-太精彩了 -呵呵是嘛
That was wonderful. Oh, yeah?
-我听完了整个节目 太有趣了 -谢谢
I listened to the whole show. It was so interesting. Thanks.
I may have to buy your book and read it.
-额 我很抱歉 -噢 不
-Uh, sorry about that. -Oh, no!
-他是不是很棒啊 -他的确很棒
Wasn’t he wonderful? He was wonderful.
噢天哪 今天接下来的时间你可以自♥由♥安排
Oh, my gosh. So, you have the rest of the day free.
Where would you like to go?
Do you know where the Mall of America is?
-是的 我知道 -太好了
Yes, I do. Great.
-是的 我知道 -对
Yes, I do. Yeah.
I wanted to write something that had the sort of texture…
of what American life is like now.
-比如海啸卷着重重物什朝你袭来 -没错
-This tsunami of stuff just comin’ at you. -Right.
-不枯燥吧 我不这么认为 -我也不这么想
Also, it’s not unfun, I don’t think. No. I don’t think so either.
完全不枯燥 不过 是有点沉重
No. Not at all. I mean, although it is, uh… it is sort of heavy though.
对吧 至少 很有份量
Right? Weight-wise at least.
我朋友提到过 海啸冲到他家门口时
My friend said, when it hit his porch,
it sounded like a car bomb going off.
确实 嗯 你觉得你的读者是哪些人
Right. Exactly. And… And who do you think your readers are?
Are they, uh… Are they college kids?
The people who seem most enthusiastic are young men.
我也能理解 这本书本就有点偏向男性
Which I guess I understand. It’s a fairly male book.
也有点书呆气 关于孤独
It’s a fairly nerdy book, too, about loneliness.
自然啦 愿意读而且是认真读上一千页书的人
You also can expect that someone who’s willing to read… and read hard…
A thousand-page book is gonna be someone with some loneliness issues.
所以 你觉得这本书是关于这个的
So, is that what you think the book is about then?
About loneliness?
I think that if there’s a sort of sadness for people under 45,
那定是与快乐 与成就 与消遣有关
it has something to do with pleasure and achievement and entertainment.
Like a sort of emptiness at the heart of what they thought was going on,
and maybe I can hope that some parts of the book…
-能够引起他们的一点共鸣 -嗯
speak to their nerve endings a little bit. Mm-hmm.
顺便提下 如果你打算把我这些话写进去
If you quote any of this, by the way,
那请帮我个大忙 你要说…
you’d do me a great favor by saying…
this is what I hope for the book, you know.
This is what the book is trying to achieve.
I don’t pretend that it has.
行 可以 嗯
That’s… That’s fine. Um…
So the Walter Kirn review in, uh, New York magazine.
Did you…
-我听说了 没看 -你没看过啊
I heard about it. I didn’t read it. You didn’t read it.
“明年各项图书奖已名花有主了” 你怎么看这段话
“Next year’s book awards have been decided.” How do you feel about that?
我怎么看 我为他的品味和洞察力喝彩
How do I feel about it? I applaud his taste and discernment.
你想要我说什么呢 你会怎么看待这话
What do you want me to say? How would you feel about it?
How would I feel?
我会想 我一直知道这是上佳之作
That something that I had known was really good
was now being validated by somebody else.
All I know is this is absolutely the best
I could do between 1992 and 1995.
如果大家纷纷恶评 我不会兴奋激动
If everybody had hated it, I wouldn’t have been thrilled.
I don’t think I would have been devastated either.
如果你已经习惯写那些厚重的 不怎么卖♥♥得动的纯文学
When you’re used to doing heavy-duty literary stuff that doesn’t sell well,
being human animals with egos,
you accommodate that fact by the following equation.
如果这书很畅销 很受瞩目
If something sells really well, gets a lot of attention,
-那一定写得很狗屎 对吧 -没错 显然
it’s gotta be shit, right? Right. Of course.
最最讽刺的是 如果你的作品开始畅销了
The ultimate irony is, if your thing starts selling well,
gets a lot of attention,
the very mechanism you used to shore yourself up…
when your thing didn’t sell well… Doesn’t work anymore.
现在就成了歪理邪说了 所以你就彻底完蛋了
It’s now part of the darkness nexus when it does, so you’re totally screwed.
You know, you can’t win.
-我不明白她们怎么会迷路的 -是啊
I don’t really see how they could’ve gotten lost. Right.
I mean, it’s a straight shot.
