-Poco? -What’s that?
-只爱一点 -很爱
-A little. -Mucho.
-嗯 世界上最后一个人 -我讨厌给自己惊喜
-Well, the last guy in the world. -I hate surprises myself.
-你想把门关上 然后忘掉它吗 -不 进来吧
-You wanna just shut the door and forget it? -No, no. Come on in.
我喜欢惊喜 当我还是个孩子的时候 我们的生活非常拮据
I like surprises. When I was a kid, we were so busted…
我们在圣诞节不管得到什么 都觉得是一个大惊喜
that if we got anything at all for Christmas it was a big surprise.
-坐椅子上吧 -谢谢
-Sit down, have a chair. -Thanks.
-来这里多久了 -噢
-Been here long? -Oh…
-多久了 乔 -没多久
-How long, Joe? -Hardly at all.
我只是想知道 谁有可能在跟踪谁
I just wondered who might be following whom.
What makes you think that?
听着 我知道你如何信任别人
Look, I know how you trust people.
About as far as you can throw Stephanos here.
我没意见 只是咱们别纠结这个了
And that’s all right with me, only let’s not get so cute about it.
我在去墨西哥城的路上 看到一个与马有关的人
I’m on my way to Mexico City, see a man about a horse.
说实话 是来自南美的一匹赛马
On the level. A racehorse from South America.
-退房♥吗 -当然 为什么要浪费你的钱
-Checking out? -Sure. Why waste your money?
-你找到她了吗 -没 只找到了踪迹
-Did you find her? -No, only her trail.
不太像燎原之火那么显眼 但是
Not quite as hot as a prairie fire, but there.
Sometimes a little too obvious.
She’s a clever little girl.
-是吗 -你不这么觉得吗
-Is she? -Wouldn’t you say so?
你应该告诉我 我就会用不同的方式来找
You should have told me, I would have played it differently.
Maybe she wouldn’t have heard my shoes squeaking.
总是比我快一步 这儿跳那儿跳
Always a hop, skip and a jump ahead of me.
我从墨西哥城跟到塔克斯科 再到这里
Mexico City to Taxco to here.
-杰夫 你在这里见到她了吗 -没有 我希望我见到了
-And here, Jeff, did you see her? -No. I wish I had.
I don’t like playing games when I’m the fall guy.
你可能记得吧 惠特
You might remember that, Whit.
Thank you.
漂亮的鞋子 很适合你的运动款 对吗
Nice shoes. Sporty for you, aren’t they?
是啊 我在这边买♥♥的
Yeah, I got them down here.
正如我之前说的 我觉得现在穿的鞋在发出吱吱声
As I said before, I thought maybe the others squeaked.
咱们去楼下的酒吧吧 你去平静一下 咱们寒暄一下
Let’s go down to the bar. You can cool off while we try to impress each other.
不错的地方 我也想在这里住一段时间
Nice place. I’d like to stay here a while myself.
你住过了 通过代理人
You did, by proxy.
来瓶又高又凉的 什么酒都行
Something tall and cool, I don’t care what.
-来两瓶 -三瓶
-Two. -Make it three.
好的 先生
Certainly, sir.
-所以你搞砸了 -任何人都可能有坏运气
-So you blew it. -Anybody can have bad luck.
-还有吱吱作响的鞋子 -想一个数字 乔
-And squeaky shoes. -Think of a number, Joe.
-你打算去哪里 -电报局 给你发电报
-Where were you off to? -The telegraph office to wire you.
我告诉过你 我不喜欢花你的钱
I told you, I don’t like to spend your money.
-我觉得还好 -好吧 这是你的事
-I can stand it. -Well, it’s your business.
惠特 我的朋友 这个世界上有一百万个女人 她们都长得像她
Whit, my friend, there’s a million dames in this world, and they all look like her.
不 她们不像
No, they don’t.
所以 她来过这里
So she was here.
是 根据所有现有的证据 她来过
Well, according to all available evidence, she was.
Maybe I should’ve sent Stephanos.
-你能在一百万人中找到一个女人吗 乔 -一个有四万块钱的人
-Could you find one dame in a million, Joe? -A one with 40 grand.
You picked up some nerves.
I don’t need a crack like that any more than I need your dough.
这就是我一直在告诉你的 我错过了她
That’s what I’ve been telling you. I missed her.
The dame caught a boat south.
-去哪里了 -听着 我一直处理得很好
-Where? -Look, I got along before this job.
我吃得很好 而且我长得和你一样大
I ate good, and I grew as big as you did.
如果你有什么不喜欢的 就说出来
If there’s something you don’t like, say so.
-我就是问她去哪里了 -智利 危地马拉
-I just asked where. -Chile. Guatemala.
You wanna go see the guy in the steamship company?
You wanna talk to him right now?
Why not?
-要出租车吗 先生 -要
-Taxi, sir? -Yeah.
