“芝加哥 1929”
好 查理
All right Charlie.
-就是那里吗 老板是谁 -我已经告诉过你了
-That the joint? Who runs it? -l already told you.
-再说一遍 -大嘴可伦波
-Refresh my memory. -Spats Colombo.
-通关密语是啥 -“我来参加祖母的葬礼”
-What’s the password? -“I’ve come to Grandma’s funeral.”
-这是你的通行证 -谢了 查理
-Your admission card. -Thanks Charlie.
如果你想坐场边的位置 就说你是负责抬棺的
lf you want a ringside table just say you’re a pallbearer.
准备就绪 何时开始
We’re all set. Whens the kickoff?
我最好先闪人 要是被可伦波看到 我就小命不保
I’d better blow. lf Colombo sees me it’s goodbye Charlie.
再见 查理
Goodbye Charlie.
给我五分钟 然后全体出动
Give me five minutes then hit ’em with everything you got.
You betcha.
晚安 先生
Good evening sir.
在下摩萨瑞拉 有什么能为你效劳吗
I’m Mr Mozarella. What can l do for you?
I’ve come to the old lady’s funeral.
l haven’t seen you at our services before.
-没错 我好久没喝酒了 -请进
-No I’ve been on the wagon. -Please.
在哪里守灵 我是抬棺的
Where is the wake? I’m one of the pallbearers.
请带这位先生到礼拜堂 让他坐三号♥
Show the gentleman into the chapel. Pew number three.
好的 这边请
Yes Mr Mozarella. This way sir.
Well if you gotta go that’s the way to do it.
Follow me please.
-先生 想喝点什么 -喝酒
-What’ll it be sir? -Booze.
-抱歉 我们只卖♥♥咖啡 -咖啡
-Sorry. We only serve coffee. -Coffee?
威士忌咖啡 加拿大咖啡 麦芽威士忌咖啡…
Scotch coffee Canadian coffee sour mash coffee…
给我威士忌 用小咖啡杯装 苏打水另外装
Scotch. Make it a demitasse with soda on the side.
等等 有离乐队远一点的位置吗
Wait a minute. Haven’t you got a pew not so close to the band?
How about that one over there?
抱歉 那是留给近亲的
Sorry but that’s reserved for members of the immediate family.
Hey l want another cup of coffee.
结♥帐♥ 免得警方来扫荡
Better bring a check in case the joint is raided.
-谁会打葬礼的主意 -有些人对死者就是不敬
-Who’s gonna raid a funeral? -Some people don’t respect the dead.
乔 今晚是大日子吧
Say Joe. Tonight’s the night isn’t it?
-那可不 -今晚咱们可以领钱了
-I’ll say. -No tonight we get paid.
-为什么 -我明天要去看牙医
-Why? -I’ve got to see a dentist tomorrow.
牙医 我们已经停业四个月了
You wanna blow your first week’s pay on your teeth?
你要把第一周的薪水 全花在牙齿上
You wanna blow your first week’s pay on your teeth?
补牙而已 又不是镶金牙
Just a filling. Doesn’t have to be gold.
你怎么这么自私 我们还欠房♥租
How can you be so selfish? We owe rent. We owe $89 to Moe’s Delicatessen.
欠老莫餐厅89块 洗衣店要告我们
How can you be so selfish? We owe rent. We owe $89 to Moe’s Delicatessen.
The Chinese laundry is suing us. We owe money to every girl in the line.
You’re right.
Tomorrow we’ll pay everyone something on account.
不 明天我们去赌狗 把所有的钱都押在油脂闪电上
No. Tomorrow we go to the dog track and bet it all on Greased Lightning.
-拿我的钱去赌狗 -它稳赢不输
-You’d bet my money on a dog? -He’s a shoo-in.
麦克斯认识的技工有内♥幕♥消息 他负责圈兔子
Max the waiter knows the electrician that wires the rabbit.
-你拿兔子来唬弄我 -赔率是十比一
-What are you givin’ me with a rabbit? -The odds are 10 to 1 .
Suppose he loses.
紧张什么 钱再赚就有
Why worry? This job’ll last a long time.
-万一赚不到呢 -杰利小子 你为何这么悲观
-Suppose it doesn’t. -Jerry boy why paint everyzhing black?
万一你被卡车撞倒 万一股市大崩♥盘♥
Suppose you got hit by a truck. Suppose the stock market crashes.
Suppose Mary Pickford divorces Douglas Fairbanks.
Suppose the Dodgers leave Brooklyn.
Suppose Lake Michigan overflows.
先别看 大水就要淹没金山寺了
Well don’t look now but the whole town is underwater.




各位 这是警方临检
All right everybody. This is a raid.
我是联邦调查员 你们全都被捕了
I’m a federal agent. You’re all under arrest.
l want another cup of coffee.
All right Spats.
-这里打烊了 咱们走 -去哪里
-The services are over. Let’s go. -Go where?
