-You wanna bet? -Don’t get stupid on me, Nick.
我有很多特质 但是不包括傻
I’m a lot of things. Stupid ain’t one of them.
祝你有个美好的一天 顾问律师
Have a good day, counselor.
嘿 米奇老鼠 哇
Hey, Mickey. Aw.
You hungry?

谢谢你 法官阁下
Thank you, Your Honor.
渥喏斯先生 这是你签的协议吗
Mr. Juarez, is this the agreement that you signed?
-是的 先生 -现在 渥喏斯先生
-Yes, sir. -Now, Mr. Juarez…
you’re here as a witness as part of a plea-bargain agreement
为政♥府♥指正这些人 对吗
with the government, correct?
是的 先生 我被捕了
Yes, sir. I got busted.
要坐40年 所以我转做污点证人了
And I was facing 40 years, so I flipped.
Regarding your narcotics sales…
you split the proceeds from those transactions with Mr. DiNorscio.
-对的 -尼克卡布雷斯是怎么卷进来的
-That’s right. -And how was Nick Calabrese involved?
我听说 我听说他总是得到他的份额
I heard…I heard he always got his cut.
-反对 道听途说 -反对有效
-Objection. Hearsay. -Sustained.
只能说你经历过的 渥喏斯先生
Just your personal experience, Mr. Juarez.
Did you ever meet Mr. Calabrese in person?
我去参加杰基的女儿的生日派对 他也在那
I was at a birthday party for Jackie daughter, and he was there.
杰基 告诉我尼克是什么角色
Jackie told me who Nick really was.
Why would Mr. DiNorscio confide in you?
杰基 和我 我们常常聚会
Jackie and me, we used to party together a lot.
我们吸白粉 我们一起High
We were doing coke. We’d get high and…
我们一搞到娘儿们 杰基 喜欢一次干俩儿
when we had broads, Jackie liked to nail ’em two at a time.
谢谢 渥喏斯先生
Thank you, Mr. Juarez.
-狄诺西尔先生 -您知道 法官
-Mr. DiNorscio. -You know, not for nothing, Judge…
我以为这是RICO 而不是波多黎各法的RICO
but I thought this was the RICO Act, not the Puerto Rico Act.
你怎么样 朋友
How you doing, pal?
现在 奥克塔维亚 让我们开诚布公吧
Now, Octavio, let’s be honest here.
你和我 我们一起干了很多活 对吧
You and me, we did a lot of jobs together, right?

You remember that one with Diego?
I sure do.
-介意跟我们说说吗 -不 你告诉他们
-Mind tellin’ us about it? -No you…you tell them.
-跟陪审团说说 -不 你跟他们说
-Tell the jury. -No, you tell them.
我说不了 奥克塔维亚 我现在是自己的律师
I can’t tell, Octavio. I got my lawyer hat on.
另外 如果我来说 他们一定认为我在吹牛
Besides, if I tell it, they’re gonna think I’m bragging.
Well, you walk in…
他们的白粉就在桌上 旁边是我们的钱
and when their coke was on the table next to our money…
-你拔出枪 -然后怎么样
-you pull a gun. -And then what?
迪亚哥 说”你只有六发子弹
Diego says, “You only got six shots in that thing…
-可我们有七个人” -然后
-and there is seven of us.” -And?
I’ll never forget it.
你说 “不如我杀了你们中的六个人
You said, “How about if I shoot the six of you…
再掐死第七个混♥蛋♥吧 ”
and strangle the seventh motherfucker?”
然后我们大摇大摆地走出来了 对吗
And we walk out, right?
With the money and the coke.
-奥克塔维亚 你有没有 -我想没人
-Now, Octavio, have you ever -I don’t think anyone has
have you ever heard me try to deny me using cocaine?
-没门 -没有 当然没有
-No way. -No, of course not.
I wouldn’t deny using cocaine ever.
我喜欢那玩意 事实上 你有没有带一些
I loved it. In fact, did you bring any?
你在说什么 我没听到关键那句
What did he say? I didn’t hear the punch line.
重点是把卡拉布雷斯和杰基联♥系♥起来 我们知道
The main point was to tie Calabrese to Jackie. We got that.
还有 皮特 打电♥话♥到曼哈顿劳♥教♥所
And, Peter, call Manhattan Correctional.
Fuckin’ Jackie’s got himself set up
-以为自己住酒店呢啊 -好的
-like he was at a hotel. -Okay.
Tell ’em I don’t want him too comfortable.
Got it.
嘿 杰基 今天在法庭上怎么样啊 伙计
Hey, Jackie. How was court today, man?
-我又把他们摆平了 -漂亮
-I killed ’em again. -Good.
