Could you just tuck it into your cubbyhole, please,Jimmy? Thank you. Certainly, sir. Thank you, sir.
我的老朋友,让你受苦了,欢迎回来 – 谢谢你,伯纳德
My dear fellow, what a dreadful time you’ve had. Welcome home. Thank you, Bernard.
有什么计划?还是太仓促了? – 计划?
Any, uh, plans, or is it too soon? Plans?
Well, holiday, visiting friends
以及你想泡在花♥园♥里面 做的好多事
the million things you’ve always wanted to do in the garden. [ Chuckles ] Mmm.
就当告个不定期病假 享受一下
You’re on indefinite sick leave. Enjoy it.
我听说查默尼克斯(法国胜地) 的雪景不错
l hear the, uh- the snow’s very good at Chamonix.
我没护照,伯纳德 在机场被收走了
l don’t have a passport, Bernard. They took mine at the airport.
哦,当然,对 你错过了,错过了回召
Oh, of course, yes. You missed the, um- You missed the recall.
The sole meuniere’s not bad here
if- if you like sole. [ Chuckles ]
要不铁扒? – 铁扒也不错
Otherwise have it grilled. Grilled’ll be fine.
Um, no starters, l think.
You’ve been cleared, by the way.
Thought we’d get that bit of unpleasantness dealt with first.
什么清白? – 什么?
Cleared for what? Um, of what.
Uh, murder most foul.
Seems you didn’t hire contract killers in a den of vice after all.
迪塞感到满意 只不过是黑种医生的情杀案而已
Deasey is satisfied it was a crime of passion by our dark medical horse.
lt’s just a question now of finding Bluhm.
阿诺德 布鲁是同性恋,伯纳德
Arnold Bluhm is gay, Bernard.
Gay men don’t rape their women friends.
呃,那我这辈子 认识几个蛮横的同性恋
Well, l’ve known one or two very savage queens in my time.
好自为之,不要在去 翻开石头底下的秘密了,贾斯汀
Do you no good to go poking around under rocks,Justin.
石头底下都是些 见不得人的东西
Some very nasty things live under rocks
especially in foreign gardens.
朋友忠告 – 有什么我不应该翻开的?伯纳德
Advice of a friend. What is it that l’m not to look into, Bernard?
奎伊家族一直都培养出 忠实可靠的外交人才
Quayles have always made reliable foreign service men.
如果在特使团有点提升 也丝毫不足为奇
Shouldn’t be surprised if you’ve still got a small Head of Mission in your knapsack.
一点挑战 – 比对付肯尼 科蒂斯还要挑战?
Challenging post. More challenging than dealing with Kenny Curtiss?
他是一个粗人,我们的肯尼 可他为我们效力
He’s a crude sort of chap, our Kenny, but he flies the flag for us.
He got up dear Tessa’s nose, l fear.
是的,她写了一份报告 – 关于肯尼?
Yes, she wrote a report about it. – About Kenny?
不,关于Dypraxa – 啊,那个
No, about Dypraxa. Ah, that.
她期望会采取什么措施 可压根没有,是吗?
She expected some action to be taken, but none was, was it?
是她告诉你信件的事情 还是你自己从遗物里找的?
She tell you about the letter, or did you find it among her things?
记在她的日记里,或许? – 是什么信件?
Tucked into her diary, perhaps? What letter is that, Bernard?
Ramblings of an aging fart. Senility setting in early, alas.
对她来讲,是不太规矩 很不规矩
Naughty of her to take it though. Very naughty indeed.
Yes, l found that.
能找回来,那很好 在压力下写的,你明白吗
Be grateful to have it back. Written under stress, you understand.
都是些可惜的事情 可不想落在别人手上
Regrettable things said. Wouldn’t want it falling into the wrong hands.
对不起,伯纳德 我们是在说同一封信吗?
Sorry, Bernard. Are we talking about the same letter?
What’s yours about?
Undying love.

What’s yours?
这的铁扒不怎么样 你本该点鲲鱼的
They’re not so good grilled. You should’ve had the meuniere.
[ Woman On P.A.] Ladies and gentlemen-
女士们,先生么 请带好随身携带的物品
Ladies and gentlemen, please keep all your belongings with you at all times.
lt’s good to see you, Ham.
抱歉我掉眼泪了 该死的拉丁基因,你知道的
Sorry about the blubbing. lt’s those bloody Latin genes, you know.
lt’s the same old Ham.
Oh, no. No, not anymore.
God, l loved her rotten.
And she loved you rotten.
First cousins can be closer than siblings.
我还是不明白,我是怎么被你 说服了不参加葬礼的
l still don’t understand why l let you talk me out of going to the funeral.
那对你来说不是合适的人群,汉姆 我们在这有个小型的追悼仪式
lt was the wrong crowd for you, Ham. We’ll have a private memorial service here.
你可以哭个痛快 – 别以为我不会
You can blub all your way through it. Don’t think l won’t.
租个修道院吧,你能付的起的 – 是吗?
Hire the Abbey. You can afford it now. Can l?
苔丝给你留下了不少遗产 知道你现在的身家吗? – 不太清楚
Tess left you bloody well off. Want to know what you’re worth? Not particularly.
