-Christ. -When you want to start cooking your own food,you’re welcome.
-当年在夕阳红养老院 那可 -你喜欢呆在养老院 就不该搞到自己被踢出来
-At Sunset Manor, you know–If you like Sunset Manor,you shouldn’t have got kicked out.
For God’s sakes.
So when did you start with the vow?
九个月了 弗兰克 他一句话也没说过
Been nine months, Frank.He hasn’t said a word.
一句话没说 我觉得这说明他很有意志力
Not one. I think it shows tremendous discipline.
-理查 -真的
-Richard. -I really do.
真的 我觉得德维恩值得我们学习
Really. I think we could learn something from Dwayne.
德维恩有目标 有梦想
Dwayne has a goal.He has a dream.
It may not be my dream,may not be yours…
但他努力追求这个目标 有信心 有专注
but he’s pursuing it with great conviction and focus.
事实上 这让我想起九步曲计划
In fact, I was thinking about the nine steps-
啊唷 帮帮忙
Oh, for crying out loud!
德维恩执行了其中至少七步 为了实现他个人的追求目标
And how Dwayne’s utilizing seven of them in his personal quest to self-fulfillment.
理查 拜托
Richard, please.
说说而已 我已经改变看法 同意你们了
Well, I’m just saying I’ve come around.
I think he could use our support.
How did it happen?
-什么怎么回事 -你的事故
-How did what happen? -Your accident.
宝贝 来
Honey, here.
噢没事 除非你不想说
Oh, no, it’s okay.Unlessyou object.
没有啦 我赞成诚实 我就是想 你知道啦 你说了算
No, I’m pro-honesty here.I just think, you know, it’s up to you.
Be my guest.
奥丽芙 弗兰克叔叔并没有真的出事故
Olive, um, Uncle Frank didn’t really have an accident.
事实上是 他企图自杀
What happened was he…tried to kill himself.
真的 为什么
You did? Why?
抱歉 我觉得这种谈话不合适
I’m sorry. I don’t think this is an appropriate conversation.
宝贝 让弗兰克叔叔吃完饭再说好吧 嘘
Honey, let’s let Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay? Shh.
Why did you want to kill yourself?
别回答 弗兰克
No, don’t answer the question, Frank.
-理查 理查 -他不会回答的 弗兰克
-Richard! Richard! -He’s not gonna answer the question. Frank.
-我想自杀是因为 -别听他的
-I wanted to kill myself–Don’t listen to him.
-我很不快乐 -他脑子有病
-I was very unhappy. -He’s sick in his head.
-理查 -抱歉 我觉得这种对话
-Richard! -I’m sorry! I don’t think it’s an appropriate conversation…
-不该让七岁小孩听到 -她迟早会明白的
-for a seven-year-old. -She’s gonna find out anyway.
-好吧 -接着说 弗兰克
-Okay. -Go on, Frank.
Why were you unhappy?
嗯 有很多原因
Um, well, there are a lot of reasons.
主要是 我爱的人不爱我
Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didn’t love me back.

我的一个研究生 我很爱他
One of my gradstudents.I was very much in love with him.

是个男孩 你爱上了一个男孩
It was a boy?You fell in love with a boy?
-对的 的确是 很是 -多傻啊
-Yes, I did. Very much so. -That’s silly.
没错 是挺傻的 非常 非常傻
You’re right. It was silly.It was very, very silly.
-除了”傻”还有别的词可以形容呢 -爸
-There’s another word for it. -Dad.
-于是那时候你就打算自杀 -倒不至于
-So, that’s when you tried to kill yourself? -Well, no.
我爱的那个男孩爱上了别人 拉里·苏格曼
The boy that I was in love with fell in love with another man-Larry Sugarman.
-谁是拉里·苏格曼 -拉里·苏格曼嘛 可能是
-Who’s Larry Sugarman? -Larry Sugarman is, perhaps…
the second most highly regarded Proust scholar in the U.S.
-谁是第一名 -那就是我了
-Who’s number one? -That would be me, Rich.
-真的 -嗯
-Really? -Mm-hmm.
So that’s when.
那还不至于 事情是这样的
No. What happened was I was a bit upset…
我有点失落 所以说了些可能不该说的话
so I said some things that I shouldn’t have said…
and I did some things that I shouldn’t have done…
and subsequently I was fired from my job…
只好搬出公♥寓♥ 去住旅馆
and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.
-于是那时候你就 -还不是
-And that’s when you tried to–Well, no.
其实 这些都不成问题
Actually, all of that was okay.
问题是两天前 马克阿瑟基金会 极其明智地
What happened was two days ago the MacArthur Foundation, in its infinite wisdom…
awardeda genius grant to LarrySugarman.
于是这时候 我决定
And that’s when I-
Decided to check out early.
对 结果这也失败了
Yes. Yes. And I failed at that as well.
奥丽芙 这里重要的一点是
Olive, the important thing to understand here…
is that Uncle Frank gave up on himself.
他做出了一系列愚蠢的抉择 抱歉 并且放弃了自我
He made a series of foolish choices-I ‘m sorry-and he gave up on himself…
which is something winners never do.
事情就是这样的 行了吧 好了 大家说点别的吧
So that’s the story, okay?Now, everyone, just let’s move on and, uh-
他一直都这样 你怎么受得了的
-Is he always like this? How can you stand it?
