

[noun] a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion
[名词] 对某个情况或事件的看法或态度;意见


Sentiment 是一个与 sediment (沉淀物、沉积物)较为形似的单词,该词由词根 senti (感觉 )+名词后缀 -ment 构成,14世纪末经古法语 santement, sentement 或者直接由中古拉丁语 sentimentum (感觉、喜爱、意见)进入英语,原指个人的“感觉、知觉”,比如强烈的恐怖感(an intense sentiment of horror)。

不过这个含义在中古英语时期后就较为罕用。转而到了17世纪30年代后, sentiment 开始用来表示个人的“观点、意见、看法、见解”,常作正式用语用复数 sentiments 指某人对某个情况、事件、观念等用言辞表达的且不大可能变动的感受或想法,比如:

  • 我不同意那位文坛创作巨匠的见解。
    I don’t share the sentiments expressed by the creative colossus of the literary world.

在这个概念下,口语中还常用 my sentiments exactly 这个正式短语表示“我也这么认为”或者说“完全同意”,比如:

  • “这件事如果继续下去就糟透了。”“我也这么认为。”
    “If it goes ahead, it will be the nightmare scenario.” “My sentiments exactly.”

等到了18世纪中期, sentiment 开始进一步发展为一个时兴单词,既更多地用来表示人们的“态度、情绪”,主要指由某个想法或感受激起的某种普遍的强烈感情或意见,蕴含较大的理智因素,比如:

  • 自野蛮袭击发生以来,该地区的民族主义情绪有所上升。
    Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the savage attack.

也可以指诸如恻隐之心(the sentiment of pity)、爱国主义情操(the sentiment of patriotism)之类的“思想感情、情操”等。

此外, sentiment 还时常用作贬义词表示过度或不恰当的“伤感情绪、哀伤、多愁善感”,尤指对昔日柔情等过去的事过度且无谓的“感伤、眷恋”,常意味着软弱、愚蠢,比如:

  • 做生意不能感情用事。
    There is no room for sentiment in business.


And as he looked at the unpractised mouth and lips, he thought that such a daughter of the soil could only have caught up the sentiment by rote.

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代的长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)。


  • Greater disparity between rich and poor in the West may well have driven anti-establishment sentiment.
  • That type of sentiment helps explain the mixed messages of last weekend’s election.