哦,切尔西区的房♥子钥匙我还留着 我想在伦敦你还可以去那里过夜
Oh, l’ve got the keys to the Chelsea house. Thought you might want to stay there while you’re in London.
不,我情愿不 – 反正都是你的
No, l’d rather not. Well, it’s all yours.
That and her African women’s charity.
说了能让你走出花♥园♥ – 她什么时候说得?
Said it would get you out of the garden. When did she say that?
Two weeks before she died.
Look, l am ravenous. Have you had lunch?
吃过了,和伯纳德 佩格林 共进文明午餐…
Yes, l have. A very civilized lunch with Bernard Pellegrin…
而且他表达了对苔莎日记 的特殊兴趣
who expressed an interest in Tessa’s diary.
可她从不记日记的 她讨厌那玩意
But Tess never kept a diary. She hated the things.
你我都知道的 而佩格林显然被 误导 了
You and l know that. Pellegrin must have been disinformed.
苔丝察觉自己被监视了 可并未中止她每天两次的电邮
Tess thought she was being watched. Didn’t stop her e-mailing twice a day.
More inquiries than Google. [ Chuckles ]
瞧瞧他 这小子2/3都是机器
Look at him. The boy is two-thirds machine.
让人害怕 电脑狂人
I’m telling you, it’s scary. Mind of a computer.
热衷废物处理 – 那另1/3呢?
Appetite of a waste disposal. And what’s the other third?
Oh, Manzini, unquestionably.
那些来自于苔丝的电邮 基多帮我搞定
Those e-mails from Tess- Guido helped me with them.
Company stuff. Boring.
Mm. Ownership, franchises, that sort of thing.
我试图找出是谁 撮合了联姻
l’m trying to find out who brokered the marriage.
什么联姻? – KDH和三蜜蜂公♥司♥
What marriage? KDH and ThreeBees.
KDH制♥造♥Dypraxa 三蜜蜂公♥司♥试验它
KDH make Dypraxa. ThreeBees test it.
是利益的联姻,当然 两者互相利用
lt’s a marriage of convenience, of course. Both in it for what they can get out of it.
关于“联姻”一词 你的措辞还是苔丝的?
That phrase about the marriage- ls that Tess’s phrase or yours?
Oh, hers. Hers.
[ Whispering ] Producing dead offspring.
Oh, this is so good! Why don’t you try some.
lt looks disgusting. [ Laughs ]
l can get that stuff through her mirror server.
怎么做到的? – 只需要密♥码♥即可,老兄
Well, how do you do that? All you need is the password. Duh.
Yeah, but l don’t have her password.
拜托 5个字母,猜3次
Come on,Jus. Five letters. Three guesses.
不知道 – 我的名字……Guido
l have no idea. – My name- Guido.
她用了一个“I” 没用“O”’
She used the one for the ”I” and the zero for the ”O. ”
我帮她弄好了 – 等等
l set it up for her. – Wait, wait.
让他看清楚了 – 光速旅行,我给你打印出来
Give him a chance to read it. – Lightning tour. l’m printing as l go.
Hippo是什么? – 那我知道
[Justin ] What’s Hippo? [ Arthur ] Oh, I know that one.
German- German Pharma Watch.
Keep an eye on what the drug companies are up to.
[Justin ] Copy that.
KDH. Can we open that?
Sure. No problem.
[ Man’s Voice ] A new plague is sweeping the world.
在21世纪,多重抗体的肺结核 将在每3名患者中杀死1人
ln the 21 st century, multi-resistant T.B. will kill one in three.
可现在,希望诞生了 – 大新闻,不是吗?
But now there is hope. – lt’s huge, isn’t it?
KDH为肺结核患者研发了革命性的治疗药物 – 全球性的
KDH is developing a revolutionary treatment for T.B. sufferers. lt’s global.
我们叫它 Dypraxa 你可以叫它 生命
We call it Dypraxa. You will call it life.
我叫它 摇钱树
[ Arthur ] And I call it a blockbuster.
Karel Delacourt Hudson(公♥司♥) 世界就是我们的舞台
Karel Delacourt Hudson. The world is our clinic.
[ Arthur ] It’s gonna sell like hotcakes.
你能放大那照片吗? – 放大?他能放到炸圈饼那么大
Can you magnify that photograph? – Magnify it? He can send it out for doughnuts.
可不可以放大这里? – 没问题
ls it possible to zoom in on it? Yeah, sure.
是佩格林 为什么他在里面?
lt’s Pellegrin. Why is he there?
有份私人文件 不介意我打开?
There’s a personal file. Do you mind if l open it?
No, sure. Go ahead.
Ti amo(意大利语:我爱你)
Ti amo.
这段话留给你那 和蔼可亲的老公去翻译吧
[ Birgit On Computer ] So you’d better ask that kind, nice husband of yours to translate.
[ Tessa On Computer] He’s got very delicate little ears.
He’s dreaming about his favorite things.
He’s dreaming about…
a world without any weeds.
贾斯汀 奎伊,该起床了
Justin Quayle, it’s time to get up.
走开啦,你好烦 – 该起床了,贾斯汀
Go away. You’re very annoying. Time to get up,Justin.
Get up. [ Kissing ]
[Justin ] This is really just not fair.
[ Tessa ] lt’s time to get up.
Tessa,just let me sleep.
[ Tessa ] There’s gardening to be done.