奥丽芙 给他说说你在准备的这个表演
Olive, tell him about your routine while you’re doing this.
好 辣椒小美女是阿尔布开克的一项美丽竞选
Okay. Little Miss Chili Pepper is a beauty contest for everyone in Albuquerque…
but you have to be six or seven and you have to be a girl.
This is our sister.
-辛蒂 -春假的时候
-Cindy. -Spring break.
德维恩去佛罗里达州和他爸爸 一起呆了两个礼拜
Dwayne went to see his dad in Florida for two weeks…
奥丽芙去了拉古那 见她的表兄妹
and Olive went to Laguna to see her cousins.
-结果得了地区名次 -我是亚军
-She made it to the top of the regionals out there. -I was in second place.
Well, what doyou think your chances are?
我想我能赢的 因为其它的女孩子
I think I can win,because some ofthe other girls…
她们可能起步早 有经验 但我每天都有练习
they’ve been doing it longer,but I practice every day.
-嗯 祝你好运 -这不是运气问题 弗兰克
-Yeah. Good luck. -Not about luck, Frank.
Luck is the name losers give to their own failings.
问题是要想赢 努力赢
It’s about wanting to win,willing yourself to win.
-你得比别人都想赢 -我是的
-You’ve got to want it badder than anybody else. -I do.
-那你就赢定了 -理查
-Then you’re gonna be a winner. -Richard.
It’s the truth.
说起来 答录机上有一条辛蒂的留言
You know, actually, there is a message from Cindy on the machine.
Something about Little Mrs. Sunshine.
-什么 阳光小美女 -对
-What? Little Miss Sunshine? -Yeah.
雪儿 我是辛蒂
-Sheryl, it’s Cindy.
Remember when Olive was here last month?
She was runner-up in the regional Little Miss Sunshine?
他们刚打过电♥话♥来 第一名那个女孩的冠军名次被没收了
They just called right now and said that the girl who won had to for feit her crown.
不知道怎么回事 减肥药片什么的
I don’t know why.Something about diet pills.
-Now she has a place in the state contest in Redondo Beach!
天哪 我赢了 我赢了我赢了我赢了
Oh, my gosh! I won!I won! I won! I won!
-把晚饭吃完 -我吃完了
-Finishyour dinner! -I’m finished!
-出了什么事 -我正在打电♥话♥ 辛蒂
-What happened? -I’m just calling to-Cindy!
对 我们刚收到 对 她简直疯了
Yeah, we just got it.Yeah, she basically went crazy.
-我赢了我赢了我赢了 -没 我没听见那段
-I won! I won! I won! -No, I didn’t get that.
答录机切断了 好
-The machine cut you off. Okay.
雷东多海滩 这周日
Redondo Beach. This Sunday?
-你们去吗 -他们得去
-Wh-Are you guys going? -Yes.
-你们不能改期吗 -让他们改期 改期
-Can you put it off? -They have to. They have to.
-那我们怎么办 -我们不行 不行
-Where does that leave us? -We can’t do it. We can’t.
没事 没事 我明白 辛蒂
No, no-No, I understand that, Cindy. Yeah.
-他们 -我就 我会想办法 好 再见
-They–I just-No, I’ll just figure it out. Okay, bye-bye.
这周日 杰夫和辛蒂不能带她去吗
It’s this Sunday? Why can’t Jeff and Cindy take her?
They have some equestrian thing in Santa Barbara.
那个骑马的破事 他们不是每周都去吗
You know, they do that horse shit every single weekend.
这次是全国性的ue4c6 两匹马都带上 听起来挺那像回事的
Well, it’s the nationals. They’re taking both horses, so apparently it’s a big deal.
What about Olive?
阳光小美女 阳光小美女 我赢了
Little Miss Sunshine!Little Miss Sunshine! I won!
I won!
要去比赛喽 我们去喽
I’m going! We’re going!
-噢 你答应她了 -我们坐飞机过去 周一回来
-You promised? -We’ll fly out and come back Monday.
-到了那边怎么走 -租俩车
-How are you gonna get around out there? -We’ll rent a car.
-还住旅馆 -我们付得起
-And stay at a hotel? -We can afford it.
-这可是我们攒下的本钱啊 -是啊 没人帮我挣钱 有啥法子呢
-This is our seed money. -Well, if I had a little help bringin’ it in.
-别提这茬 -都花在你的九步计划上了
-Don’t start that. -It all goes to your nine steps!
我说了 我会跟斯坦·格罗斯曼谈的
I told you I’m gonna talk to Stan Grossman!
我们搞定这笔生意 就有钱赚了
We’re gonna get locked and loaded on this deal and start generating some income!
-在这期间 我们得 -好啦好啦 我们开车去
-But in the meantime we’ve gotta be–Okay, okay! We’ll drive!
-我可不开车 -你那辆小车 老爷子怎么坐得下
-I’m not drivin’. -How are you gonna fit Grandpa in the Miata?
-老爷子不用去 -啥 训练她的人是我
-Well, Grandpa does not have to come. -What? I coached her!
我教她的动作 我得去
I gave her the moves.I gotta go.
-不然你开大众车去 -我开不了手动车 我试过 不行
-Why don’t you take the V.W.? -I cannot drive a shift. I tried.
-坐飞机去 -没那个钱
