There’s too much pain and strife
何不收拾包袱 然后就走
So why don’t you pack it up and move it?
带走猫 背包 一堆堆杂乱
Take the cat, kit and caboodle
Take your broken-down car
Your smelly cigar
And just move right out of my
Move right out of my life
来 来吧 再热情点
Come on! Come on! You can do better!
谢谢 甜美又狂野的 梦幻三人组
Let’s hear it for the delectable, defiant Dreamettes!
嘻 先生 五角 赌梦幻三人组不会胜出
Hey, Mister. Five dimes say The Dreamettes don’t win.
你猜对了 她们怎也不能胜出
You got it. They werert going to win anyway.
谨记 本届胜出单位
Now remember, the winner of this year’s contest gets
能取得合约 在这底特律剧院献唱一周
a week’s paid engagement right here at the famous Detroit Theater.
All right now.
幸运儿 绕梁三日的明日之星是
And that very lucky, very talented star of tomorrow is
Mr. Tiny Joe Dixon!
Does this mean we’re not going to be famous now?
这个嘛 不是今夜
Well, not tonight.
来吧 回家吧
Come on, let’s go home.
因为我很累 明天又要早起上班
Because I’m tired and I got to get up early for work.
我是说 那有什么意思
I mean, what’s the point?
罗慧 我们第一次组团唱歌♥ 你几岁了
Lorrell, how old were we when we first started singing together?
还有 斯斯 你给我们排了多少舞步
And C.C., how many dances you got dreamed up for us?
How many songs written there in your notebook?
不知道 许有一百首了
I don’t know. Maybe a hundred.
还有 艾菲 你曾遇到 比你唱得更狂放的人吗
And, Effie, have you ever met anyone who could sing as crazy as you?
有这样条件 我们还是藉藉无闻
And still we get nowhere?
所以我才说 一切有什么意义
So I’m asking you, what’s the point?
意义在于你们不用参加 这些业余比赛
The point is you don’t need an amateur contest,
because there’s nothing amateur about you.
你需要的只是一个机会 我就来给你这个机会
What you need is a break, and I’m here to give it to you.
每人30元 给吉米·岳利今晚作伴唱
Thirty bucks each to sing behind Mr. Jimmy Early tonight.
Jimmy Early?
And a guaranteed 10-week engagement on the road
明夜便起程 每周400元
starting tomorrow morning at $400 a week.
-400元 -对
-$400? -Yes.
-你发誓 -我说谎 我穷光
-You swear? -Lf I’m lying, I’m dying.
说起来 吉米还请来 我艾瑟姨姨
By the way, Mr. Early said he’d hire my Aunt Ethel
to watch after you gals while you’re away from home.
Mama’s going to love that!
艾菲 你听见吗
Effie, do you hear this?
我们今夜 为吉米·岳利伴唱
We’re singing behind Jimmy Early tonight!
-我不为别人伴唱 -嘻 姐儿
-I don’t do backup. -Come on, girl.
我们只须要开口 唱”噢”和”呀”
All we got to do is just sing a few “oohs” and “aahs.”
I don’t do “oohs” and “aahs.”
认真想 艾菲
Now, you look, Effie.
-我们可能有出头天 -伴唱是骗人的晃子
-This could be our big break. -Singing backup is a trap.
对不起 先生 我们不能接受你的邀请
Now, I’m sorry, Mister, but we cannot accept your offer.
好 好 好
All right, all right, all right.
听好 我知你很棒
Look, I know you’re good.
你也知自己很棒 很有才华
And you know you’re good, too. And very talented.
不单如此 你还很坚毅执着
And not only that, you are a stone cold fox.
But that ain’t enough.
A girl like you can get
没有人指导 一定碰壁
hurt out there if you ain’t got somebody protecting you.
我就是那个保护你的人 但你先要信我
Now, I’m here to do that for you, baby. But you got to believe me.
You got to trust in me.
I ain’t gonna disappoint you.
-来吧 艾菲 怎样决定 -来吧 艾菲
-Come on, Effie? What do you say? -Come on, Effie.
