. -Yeah, all of it, and super glue.
-好的迈克 -3 5的氟哌啶醇 给他妻子打电♥话♥
-Okay Mike -3.5 Haldol, you call his wife,
你告诉她 他现在很糟糕 非常糟糕
You tell her he is worse, he’s a lot worse.
你是我的医生 你是我的医生 对吧
You were my doctor , You were my doctor, right?
-我是队医 我是每个人的…-好的 是队医
-I was the team doctor I was everybody’s… -Okay, the Team doctor.
好吧好吧 队医 那你为什么不把我治好啊
Okay, alright then, the Team doctor. Then why aren’t you helping me alright?
-I am going to help you… -You are not helping me…
你必须解决这里的问题 你要解决这个问题
You gotta fix this, you gotta fix this, alright?
这里的问题 知道吗
In here, Alright ?
还有这 非常难受
And in here, I am dying in here.
-难受死了 -我会照顾你的 迈克
-I’m dying in here alright. -I’ll take care of you, Mike.
It’s okay.
让我先帮助你休息一会 迈克
Let me give you something to help you rest, Mike.
你想要休息 是吧
You want to rest, don’t you?
我只是想让你帮帮我 我只是想让你帮帮我
I just want you to help me alright , I just want you to help me.
-我会帮你的 迈克 -帮帮我
-I’ll help you, Mike. -Just help me.
Come and sit down.
好吧 随便了 打♥针♥吧 来点药
Well, go ahead, give me the drugs, give me the drugs
-让我看看你怎么帮我…-不要动 迈克
-Show me how you’re going to help me… -Don’t move, Mike.
过来坐下 迈克
Come and sit down, Mike.
来 躺下 迈克
Come lay down, Mike.
现在开始休息 迈克
You rest now. Mike.
-我漏掉了什么吗 -肿瘤
-What am I missing? -A tumor?
不是 所有的扫描结果都是正常的
No, all of his scans were clean.
多年来 不屈不挠的韦伯斯特 已经放弃了他的家庭
Over the years, the dauntless Webster had abandoned his family,
陷入经济危机 无家可归
slipped into financial chaos, and homelessness.
This is a hard day for the city of Pittsburgh.
在我的私人日记里 我还记着 他和我父亲坐在一起
On a personal note, I can remember sitting down with my father,
and him giving me examples of hard work ethic.
他告诉我 当你被撞倒了 你再爬起来…
And telling me when you get knocked down, you get back up again…
抱歉 我很少看电视
Sorry, I don’t usually watch TV.
Then why do you have one?
One has a TV in this country.
哦 对不起 我通常不吃早餐
Oh, I’m Sorry, I don’t usually eat breakfast.
One should eat breakfast in this country.
亲爱的上帝 谢谢您的馈赠 如此慷慨地给予我们
Dear God, thank you for the gifts. you have so graciously bestowed upon us.
Please help us to continue to be deservant of your blessings.
Just hours after he was rushed to a nearby hospital,
Recall Hall of Famer, “Iron” Mike Webster…
-这到底是怎么回事 -迈克·韦伯斯特
-What is going on? -Mike Webster.
Who’s Mike Webster?
他是历史上最伟大的中锋 他是一个真正的勇士
He’s the greatest centre to ever play the game, he’s a true warrior.
-对不起”中锋”是什么 -中间的大个子
-I’m sorry, what is a “centre”? -The big guy in the middle, hikes it.
My kid plays football because of this guy.
好吧 我很抱歉 我不知道他是谁
Okay. I’m sorry, I just did not know who he was.
Well, if you’re going to live in this town,
你要在这个城市工作 橄榄球是一个好东西
you’re going to work in this town, football is a good thing.
I freaking can’t believe it’s you.
