可以上诉 – 必须关闭条约
Yeah, it can be appealed. – We have to knock it down.
That treaty put us in danger. To everyone here,
everyone of you, every one of us. See.
要斗争 必须从内部制度着手
We have to fight it from the institution from inside.
国会 唯一的办法 – 双方都有很多人
From Congress? It’s the only way. – From many of them. Both sides.
保守派和自♥由♥主义者 他们都喜欢好东西
Conservatives and liberals, they all like the good stuff.
看着我 巴勃罗 这种政♥治♥对商业不利
Look at me, Pablo. This politics is bad for business.
他们在你家里能找到什么 其他人家里也能找到
And whatever they look for in your house, they find in everyone else’s.
听我们说 他们会来找你的
Listen to us, please. They’ll go after you.
Politics is a bitch.
不 兄弟 换种思路 打通国会 他们会尊重你的
No, my brother, it’s the other way around. If you reach the congress they respect you.
为什么 因为你是他们中的一份子
Why? Because you’re one of them.
知道竞选哥伦比亚的州议会 要花多少钱吗
You know how much it costs to run for a state council in Colombia?
10 million pesos. 10 million pesos.
竞选参议员 则介于1到1.2亿比索
And for senator I think it is between 100 and 120 million pesos.
共和国总统 15亿比索左右
1500 million pesos, more or less, for president of the republic.
告诉我 谁有那么多钱
Tell me who can spend that kind of money?
农夫的儿子 工人么
The son of a farmer? A worker?
不 政♥治♥归根结底是金钱
Oh no. Politics comes down to money here.
Democracy comes down to money here so.
We have plenty, of money.
You, Garza, what’s so funny?
听听你自己说的 巴勃罗
If you’re listening to yourself, Pablito.
You’re already talking like a politician.
先生 我们要和候选人见面
Sir, we have an appointment with your candidate.
武器吗 – 当然 他们是我的保镖
Are they armed? Of course they are, they are my bodyguards.
对不起 先生 有武器不能进
I’m sorry sir but if they’re armed, they can not come in.
Listen to me.
They have a donation to the campaign.
如果他们不能进 则没有捐款
If they do not come in, the donation can’t either.
去问一下候选人 如果他想这样
So go ask your candidate if that’s what he wants.
Ask him
A moment.
贩毒集团 同时在两匹马上下注
The cartel bets on both horses.
既然钱多到可以投两个人 何必只投一个候选人呢
Why put money on only one candidate when you can put money on both?
这样 不管谁赢 他们都赢
That way, no matter who wins, they win.
The narcos planes carry candidates during the day…
and fly to the United States at night.
And what do they get in exchange?
你得捍卫最高法♥院♥的权利 质疑引渡协议
You defend the competency of the Supreme Court towards the constituionality of the
这对大家都有好处 候选人先生
It will be good for all of us, Mr. Candidate.
这些先生们 想捐2500万比索 给我们在安蒂奥基亚省的竞选
This gentlemen want to donate 25 million pesos to our campaign here in Antioquia.
人们称毒品集团的捐赠为 “热钱”
People call the contributions made by the drug lords “hot money”.
请放在地上 会有人来拿的
Its OK. You can leave it on the floor. Will find someone to pick it up later.
Because it burns.
你还要走到多远 巴勃罗
How far are you going to take this Pablo?
现在很好 还不够吗
We’re doing fine. Don’t we have enough?
亲爱的 在国会 我更能帮助人们
My love, in Congress I can do things I can help people…
Help your family first.
你有钱 巴勃罗 你有我们 你还想要什么
You have money, Pablo. You have us. What more do you want?
I want respect.
尊重 – 是 我想要尊重
Respect? – Yes, I want respect.
I want my son to be proud of me.
Is that so hard to understand?
首先他要见你 巴勃罗 但你从来不在家
First he have to see you, Pablo, but you’re never home.
胡安·巴勃罗 我的孩子 去客厅 电视上什么都没有
Juan Pablo, my boy, go to the living room. There is nothing on TV?
天哪 谁给他买♥♥的车
God, who bought him that car?
维多利亚 亲爱的 你不想成为第♥一♥夫♥人♥吗
Victoria, my love, don’t you want to be the first lady?
我想做你唯一的女人 巴勃罗
I’d settle for being the only lady, Pablo.
圣母 不不 她能帮我政♥治♥竞选
Ay maria, no, no again. She’s helping me with my political campaign.
我也要尊重 巴勃罗 像你一样 – 我尊重你
I want respect to Pablo like you. – I respect you.
不 先生 只要你对我尊重就够了
No, senor the difference is yours is not enough for me.
我尊重你 – 不 你没有
I respect you. – No you don’t.