我很抱歉 你错过了她 你感觉很糟糕
I’m sorry. You missed her and you feel bad.
I shouldn’t have joked about it.
好吧 那我也不说了
All right, then I won’t either.
你可以拿到你的五千美元 斯蒂芬诺可以从这里接手
You get your 5 grand back and Stephanos can take over from here.
You’re wrong.
我解雇人 没人能从我这里退出
I fire people, but nobody quits me.
你开始了这一切 就要结束它
You started this and you’ll end it.
此外 乔在圣经中找不到祷告词
Besides, Joe couldn’t find a prayer in the Bible.
你会找到她的 别着急
You’ll find her. Take it easy.
慢慢来吧 好了 我最好回机场去
Take your time. Well, better get back to the airport.
祝你好运 杰夫
Good luck, Jeff.
See you someday.
这并不全是谎言 因为她确实乘坐了蒸汽船
It wasn’t all a lie because she did take a steamer.
It was just that it went north instead of south.
And I was on it too.
I opened an office in San Francisco.
一个便宜的小老鼠洞 适合我的工作
A cheap little rat hole that suited the work I did.
Shabby jobs for who’d ever hire me.
那是最低下的工作 但我不介意
It was the bottom of the barrel, and I scraped it, but I didn’t care.
I had her.
We kept pretty much to ourselves.
We found a little movie house in North Beach.
我们在逃亡中 我们去了我们这辈子都不可能到的地方
We were on the run. We went to places we never would’ve seen in our lives.
一段时间后 我们对自己越来越有信心了
And after a while, we grew a little more sure of ourselves.
我们渐渐回到了更日常的地方 球馆和赛马场
We drifted back to more familiar places, ballparks and the racetracks.
为什么不呢 毕竟 我们只有一百万分之一的概率撞见我们的过去
Why not? After all, there wasn’t one chance in a million we’d bump into our past.
One chance in a million.
百万分之一的机会是那个傻瓜一生中所拥有的全部 他过得很好
One chance in a million was all that chump ever had in his life, and he made it good.
他站在那里 离我们很近 因为我知道如果他看到她
He stood there with our lives in his pocket, because I knew if he saw her…
he’d sell us both for $1.95.
So we had to separate.
我一个人去了洛杉矶 这样他更容易跟踪我
I went alone to L.A., and I made it easy for him to follow me.
他是一个好侦探 这是他真正能做的一件事
He was a good gumshoe. It was the one thing he could really do.
So I went everywhere like a guy enjoying the country.
我没有给她写信 也没有打电♥话♥或发电报
I didn’t write to her or phone or telegraph.
I just waited and moved.
当时机正确时 我出城去见她
When it seemed right, I blew out of town to go and meet her.
我表现得也不差 我确定我把他甩开了 感觉良好
I wasn’t bad at the game myself. I was sure I had shaken him loose, and I felt good.
费舍尔被甩在后面的某个地方 所以我又能看到她了
Fisher was back there somewhere, and I could see her again.
We’d arranged to meet at a little cabin off the highway on Pyramid Creek.
It was dark when I was getting there.
And then I saw her walking up the road in the headlights.
-你想搭车吗 宝贝 -我真的不应该
-You want a lift, babe? -Well, I really hadn’t ought.
你是一个可爱的小包裹 不该在晚上独自外出散步
You’re a cute little package to be out walking alone at night.
你一个人走在夜路上 倒是有点可爱
You’re kind of cute yourself to be walking alone any night.
That does it.
在其他的地方和她见面 像是第一次见一样
It was meeting her somewhere, like in the first times.
There was still that something about her that got me.
A kind of magic or whatever it was.
我抱着她 我们可以笑出声 因为我们又在一起了
Well, I held her, and we could laugh because we were together again.
我们玩得很聪明 什么都没忘
We’d played it smart and forgotten nothing.
什么都没忘 除了一件事
Forgotten nothing except one thing.
He had followed her.
你好 杰夫
Hello, Jeff.
Don’t I get introduced?
我不怪你 杰夫
I don’t blame you, Jeff.
Maybe I’d have lied my head off just like you did.
你的照片不能说明问题 宝贝
Your picture don’t do you justice, baby.
-你为什么不打破他的头 杰夫 -真可爱
-Why don’t you break his head, Jeff? -Cute.
Whit should’ve got her back.
按照我的理解 他们是一对
What I understand, they deserve each other.
-你现在为他工作了吗 -他还能派谁来找我的搭档
-You working for him now? -Who else would he get to find my partner?
好吧 费舍尔 怎么办
All right, Fisher, what’s the pitch?
你和我来个小交易 杰夫
You and I had a little deal, Jeff.
一万块钱和支出费用 五五分成
Ten grand and expenses, fifty-fifty.
记得吗 你曾经记忆力不错 发生什么事了
