结巴虫 我会瞅时机给他点颜色看看的
splattered bug that I will deal with appropriately and enthusiastically.
快点 -看到没有 我仍然是乔恩的亲信
come on. – As you can see. I’m still Jon’s favorite.
回头见 加菲 祝你和小虫子在一起的时候能好运
Seeya later. Garfield. Good luckwith the bug thing!
come on.
他是为猪肝的事在报复 对不对
This is payback for the liver thing. isn’t it?
这是报复 他这个小气鬼
Payback. He’s a nut.
这是你的新家 欧弟 我的办公室在那边
This isyournewhome, Odie. That’s myoffice overthere.
And. uh. the TV over there.
还有厨房♥ -嗯
And, uh, the kitchen. – Hm.
你想到处看看 好吧 到处看看这房♥子 随便看看
You wanna go see it? Okay. go see the house. Go see it.
Why don’tyou draw him a map?
好吧 我只需要保持冷静 仅此而已
Okay. I’ve gotta… remain calm. that’s all.
乔恩喜欢的是猫 不是狗
jon’s a cat guy. not a dog guy.
这种状况会在一星期内结束 最多10天
This’ll last a week, maybe 10 days. Tops.
Boy. this puppy is stupid gone wild!
不 这只不过是一个噩梦 我只需要闭上眼睛 当我再次睁开的时候
Nah. this is just a bad dream. I’m gonna close my eyes and when I open them…
everything will be back to normal.
啊 这太不正常了
Ah! That’s not normal.
不要靠近我 噢 太棒了
Not close. Oh. great.
狗虱子 来人啊 谁给我接种疫苗
Dog cooties. Somebody inoculate me. please.
这太可怕了 我
This is a nightmare. I–
我需要用人类最好的朋友 电视
I just need a little quality time with man’s real best friend–
不 不 不
No. no. no. No. no. No.
嘿 新来的 让我来告诉你规矩 好吗
Hey. new guy. Iet me hipyou to the rules. okay?
首先 这是我的椅子 明白吗
Number one– that’s my chair. all right?
如果你敢上来 我就赶你走
I even seeyou raise a leg. and it’s on. it’s go time. pal.
好了 我想我至少在精神上比它有优势
Yeah, I think Ijust mayhave a mentaladvantage on this guy.
离我远点儿 我没开玩笑 欧弟
Leave me alone. I’m not kidding. Yodel Odie.
吃片杀虫药 然后去散散步吧 我很忙
Pop a worm pill and hit the road. I’m busy.
你想玩 很好 你可以当我的新宇航员
You wanna play? Fine. You can be my new astronaut.
去跳进那个桶里 然后我们发射你到太空中去
Go jump in the pail. and we’ll shoot you into outer space.
快点 那十分简单 过来 我把你的球扔进桶里了
come on. It’s real simple. Here. I’ll even throwyour ball in there.
Followthe ball, andjump in the pail.
快点 欧弟 就像这样
come on. Odie. just like this.
上这边来跳进桶里 帮我个忙
come on over here and just jump right into the pail. and help me.
快点 不 你只要像这样就行了
come on. No. Just in here like this.
啊哦 别碰那个
Uh-oh! Don’t touch that!

噢 不
Oh, no!

噢 不
Oh. no!
休斯顿 我们有麻烦了
Houston, we have a problem.
欧弟 把桶拿开
Odie, get offthe pail.
你能不能把桶拿开 拜托
Wouldyou get off the pail, please?
好了 该做另一个游戏了
Okay, time for a new game.
It’s called “my claw in your butt”game.
来啊 回来
come here! Get back here!
快点 我只用我的左爪子
come on! I ‘l I just use my left claw.
如果我的腿再长一点儿 我已经抓住你了 过来
Ifmy legs were longer, I’d have caughtyou by now. come here.
Just wait for one second.
Slow… down.