-杰西 我的沙发那去了 -上面发话了
-Jesse, where’s my lounger? -The word come down, Jackie.
杰基 你得跟别人一样
You live like everybody else.
是 但是我不能躺着睡 我必须半坐着睡
Yeah, but I can’t-I can’t sleep layin’ down. I gotta sleep half sitting.
管不了了 杰基迪 规距不能坏啊
Tough tittie, Jackie Dee. Them’s the conditions which prevail.
嘿 杰西 你知道我的背不好
Hey, Jesse, you know my back!
见鬼的我怎么睡觉啊 杰西
How the hell am I supposed to sleep, Jess?
哦 你会想出办法的
Aw, you’ll figure it out.
伯曼先生 你如何认识狄诺西尔先生的
Mr. Bellman, how did you come to know Mr. DiNorscio?
啊 我被假释出来后 我又没工作
Uh, when I got paroled, I had no job,
又没钱 什么也没有
no money, nothing.
我一个朋友 把我介绍给杰基
And a friend of mine hooked me up with Jackie.
I lived with him in Florida for a while.
And what was your relationship with him?
我是个听差 我 嗯 我为他开车 替他去拿枪
I was a gofer. I, uh, I drove him around, picked up guns for him…
我开车带他的朋友 还有 嗯
and I gave rides to his friends, and, uh,
I brought messages back and forth…
from him and some of these defendants here.
And did you ever see any drug transactions take place?
I was there when they were cuttin’ up the money.
根据你的了解 这钱怎么分的
And to the best of your knowledge, how was that money distributed?
啊 我和杰基分一份
Uh, me and Jackie got a share.
Jimmy the Jew got his.
我是说 啊 吉米 凯兹
I mean, uh, Jimmy Katz.
还有 啊当然老大 尼克卡拉布雷斯拿最大的一份
And, uh, of course the boss, Nick Calabrese, got the big cut.
Did you witness this?
杰基和吉米 见过
Jackie and Jimmy, yes.
-和尼克 没见过 -道听途说的不能作为证词
-Not Nick. -Move to strike as hearsay.
反对有效 涉及到卡拉布雷斯不记录在案
Sustained. Strike the reference to Mr. Calabrese.
And when did your relationship with Mr. DiNorscio end?
是这样 杰基有一阵吸的傻了
Well, you see, Jackie started gettin’ nutty from all the coke.
一次对圣诞节 他搞聚会 让我买♥♥点鸡肉来做
One Christmas, he wanted me to get chickens to cook for a party.
I got tired of runnin’ errands for him.
没给他买♥♥鸡肉 他就把我赶出来了
When I didn’t get the chickens, he threw me out of the house.
That’s the last I saw of him.
谢谢 伯曼先生 你的证人
Thank you, Mr. Bellman. Your witness.
现在 说实话吧 哈力
Now, tell the truth, Harry.
Isn’t the real reason I threw you out of that house…
’cause I refused sexual advances
from you to me?
-什么 反对 -反对有效
-What? Objection! -Sustained.
哈力 监狱里的那帮人 是不是曾经叫你玛丽
Now, Harry, isn’t it true that the guys in jail used to call you Mary?
-反对 -不 没这回事
-Objection. -No, that’s not true!
反对有效 狄诺西尔先生
Sustained. Mr. DiNorscio.
I warned you.
哈力 你出狱时
Harry, when you got out of prison…
isn’t it true you didn’t have a dime to your name?
是不是我收留了你 照顾你
Didn’t I take you in? Didn’t I treat you good?
这就是你对我的回报 出♥卖♥♥♥我
And this is how you pay me back, by rattin’?
You treated me like dirt.
我待你就像亲兄弟 而你却跑到这来
You come here and you say that I committed these crimes
after I treated you like a brother.
-你没吃我的吗 -吃了 我的狗也吃你的
-Didn’t I feed you? -Yeah, I feed my dogs too.
瞧 哈力 你吸毒吸到high
Look, Harry, how could this jury be sure
you’re telling the truth about me breaking the law…
when half the time you were high from shootin’ drugs?
-反对 -这是撒谎
-Objection. -That’s a lie.
狄诺西尔先生 在你用之前 你必须证实它的真实性
Mr. DiNorscio. You have to prove that statement before you try to use it.
我会的 法官
I will, Judge.
来啊哈力 把你的袖子卷起来
Come on, Harry. Roll up your sleeve.
Show the needle marks to the jury.
-嘿 别靠近我 别 -来啊哈力
-Hey, stay away from me. Stay a… -Come on, Harry.
Stay away.
That Christmas…
wasn’t the real reason I threw you out of that house…
’cause I woke up one morning
and caught you tryin’ to give me a blow job?
