as you followed yours.
I thought she was Alice Alquist come back to life.
I didn’t know then that she was walking with Sergis Bauer.
I’m afraid I don’t know your name.
我姓卡麦隆 要我的地址吗
Cameron. Want my address, too?
不用了 我用猜的也知道
No. I think I can guess it.
So we both ended our search tonight.
This is where Alice Alquist hid them.
世人都看得到 却没人知道珠宝在哪里
Where the world could see them, yet no one would know where they were…
except the man who gave them to her,
watching from the royal box.
Pretty clever of her
to put four priceless jewels among a lot of paste and tape.
我再问最后一次 你想怎样
For the last time, what do you want?
The jewels, and justice.
你作何感想 鲍尔
How does it feel, Bauer,
to have planned and killed and tortured for something…
-结果却一无所有 -一无所有
-and then to know it’s been for nothing? -For nothing?
什么事 夫人 我好像听见枪声了
What is it, ma’am? I thought I heard a shot.
救命啊 威廉斯先生 快来
Help! Mr. Williams, come quick!
Up there!
Anybody at home?
安东夫人 你现在相信我了吧
Well, Mrs. Anton, you believe me now.
Perhaps you’d like to see these things.
这些珠宝害死了一个女人 也害得你损失不小
They cost a woman’s life. They cost you something, too.
I want to speak to my husband.
安东夫人 这样做不太妥当
Mrs. Anton, I don’t think that’s advisable.
-我想单独和他谈谈 -这是不可能的事
-I want to speak to him alone. -I’m afraid that’s impossible.
-我可以担♥保♥我手无缚鸡之力了 -拜托你
-I assure you, I’m quite helpless. -Please.
I’ll be waiting on the stairs.
Go and see if he’s listening.
-他没有在偷听 -你倒是很信任他嘛
-He is not listening. -You have got confidence in him.
-他说了很多关于我的事吗 -是的
-Did he tell you a lot of things about me? -Yes.
-他都是骗你的 -他何必骗我
-They were lies. -Why should he lie to me?
因为他爱上你了 我看得出来 也感觉得到
Because he’s in love with you. I can tell. I feel it.
真的吗 葛瑞格利 或者我应该叫你瑟吉斯
Do you? Do you really, Gregory? Or shall I call you Sergis?
这也是他告诉你的 又怎样
So he told you that, too. What of it?
你没听说过艺名吗 瑟吉斯·鲍尔就是我的艺名
Have you never heard of an artist taking a stage name? Sergis Bauer’s mine.
It was a part of my life
I didn’t care to tell you about. I was a failure then.
They don’t hang a man for that, do they?
对 确实罪过不足以致死
No, they don’t hang a man for that.
还记得我们刚认识的时侯吗 记不记得在意大利的日子
You remember our first days. You remember Italy?
There have been times when I thought I only dreamed those days.
靠过来一点 宝拉
Come closer, Paula.
Look into my eyes.
若你是真心爱我 我相信你是真心爱我
If I ever meant anything to you, and I believe I did…
请你帮我吧 再给我一次机会
then help me, Paula. Give me another chance.
Look, in the drawer of that cupboard there is a knife.
Get it and cut me free.
快点 宝拉 拿刀子来替我割断绳子
Be quick, Paula. Get me the knife. Cut me free.
请你去拿 好吗 为了我
Would you get it, Paula? Would you get it for me?
好 我去拿 我去拿来给你
Yes, I’ll get it. I’ll get it for you.
快一点 宝拉
Hurry, Paula.
-这里没有刀子啊 -有 是我放的
-There’s no knife here. -Yes. I put it there.
-我没有看见刀子 -我今晚才放进去的
-I don’t see any knife. -I put it there tonight.
没有啊 你一定是在做梦
No, it isn’t here. You must have dreamed you put it there.
Are you suggesting that this is a knife I hold in my hand?
你是不是疯了 我的丈夫
Have you gone mad, my husband?
还是我疯了 当然是我疯了啰
Or is it I who am mad? Yes, of course. That’s it.
I am mad.
I’m always losing things and hiding things.
我怎么样也找不到 我不知道自己放在哪里
I can never find them. I don’t know where I put them.
那是刀子吗 我弄丢了
That was a knife, wasn’t it? And I have lost it.
-宝拉 -要我去找吗
-Paula… -I must look for it, mustn’t I?
若我找不到 你就要把我送进精神病院
If I don’t find it, you will put me in the madhouse.
会在哪里呢 可能是在这幅画的后面
Where could it be, now? Perhaps it’s behind this picture.
对 一定就在这里 没有 我该去哪儿找呢
Yes, it must be here. No, no. Where shall I look now?
可能是放在这里 对 一定是我拿的
Perhaps I put it over here. Yes, I must have done that.
你送我的首饰 我在伦敦塔弄丢的首饰
My broach. The broach I lost at the Tower.
我终于找到了 看见没 但这样也帮不了你吧
I found it at last! You see? But it doesn’t help you, does it?
我想帮你逃走啊 不是吗
And I’m trying to help you to escape, aren’t I?
-疯女人怎么能帮你逃走 -你没有发疯
-How can a mad woman help you escape? -But you’re not mad.
有 我疯了 和我母亲一样
Yes, I am mad, as my mother was!
不 宝拉 那是我骗你的 快帮我
No, Paula. That wasn’t true! Help me.
若我没疯 或许可以帮你
If I were not mad, I could have helped you.
不管你做了什么 我都会同情你保护你
Whatever you had done, I could have pitied and protected you.
可惜我疯了 我痛恨你
But because I am mad, I hate you.
我疯了 所以我背叛了你
Because I am mad, I have betrayed you, and because I am mad…
我疯了 所以暗自欣喜 一点也不同情你
I am rejoicing in my heart without a shred of pity…
毫无悔意 笑着看你被人押走
without a shred of regret, watching you go with glory in my heart!
卡麦隆先生 快过来 快来把这个男人带走吧
Mr. Cameron, come. Come, Mr. Cameron. Take this man away!
Take this man away!
-你准备好了吗 -准备好了
-You ready? -Quite ready.
I don’t ask you to understand me.
Between us all the time were those jewels,
like a fire.
A fire in my brain that separated us…
Those jewels which I wanted all my life.
I don’t know why.
车子来了 卡麦隆先生
The cab is coming, Mr. Cameron.
再见了 宝拉
Goodbye, Paula.
再见了 葛瑞格利
Goodbye, Gregory.
This night will be a long night.
但终究会结束的 天色渐渐变亮了
But it will end. It’s starting to clear.
In the morning, when the sun rises…
sometimes it’s hard to believe there ever was a night.
You’ll find that, too.
让我来看你 陪你聊天 或许我可以帮得上忙
Let me come and see you and talk to you. Perhaps I can help somehow.
You’re very kind.