  1. Positive sentiment (积极情绪) – Referring to a favorable or optimistic feeling or attitude.
    • Example: The customer reviews expressed a positive sentiment towards the product.
  2. Negative sentiment (消极情绪) – Referring to an unfavorable or pessimistic feeling or attitude.
    • Example: The public’s negative sentiment towards the company impacted its reputation.
  3. Mixed sentiment (复杂情绪) – Describing a combination of both positive and negative feelings or opinions.
    • Example: The survey results showed a mixed sentiment among the participants.
  4. Public sentiment (公众情绪) – Referring to the general attitude or opinion of the public regarding a particular issue or topic.
    • Example: The government’s decision sparked a strong public sentiment against the new policy.
  5. Sentiment analysis (情感分析) – The process of determining and evaluating the emotional tone or sentiment expressed in a text or data.
    • Example: The company used sentiment analysis to understand customer feedback on social media.
  6. Sentimental value (情感价值) – Describing the personal or emotional significance attached to something based on sentimental feelings or memories.
    • Example: The old family heirloom holds sentimental value for her.
  7. Expressing sentiment (表达情绪) – Communicating or conveying one’s feelings or emotions.
    • Example: She wrote a heartfelt letter expressing her sentiment towards her best friend.
  8. Negative sentiment outweighs positive sentiment (消极情绪超过积极情绪) – Referring to a situation where negative feelings or opinions are more significant or influential than positive ones.
    • Example: In the survey, the negative sentiment outweighed the positive sentiment regarding the company’s customer service.
  9. Public sentiment analysis (公众情绪分析) – The process of analyzing and understanding the collective emotions or attitudes of the public towards a specific topic or event.
    • Example: The government conducted a public sentiment analysis to gauge public opinion on the proposed law.
  10. Sentiment shift (情绪转变) – Referring to a change in feelings, opinions, or attitudes towards a particular issue or situation.
    • Example: The recent scandal caused a sentiment shift among the company’s shareholders.
  11. Sentimental attachment (情感依恋) – Describing a strong emotional connection or fondness for someone or something.
    • Example: She had a sentimental attachment to her childhood home.
  12. Positive sentiment analysis (积极情绪分析) – The process of analyzing and identifying positive emotions or attitudes expressed in text or data.
    • Example: The marketing team used positive sentiment analysis to measure customer satisfaction.
  13. Negative sentiment analysis (消极情绪分析) – The process of analyzing and identifying negative emotions or attitudes expressed in text or data.
    • Example: The company monitored negative sentiment analysis to address customer complaints.
  14. Public sentiment survey (公众情绪调查) – A survey conducted to gather and analyze public opinions, attitudes, or emotions regarding a specific issue.
    • Example: The government conducted a public sentiment survey to gather feedback on environmental policies.
  15. Sentiment-driven decision (情绪驱动决策) – Describing a decision influenced or based on emotions or feelings rather than logical reasoning.
    • Example: His sentiment-driven decision led to regret later on.
  16. Sentimental journey (怀旧之旅) – Referring to a journey or experience that evokes nostalgic or sentimental feelings.
    • Example: The old photographs took her on a sentimental journey through her past.
  17. Sentimental music (伤感音乐) – Referring to music that evokes or expresses strong emotional feelings, often nostalgic or melancholic.
    • Example: She listened to sentimental music to relax and unwind.
  18. Sentimental moment (感伤时刻) – Describing a particular moment or experience that is emotionally touching or nostalgic.
    • Example: The farewell party was filled with sentimental moments and tears.
  19. Sentimental value (情感价值) – The personal or emotional worth assigned to something due to its sentimental significance.
    • Example: The worn-out teddy bear holds sentimental value for her as it was a gift from her late grandmother.
  20. Sentimental gesture (感伤的姿态) – Referring to a thoughtful or emotional action that conveys deep feelings or affection.
    • Example: He surprised her with a sentimental gesture on their anniversary.
  21. Global sentiment (全球情绪) – Referring to the overall feelings, opinions, or attitudes shared by people worldwide on a particular topic or event.
    • Example: The global sentiment towards renewable energy is increasingly positive.
  22. Sentimental attachment to the past (对过去的情感依恋) – Describing a strong emotional connection or longing for past experiences or memories.
    • Example: Some people have a sentimental attachment to the past and resist change.
  23. Sentimental journey down memory lane (怀旧之旅) – Referring to a nostalgic or reflective journey revisiting past memories or experiences.
    • Example: The old photo album took her on a sentimental journey down memory lane.
  24. Sentimental wedding vows (感伤的婚礼誓言) – Referring to heartfelt and emotional promises or declarations of love exchanged during a wedding ceremony.
    • Example: The couple exchanged sentimental wedding vows that moved everyone to tears.
  25. Sentimental objects (感伤的物品) – Referring to items or possessions that hold sentimental value or evoke emotional memories.
    • Example: She keeps a box of sentimental objects from her childhood.
  26. Sentimental keepsake (感伤的纪念品) – Referring to an item kept for sentimental reasons or as a memento of a person or event.
    • Example: The locket was a sentimental keepsake from her late grandfather.
  27. Sentimental longing (感伤的渴望) – Describing a deep emotional desire or yearning for someone or something.
    • Example: She felt a sentimental longing for her hometown while living abroad.
  28. Sentimental atmosphere (感伤的氛围) – Referring to an emotional or nostalgic ambiance or mood.
    • Example: The dim lighting and soft music created a sentimental atmosphere in the restaurant.
  29. Sentimental reflections (感伤的反思) – Referring to deep or introspective thoughts and emotions related to personal experiences or memories.
    • Example: As she celebrated her birthday, she had sentimental reflections on the past year.
  30. Sentimental love letter (感伤的情书) – Referring to a heartfelt and emotional letter expressing romantic feelings and affection.
    • Example: He wrote her a sentimental love letter confessing his deep love for her.


feeling: an opinion, typically one shared by several people
affection: a gentle feeling of fondness or liking
emotion: a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