我会证明的 你要我怎么做 说吧
I’ll prove it. What do you want me to do? What? I’ll do it. What?
电视台的那个婊♥子♥ 跟她玩完
That bitch from TV, end it with her
I promise right now it is over, now.
马上 亲爱的
Right now, honey.
Come here.
我保证 我保证
I promise. I promise
我保证 结束了
I promise. It is over.
所以 给我笑一个
So yes, see give me one of those laughs. Yes.
风格与牛仔裤一起消失了 真可惜
The style disappeared with the jeans. What a shame.
We want a country like a mother
generous and fertile who shares her wealth equally with her children,
but who always looks out for the weakest.
We want a country like a mother
她毫不犹豫地保卫她的孩子 免受外来侵略
who defends her children from foreign aggression without hesitation
努力 但理解
Hard but understanding.
哥伦比亚 祖国♥母♥亲 万岁
Long live the mothers of Colombia and the motherland.
They will cry tears of blood the day their first son is handed out.
谢谢 谢谢
Thanks. Thanks.
Let’s stay in Antioquia to see how election day has gone.
此时 大部分选票已经计算
At this time, most of the votes have been counted.
替代流行 重建自♥由♥主义运动
For Alternative Popular, Movimiento de Renevación Liberal
加维里亚 当选麦德林的代表
Pablo Escobar Gaviria has been elected repreentative of Medellin.
For Colombia…
波哥大 众议院 1982年7月20日
参议员在国会的第一天 就被拒绝进入
Senator Escobar is denied entry the first day he attends congress.
为什么 因为他每年偷运40吨♥可♥卡♥因♥进入美国吗
Why? Because he smuggles 40 tons of cocaine a year into the United States?

对不起 先生 打领带才能进入众议院
I’m sorry sir, but a tie is required to enter the chamber.
拿我的吧 巴勃罗
Take mine! Take mine, Pablo!
That’s my country for you.
What are you doing looking through my bag?
That’s not where you’ll find a picture of my lover.
是什么 – 惊喜 给你的惊喜
What’s that? Surprise, surprise for you.
巴勃罗 马上把钱拿出来 – 为什么
Pablo, take that money out of my bag right now! – Why?
You’re not gonna put me in danger. I have nothing to do with your business, OK.
这是给你的礼物 弗吉尼亚 享受吧
This is a gift to you, Virginia. This is for you to enjoy it.
是给我的礼物吗 是
This is a gift for me? – Yes.
但是 巴勃罗 那是一大笔钱 – 我知道 但别担心
But, Pablo, that’s a lot of money! – I know, I know, but don’t worry.
The American government doesn’t care how much you bring in.
It only cares how much you take out.
你到海关后 可以申报
So you can declare it all when you get to customs.
但太多了 这样可不行 都塞不进了
But it’s too much, I cannot accept it Look it doesn’t even fit.
塞不进的话 就把衣服拿走 到了以后买♥♥新的
A surprise, doesn’t fit. We have to take out all the clothes, you can buy new ones there.
See, take them all out. Take them all out.
这些钱你都得花完 你什么都能带回来 但不能带钱回来
But you have to spend all that money. You can bring anything back with you Virginia.
上帝 这些话我等了一辈子
Oh my God. All my life waiting to hear those words.
You wonderful man!
纽约 第七大道 1983
哥伦比亚人打开电视 就为了看我穿什么
Colombians don’t turn on their TVs to see me but what I’m wearing.
巴勃罗知道这点 他负责我所有的需要
Pablo is aware of this and he takes care of all my needs.
This is called coca paste.
穷瘾君子 把它和汽油混在一起
And the poorest drug addicts mix it with gasoline and call it “bazook”.
This stuff will fry your brain. There is nothing is worse than this, do you understand?
可以煮 能得到白粉
Now, when you cook it, you get this little white powder,
是同一样东西 现在懂了吗
but it’s the same thing. We work with this, okay?
But we do not take it here.
Have you heard of Nancy Reagan?
没有吗 她是一位要人
No? She’s a very important lady.
她说 如果有人给你这东西 你得拒绝
She says that if anybody offers you this stuff, you just say no.
你必须听她和爸爸的话 拒绝这个东西
You’re going to listen to that lady, to her and to your Daddy. You just say no.
Okay? Understood?
Good, my boy.
您好 需要效劳吗 – 你好 88号♥ 谢谢
Hello, how may I help you? – Hello. 88 please, thank you.
瓦列霍小姐 是我
Miss Vallejo? – Yes?
我们认识吗 – 你有约吗
Do we know each other? – Do you have any plans?
May I have a moment of your time?
你缺乏自信吗 谢帕德探员