是啊 只需要走过餐饮区
Yeah. Of course. Right, just past the food court.
-穿过游乐场 -要往第一只大龙虾那里穿过
Yeah. Through the amusement park. Through the first lobster.
不要去水族馆 右拐
Yeah. Don’t go to the aquarium. Turn right.
-不要…-如果看到了牛奶软糖 那就是走过头了
Do not… If you see fudge, you’ve gone too far.
嘿 你们好
Hey! Hello.
-噢 -嘿
Aw. Hey!
-你们好 -见到你们真好
-Hello. -It’s good to see you.
-很高兴见到你 -谢谢你们开车到这里来
Nice to see you. Thanks for driving up here.
你喜欢这里 我知道
Yes. You love it, I know it.
-很高兴见到你 -你好 贝特西 你好吗
Nice to see you. Hello, Betsy. Great. How are you?
What’s The Juror?
哦 是黛米·摩尔演的 约翰·格里森姆写的剧本
Oh, that’s a Demi Moore, John Grisham movie. Yeah.
-《球场古惑仔》如何 -不要
Happy Gilmore? No.
-那是 额 谁来着 -亚当·桑德勒
That’s, uh, what? Adam Sandler.
-对 -《断箭》怎么样
Right. What about, uh, Broken Arrow?
不用动脑子的肌肉片 爆♥炸♥大场面什么的
It’s a dumb boy movie. Stuff blows up.
I’ve actually seen that.
-你已经看过了 -是的
You saw that already? I did actually.
哇 这个男人正合我心啊
Wow, a man after my own heart.
不过你们想看的话 我再看一遍也没问题
But I would be happy to see it again if you want to.
不用 我们很随便的
Nah. We can really see anything.
噢 老兄啊
Oh, man.

It’s fantastic.
-可怕极了 -你一定是开玩笑吧
-Horrible. -You have got to be kidding me.
太差劲了 那个结尾 屈伏塔被那玩意儿捅穿…
That was the worst… The end, when Travolta got impaled by the thing?
-我看过的最烂的电影 -他拯救了全人类啊 贝特西
The worst movie I’ve ever seen. He-He saved humanity, Betsy.
-不 他没有 -摸摸良心
No, he did not. Have a heart.
-他把情况弄得更糟糕了 -你变了
He made it worse. You’ve changed.
He made it worse. What do we do now?
-你有电视机吗 -我有
Do you have a TV? Uh-huh. I do.
-老天哪 你懂我意思吧 -谁知道啊
Oh, God. You know what I mean. Who knows? Okay.
I guess, you know.
噢 非得挑明了是吧 那天那个演出
Oh, gotta hand you, that show the other day.
-有桑德拉·伯恩哈德的那个 -啊 天哪
With Sandra Bernhard? Ah, Jesus Christ!
其实 我认识那个人
I know that guy actually.
-哪个 -扮莱特曼的那个
Wh-Which one? The one playing Letterman.
真的 你们认识
Really? You do?
-怎么认识的 -阿默斯特校友
How? We went to Amherst together.
-不是吧 -是的
No. Yeah.
Was he a friend of yours?
I hated his guts so much.
-自然啦 -好吧
Of course you did. Right.
嘿 等等 有人想喝杯饮料什么的吗
Hey, wait. Does anyone want drinks or anything?
-不用 -不用吗 好的
No. No? Okay.
-不过 冰箱里有啤酒 -苏打水就好了 谢谢
-But, um, there’s also beer in the fridge. -Soda’s fine. Thank you.
-你为什么讨厌他 -道理很简单
-Why did you hate him? -Pretty simple recipe.
-他那时很酷 很受欢迎 -唔
He was, like, very cool and popular. Mm-hmm.
And I was not.
这就是他的原罪了 看看他现在的样子啊
That was the basic offense. Look at him now.
-嘿 -嘿
Hey. Hey.
啊 我给你带了点东西
Ah, I brought you something.
You brought me something?
-是啊 -带了什么
Yeah. What is this?
哦 天哪 这是…
Oh, my God. This is the, uh…
This is the Review, where you have your poem in it.
-里面某一页 -太棒了
Somewhere in there. That’s amazing.
What’s on next?
《海角游魂》海蒂·拉玛主演 这部你看过没
Algiers, starring Hedy Lamarr. Have you seen that?
额 没有 最棒的电影之一
Um, no. It’s one of the greats.
And Hedy Lamarr is fascinating.
She invented, uh… She invented frequency hopping.
-不是吧 -真的