-这个嘛 泰 -小君特泰勒
-Well, Mr… -Curtis Taylor, Jr.
小君特泰勒 我们的经理人
Curtis Taylor, Jr., our manager,
好 那我们就今夜 替吉米·岳利伴唱
says we’re singing behind Mr. Jimmy Early tonight!
噢 宝贝 太捧了
Oh, baby, I love you!
娱乐圈就是这样 峰回路转
This business sure has got a lot of ups and downs!
各位狂迷 热切期待雷震子吉米吧
Are you ready for the Thunder Man?
Now, he’s all the way down in the basement,
但欢呼声要大 才能叫他出来
and he ain’t coming up unless he can hear you!
准备就绪 男生们 表演时候到了
Let’s hit it, boys. Showtime.
嘻 马列 要我再说多少次 不要蛋黄酱
Hey, Marty, I said no mayonnaise, man. How many times I got to tell you?
No mayonnaise on the chicken sandwich!
我们有大♥麻♥烦了 兄弟
We got bigger problems, baby.
我早警告你 要辞退那个伴唱女子
I warned you to lay off the women that you work with.
There’s plenty other ladies out there.
哎呀 你就不看 谁有空能去找合适的人
Well, who got time to go out and find them, Marty?
我总忙着工作 宝贝
I’m always working, baby.
对 是马列让你 工作接不停
Yeah, ’cause Marty always keeps you working.
嘻 对呀 因此我才一直 忍♥受你的三明治
Hell, yeah. That’s why I keep letting you give me the wrong sandwich.
Let’s go get this money now.
-一切妥当 -对 吉米要两个伴唱女郎
-Is everything set? -Yeah, Jimmy’s down with the two girls.
她们是三人团 不是三位 就是一个都无
This is a group. It’s either three or nothing.
嘻 这人是谁
Hey, man, who is this guy?
My clients always work together.
我认得你 你卖♥♥给我一辆卡迪拉克
I know you. Didrt you sell me my Cadillac?
对 对 除此之外 我还有一间管理公♥司♥
Yeah, yeah. In addition to my management company,
我在活士道 有一间卡迪拉克的代理店
I have a Cadillac dealership on Woodward Avenue.
那好 我要开一开声 吉米只要两个伴唱 宝贝
Yeah, well, my kitty needs a tune-up. And Jimmy only works with two, baby.
对不起 老兄 只要两个 或者全不要
Sorry, brother, it’s two or nothing.
Those the girls right there?
三个 两个 都一样
I think three is gonna work out just fine.
女士 女士们 太谢谢你 仗义助我
Ladies. Ladies, thank you so much. You’re saving Jimmy’s life.
太感谢你 女士们 我先要跪下来
Thank you so much, ladies. I’m at your feet.
看到吧 我给你下跪 宝贝 真谢谢你
You see that? I’m at your feet, baby. Thank you so much.
我会为你赴汤蹈火 你听清楚了 做一切事
And I’d do anything for y’all. Anything. You hear what I’m saying? Anything.
那你想我怎样报答你 甜心
Exactly what would you like Jimmy to do for you, baby?
这个 岳利先生
Well, Mr. Early,
you could teach us the song.
Thirteen years
of solid gold platters
Rising costs
And cocktail chatter
Fat deejays
Stereophonic sound
唤 宝贝儿
Oh, baby
The game of hits
Goes round and around
你能处处做假 一登榜首
But you can fake your way to the top
Round and around
你试唱这一句 甜心
Try that part right there, baby.
Round and around
处处做假 一登榜首
Fake your way to the top
Round and around
对 你声调夹得很准 对吧 甜姐儿
Yeah, you fell right in there, didn’t you, sweetheart?
你能处处做假 一登榜首
You can fake your way to the top
Round and around
好 我就知道你会唱
Shit, I knew you’d have it.
但一直真实 很真实
But it’s always real, so real
Always so real
When you’re coming down
对 对 一直徘徊
Yeah, yeah, been around
噢 我就知道发生了什么
Oh, I know what’s happening
I’ve been around
Faking my way
Through every town
I’ve made my living
Off of my sound
And the game of hits