好 好 好 我终于抓到你了 肥猫
Well. well. well. I’ve got you now. fat cat.
嗨 路卡 你又换新链子了 伙计
Hey. Luca. is that a new chain you’re wearin’. fella?
看上去很不错 你看上去也很棒 你现在负责户外工作
Looks good on ya. You look great. You been working out?
Oh. I’ve been waiting years for this.
Would that be regularyears or dog years?
这是什么 给我闪开 小人物
What the– Get away from me. pip-squeak.
哦 路卡 这是欧弟 欧弟 这是路卡
Uh. Luca. this is Odie. Odie. Luca.
路卡 帮我个忙把它吃了 你会吗 拜托
Luca. do me a favor and eat him for me. would you. please?
加菲 你还好吧 -我想是的
Garfield. areyou all right? – I think so.
Luca’s about to have Odie for lunch.
如果没有欧弟 你已经是路卡的磨牙玩具了
Ifit wasn’t for Odie. you’d be Luca’s chew toy.
是啊 他救了你的命
Yeah, he savedyourlife.
欧弟是英雄 -为什么 就因为我没有被撕成碎片
Odie’s a hero! – Why? Because I wasn’t ripped to shreds?
不 他仍然是个笨蛋直到我另行通知
No. Odie’s an imbecile until further notice.
嘿 月光游侠
Hey, moondust…
如果我是你 我会找条好毯子
if I were you. I’d grab a nice piece of carpet.
jon doesn’t let me sleep up top. Ever.
欧弟 你想在床上睡
Odie– You wanna sleep in the bed?
嗯 伙计 好孩子 谁是好孩子 嗯
Hey. buddy. Good boy. Who’s a good boy. huh?
You want to sleep on the bed tonight?
是的 我想 是的 我想
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
I think I ‘m going to blow cat-chow chunks.
晚安 欧弟 晚安 加菲
Good night. Odie. Good night. Garfield.
很好 希望我能幸运地做个恶梦
Great. Wish me luck with the nightmares.
Another day ruined.
噢 你个小马屁精 噢
Oh. you little suck-up. Oh!
哇哦 哇哦 宝贝
Whoa! Whoa. baby.
不 下去 下去 哑巴狗
No. Down. Down. dumb dog.
“不”意味着什么 你不明白
What part of”no” don’tyou understand?
离这椅子远点 走开 我现在不想玩
The push offthe chair? Off!. I don’t want to play.
噢 看看 你想我说些什么
Oh! Look. What am I supposed to say?
“Thanks for saving my hide with Luca?”
好吧 谢谢你在路卡面前救了我 滚开
Okay. thanks for saving my hide with Luca. Get off!.
我到哪儿了 对了 到这儿了 我到这儿了
Where was I? Right here. I was right here.

That was a cheap shot.
背地里搞偷袭 好吧
Hit a guy when he’s not looking? Okay.
噢 对不起 我 我想 你一定是忘记了一些事情
Oh. excuse me. I -I thinkyou may have forgotten something.
我看见这些 然后我想 这一定是你的漂亮的
I saw this and I thought. pretty sure it was your–
噢 我喜欢大打出手
Oh, I love to dish it out.
当心 你知道的 你不能动这个
Watch out. You see. you can’t touch this.
来吧 嗯哼
come on. Uh-huh.
这就对了 不要跟我鬼鬼祟祟的 小子
That’s right. Don’t sneak up on me. baby.
噢 继续
Oh. come on with that.
Get that weak stuff outta here.
Is that butt broken?
不 这里应该这样
No. it’s something like this here.
can you do this?
嗯 你的髋关节有毛病吗 请到这边来
Uh. shouldn’t those hips be in the shop? Walk this way. please.
I’m-a walking the dog.
好吧 让我们再点稍难一点儿的 就像这样
Well. step it up a little bit. Something like this.
嚯 看这个 仔细看这个动作
Ho. Iookat this. Watch out forthis thing.
可以这样 嗯哼
It could go. Uh-huh.
You probably should’ve practiced in the garage
beforeyou stepped up to someone of my level.
转身 快点
Back up. come on.
跟我过来 或许有些东西会更具挑战性
Flywith me. Maybe something a little bit more challenging.
嗯 这样怎么样 咱们去大门口
Hey! How ’bout this? Out the front door.
Take it outside!
Lookwho’s here on the porch.
我在走廊上漫步 我手持火炬 我准备好被焚烧了
I’m walking the porch. I’m holding a torch. I’m ready to scorch.
嗯哼 那是奇特的步法
Uh-huh. That’s fancy footwork.
嗨 快来看 加菲和欧弟一起跳舞呢
Hey! Look. Garfield’s dancing with Odie.
They’re like buddies now!
出什么事了 噢 我的天 欧弟 你在这儿干什么
What’s the matter? Oh. my God! Odie. what are you doing here?
我正在跳单人舞 你这只会爬的狗来这里干什么
I was doing a solo dance, anda creepy dog comes up next to me?
你们都看到了吧 谢谢 伙计们 谢谢你们
Didyou guys see that? Thankyou, fellas. Thankyou.
啊哦 有大♥麻♥烦了
Uh-oh. Here’s more trouble.
看那个笨蛋 看他的脸
Look at the goony look on his face.
来吧 伙计 来这儿 快点 -把它送回宠物医院
come on. buddy. come here. come on. – T aking him back to the vet?
是我们和莉斯约好的日子了 -把它送回狗窝 对不对
Time for our date with Liz. – Takin’him back to the kennel, right?
对吧 你不会是想收养它吧
Yeah? Areyou putting him up foradoption?
嗨 加菲 乔恩带着欧弟去赴莉斯的约会去了
Hey, Garfiield, Jon’s taking Odie on his date with Liz…
