反诈骗腐♥败♥组织集团那个 那是一年前的事了
That RICO thing? That’s a year old.
顾问律师 我已经完全不记得了
Counselor, I completely forgot about it.
我是说 都过去这么久了
I mean, it’s been so long.
并且… 人人都知道这是胡说八道 所以
And… everybody knows that those RICO things are bullshit anyway, so-
对 那么 这个可不是胡说
Yeah, well, this one isn’t bullshit.
不只你 你老板 二老板还有你的十七个同伙
It’s not just you. Your boss, your underboss, and 17 of your goombahs.
你们有二十个犯了76项 我们没跟你开玩笑 杰基
Twenty of you on 76 counts. We’re not fucking around, Jackie.
Mm-hmm. So what do you need me for?
你们都死定了 你们都死定了
You’re all going down. You are all going down.
整个新泽西州鲁切斯团伙 我们掌握了所有证据
The whole New Jersey Lucchese crew. We got it all.
录音带 监控摄像…
Tapes, surveillance videos…
目击证人 档案柜都满了
so many witnesses, they’re crawling out of the file cabinets.
你表弟 你那亲表弟 托尼 堪帕尼尔
Your cousin, your own fuckin’ cousin, Tony Compagna,
he’s our star.
-我的表弟托尼 -就是你的那个狗♥日♥的♥
-My cousin Tony? -Your fuckin’-A.
审讯在下个星期开庭 还有你的那些同党们…
The trial starts next week. And these pals of yours…
他们为了抢着控方污点证人 都要打起来了
they’re gonna be jumpin’ over each others’ bodies just to make a deal.
你给我们作证 我们帮你减刑u3000就这么简单
So we get your testimony, you get time lopped off this sentence. That simple.
You mean, I rat on my friends?
-你没有朋友 -你说什么
-You have no friends. -What’d you say?
I have no friends?
那些家伙爱我 伙计 我也爱他们
Those guys love me, man. I love them.
-他们爱你 -可不是么
-They love you? -Mm-hmm.
看在基♥督♥的份上 你已经离开了布鲁诺家族
For Christ’s sakes, you left the Bruno family.
Lots of guys get whacked for doing less.
更糟的是 你转行到了鲁切斯
And what’s worse, you switched over to the Luccheses.
他们看对方都不顺眼 你要相信我
Trust me when I tell you they don’t like each other.
The Brunos want you dead.
顺便问一下 你怎么从布鲁诺转到鲁切斯的
By the way, how did you get from Brunos to Luccheses?
I took a cab.
You took a cab?
现在听好 你这混♥蛋♥ 别跟我吊儿郎当的
Now listen to me, you guinea cocksucker. Don’t fuck with me.
我们要搞垮整个家族 你明白吗
We’re taking down the whole fuckin’ family, do you understand?
This trial’s gonna take at least a year.
76项 20个被告 我不知道有多少辩护律师
76 counts, 20 defendants, I don’t know how many defense lawyers…
at least four prosecutors…
陪审团有八名候补 以防万一你
eight alternates on the jury in case you fucks…
try to reach one of them to get a mistrial.
This is the biggest thing I’ll ever have in my life.
Never lost a case.
我非常的肯定 这次也不会输
And I sure as shit won’t start with this one.
I’m gonna watch all of you taking it up the ass for the rest of your lives.
And that’s the only kind of love you pricks are gonna get.
So what’s your answer?
Fuck you.
Get this piece of shit out of here.
-基尔尼先生 -什么事
-Mr. Kierney. -Yeah?
You got a brother?

那么 他也去死吧
Well, fuck him too.
那事是你安排的 对不对
You set up that meeting, didn’t you?
如果有人能做污点证人的话 杰基 我希望那个人是你
Well, if somebody’s gonna make a deal, Jackie, I want it to be you.
嗷 方卡罗 去死吧
Aw, fanculo, you motherfucker.
That’s why they did the dope trial,
so they could use it to squeeze me on this one.
You should know that!
I’ve been in prison half my life.
You think I’m gonna start making deals now?
听好 杰基 我的职责是尽我所能给你最好的法律建议
Listen, Jackie. My job is to give you the best legal advice I can.
That’s what you pay me for.
I paid you 250,000 for my last trial…
and I’m sitting here holding my dick.
How much you wanna charge me for this one?
Look at all the work we’ve put in on this thing.
How much you wanna charge me?
-啊六万 可以少算点 -六万
-Ah, 60,000, give or take a few. -60,000?
拿着你包 滚出我的地儿
Take your fuckin’ briefcase, and get the fuck out of my cell.
西尔威斯特 叫这堆狗屎滚出我的地儿
Sylvester, get this piece of shit out of my cell!
杰基 收拾一下 我们换地方了
Jackie, pack up. You’re movin’ out.
-换地方 -去另一区
-Movin’ out? -Another cell block.