退休私酒商乡村俱乐部 我让你入会
A country club for retired bootleggers. I’m puttin’ you up for membership.
-我哪儿都不去 -你会喜欢那里的
-l don’t join nothin’. -Oh you’ll like it there.
我让监狱的裁缝帮你做一套 合身帅气的条纹装
I’ll get the prison tailor to fit you with a pair of special spats -striped.
真好笑 你打算告我什么
Big joke. What’s the rap this time?
用咖啡灌醉人 有86个人证
Embalming people with coffee. 86 proof.
我 我只是来消费的
Me? I’m just a customer.
少来了 我们知道你是老板
Oh come on Spats. We know you own the joint.
Mozarella’s just frontin’ for you.
-摩萨瑞拉 没听过 -据我们所知不是这样
-Mozarella? Never heard of him. -We got different information.
From who? Toothpick Charlie maybe?
牙签查理 没听过
Toothpick Charlie? Never heard of him.
聪明 不喝自己卖♥♥的酒
Too smart to drink your own stuff huh?
Come on. On your feet.
-你在浪费纳税人的血汗钱 -通知你的律师吧
-You’re wastin’ the taxpayers’ money. -Call your lawyer if you wanna.
这些就是 都是哈佛高材生
These are my lawyers. All Harvard men.
l wan’ another cuppa coffee.
难题解决了 我们不用 再为先还谁钱而伤脑筋
That solves one problem. Now we don’t have to worry about who to pay first.
-不要吵 让我想想 -房♥东会赶我们
-Quiet. I’m thinking. -The landlady will lock us out.
At Moe’s Deli no more knockwurst on credit.
不能跟舞♥女♥借 她们都被关了
We can’t borrow from the girls -they’re on the way to jail.
不晓得签赌的山姆 会给外套抵押多少
l wonder how much Sam the bookie will give us for our overcoats.
组头山姆 别作梦了 我才不用外套赌狗呢
Sam the bookie? Nothin’ doin’. You’re not puttin’ my overcoat on a dog.
-我说过它稳操胜券 -我们会冻死的
-Jerry l told you it’s a sure thing. -We will freeze.
现在不到零度 会染上肺炎
lt is below zero. We’ll get pneumonia.
傻瓜 赔率是十比一 明天我们可以买♥♥20件外套
Look stupid he’s 10-1 . Tomorrow we’ll have 20 overcoats.
Greased Lightning.
I oughta have my head examined.
I thought you weren’t talkin’ to me.
The bull fiddle’s dressed warmer than I am.
-有消息吗 -没有
-Anyzhing today? -Nothing.
Thank you.
-有消息吗 -没有
-Anyzhing today? -Nothing.
Thank you.
l can’t go on Joe.
又饿又累 发高烧 鞋子开口笑…
I’m weak from hunger l got a fever l got a hole in my shoe…
给我个机会 包你发大财
lf you gave me a chance we could be living like kings.
-怎么发财 -第三场有一只狗
-How? -There’s a dog running in the third.
Galloping Ghost.
赔率是十五比一 一定会赢
He’s 1 5-1 and it’s his kind of a track. He’s a real mudder.
你要我怎么样 把头砍下来给你
What do you want from me? My head on a plate?
不用 把低音提琴和萨克斯风当了…
No your bass. lf we hock that and my sax…
你疯啦 这不是杀鸡取卵吗
Are you crazy? We’re up the creek and you wanna hock the paddle.
好吧 你要饿死冻死随你
All right go ahead and starve. What do l care? Freeze.
-今天有消息吗 -是你啊
-Anyzhing today? -Oh it’s you.
Well you’ve got a lot of nerve.
Thank you.
乔 回来
Joe. Come back here.
奈莉宝贝 星期六晚上的事我能解释
Nellie baby if it’s about Saturday night l can explain.
他是个小人 我花了四块钱烫头发
What a heel. l spend $4 to get my hair marcelled,
l buy me a brand-new negligee,
l bake him a great big pizza pie.
-结果你死到哪儿去了 -你到哪儿去了
-And where were you? -Where were you?
-我跟你在一起 -我
-With you. -Me?
不记得啦 你牙痛
Remember? You had this bad tooth.
lt was impacted. His jaw was swoll out.
lt was?
Oh yeah.
-我只好带他去医院输血 -我们两个的血型相同
-l took him for a blood transfusion. -We have the same type blood.
-O型 -是吗
-Type O. -Oh?
-我会补偿你的 -你暂时做得还不错
-I’ll make it up to you. -You’re makin’ it up pretty good so far.
一找到工作 我就带你去吃最好的馆子
As soon as we get a job I’ll take you to the swellest restaurant in town.
波利克夫有工作机会吗 我们已经走投无路了
How about it? Has Poliakoff got anyzhing for us? We’re desperate.
真巧 他在找贝斯手
Well it just so happens he is looking for a bass.