Is it bigger?
哦 我的天 西尔威斯特 听好
Oh, my God. Sylvester, listen.
我的椅子 我得带着我的椅子 没有椅子我睡不着
My chair, I gotta have my chair. I can’t sleep without my chair.
-我会跟他们说 -不 西尔威斯特 你不明白
-I’ll talk to the guy. -No, Sylvester. You don’t understand.
没有椅子我睡不着 我的背不好 你看
I can’t sleep without my chair. I got a bad back. You see, when
What the hell are you still doing here?
哦 来吧 杰基 你还欠我6万呢u3000我帮了你不少呢
Aw, come on, Jackie. You owe me $60,000 for all the work I did so far.
哦 瑞邹 给我一张帐单
Oh, Rizzo. Send me a bill.
我会用它来擦屁♥股♥的 这样行吗
I’ll wipe my ass with it. Would that be okay?
-哦 我的天啊 -让这杂种离开
-Oh, God. -Get him the fuck out of here.
-全归你了 -谢谢 杰基
-He’s all yours. -Thanks, Jesse.
All the way to the end.
You wanna give me a hand?
Mr. Calabrese!
卡拉布雷斯先生 目前无可奉告
Mr. Calabrese has no comment at the present time.
卡拉布雷斯先生 第三次了是不是很有乐趣啊
Mr. Calabrese, is the third time a charm?
邪不胜正 我的当事人会无罪获放
Justice will prevail, and my client will be exonerated.
Thank you very much.
卡拉布雷斯先生 你觉得你会三度失败吗
Mr. Calabrese, you think you’re a three-time loser?
哦 看看你 你的穿着
Oh, look at you. You dressed up.
-嘿 见到你真好 -过得怎么样啊
-Hey, good to see you. -How you been, huh?
-好运 兄弟 -借你吉言
-Good luck, bro. -Nice chatting with you.
-好啊 -嘿 杰基
-Okay. -Hey, Jackie.
-你好吗 -怎么样啊 还好吧
-How are you? -How you doing? Good?
-好 见到你真好 -那好 那好
-Yeah, good to see you. -All right, all right.
Don’t be too obvious.
-他们让你来了 -发型不错啊
-They let you in here? -Good haircut.
-谢谢 -你上电视一定好看
-Thank you. -You’re gonna look beautiful on TV.
-卡罗 你怎么样啊 -我的伙计
-Carlo, how you doing? -My man.
嘿 尼克 见到你真是好
Hey, Nick. Good to see you.
What’s good about it?
杰基 我是 本 克兰狄斯
Jackie? I’m Ben Klandis.
我是卡罗 马斯卡鹏的辩护律师
I’m handling Carlo Mascarpone’s defense.
How you doing?
听着 你真的要为自己辩护吗
Listen, is it true you’re gonna defend yourself?
我♥干♥嘛需要律师啊 再判我个三十年吗
What do I need with a lawyer? So he can get me another 30 years?
上一次审讯 我呼吸暂停了
Last trial, I had apnea.
You know what apnea is?
是 我知道
Yeah, I know what apnea
It’s like a sleeping sickness.
It’s like I slept through the whole fuckin’ trial.
我一睡醒 法官正在宣布 判我三十年
I wake up, the judge is sentencing me to 30 years.
The hammer comes down.
砰 感觉像打在我的老二上
Bang! It felt like it landed on my dick.
呐 这一次 我自已帮自已
Nah, this time, I take care of me myself.
不 这正是问题所在 并不只是你一个人
Well, that’s the problem. It’s not just you.
They get one of you for spitting on the sidewalk,
and all of you can go down.
R-l-C-O “C” 在RICO里 代表结伙阴谋罪
R-I-C-O. The “C” in RICO, it stands for conspiracy.
指控结伙阴谋罪并不难 两个人同在一个房♥间
Conspiracy isn’t hard to prove. Two of you in the same room…
-就是结伙阴谋罪 -我不会害大家的
-that’s conspiracy. -I’m not gonna hurt nobody.
你得对着你的表弟干 托尼 堪帕尼尔
You’re gonna have to go up against your cousin, Tony Compagna.
Ready for that?
我们全都在这 都是因为那鸟人 他胳膊肘向外拐
That fucker’s the reason we’re all here. He turned.
但你知道吗 我要把它拐回来
But you know what? I’m gonna turn him back.
他是个瘾君子 但在内心深处 他爱我 他是我的
He’s a junkie. Deep down inside he loves me. He’s mine.
那 让我 呃 找个人跟你坐一起
Well, let me just, uh, get somebody to sit with you
以便你不会犯法律上的错误 这可是该死的生死关头
so you don’t make any legal errors. It’s a goddamn jungle in here.
Let me tell you something.
他们要是跟我瞎胡闹 他们就唤醒了沉睡的巨人
When they fucked with me, they woke a sleeping giant.
