-真好 -冷若冰霜 走吧
-Nice. -Awfully cold around the heart. Let’s go.
Hold it.
开车绕过街区 在这里停下
Drive around the block and stop right here.
(伦纳德·埃尔斯 706 唐纳德·埃勒斯 423)
跟着她 佩蒂 然后在埃尔斯的公♥寓♥等我
Follow her, Petey, then wait for me at Eels’ apartment house.
-我没跟上她 -她是会让你跟丢的
-I lost her. -She’s worth losing.
我闯了个信♥号♥♥灯 被一个喋喋不休的警♥察♥拦住了
I jumped a signal and I got stopped by a gabby cop.
给你 你接着抽吧
Here. You finish it.
-我应该去找她吗 -不
-Shall I pick up her hack? -No.
-到哪里去 -电报山
-Where to? -Telegraph Hill.
Did you have some bad luck?
是的 我差了几分钟
Yeah. My timing was a few minutes off.
-你好 -蒂罗森先生
-Hello? -Mr. Tillotson.
-是 -我是埃尔斯先生的秘书
-Yes. -This is Mr. Eels’ secretary.
I’m worried about Mr. Eels.
我知道他在家 但他不接电♥话♥
I know he’s home, but he doesn’t answer his phone.
-你能看看他是否没事吗 -也许他出去了
-Would you see if he’s all right? -Maybe he went out.
不会的 他要等我的电♥话♥
No, he was to wait for my call.
I don’t want to be a nuisance,
但我确信他就在那里 我很担心
but I’m sure he’s there and I’m worried.
-你能马上给我回电♥话♥吗 -是的
-Would you call me right back? -Yes.
菲尔摩 0710
Fillmore 0710.
-是的 卡森小姐 马上就好 -谢谢你
-Yes, Miss Carson. Right away. -Thank you.
-喂 -他不在
-Yes? -He isn’t there.
He isn’t?
-你进公♥寓♥了吗 -是的
-Did you go in the apartment? -Yes.
But he must be there.
Thank you.
-你好 -请接乔·斯蒂芬诺
-Hello? -Joe Stephanos, please.
He isn’t here.
那就留言给他 让他马上给卡森小姐的公♥寓♥打电♥话♥
Then leave word for him to call Miss Carson’s apartment right away.
是不是有什么疏漏 宝贝
Was there a slip-up, baby?
Did you send your friend up there to find Eels dead?
-不 杰夫 -告诉我
-No, Jeff. -Tell me.
-告诉我 -别 杰夫
-Tell me. -Don’t, Jeff.
-别什么 -我不想死
-Don’t what? -I don’t want to die.
我也不想死 但如果我一定要死的话 我要最后死
Neither do I, baby. But if I have to, I’m gonna die last.
Something slipped up, didn’t it?
他们告诉你他们会杀了他 但却没有这样做 对吗
They told you they’d knock him off, and haven’t done it, have they?
他们没去 因为我给他通风报信 他跑了
They haven’t because I tipped him off. He blew.
-他还好吗 -你希望他好吗
-He’s all right? -Didn’t you want him to be?
当然 因为如果他死了 他们就会说是你干的
Yes. Yes, because if he dies, they’ll say you did it.
你真了不起 凯西 你太好了
Oh, you’re wonderful, Kathie. You’re magnificent.
-你能如此顺利地改变立场 -别这样 杰夫 你弄疼我了
-You can change sides so smoothly. -Don’t, Jeff. You’re hurting me.
I’m almost getting it.
Very pretty.
惠特想让埃尔斯出局 然后把我清算
Whit wants Eels out of the picture and to square an account with me.
一石二鸟 所以我按照地址来到城里
Two birds together. So I come to town with an address.
一个红头发的人 带我去拜访那个不得不走的笨蛋
A redhead takes me up to visit the chump who has to go.
我喝了杯酒 在周围留下了指纹
I have a drink, leave my prints around.
我离开了 然后某个人杀了他
I leave and somebody gets him.
埃尔斯死了 税单
Eels dies and the tax papers…
税单在梅塔拿走的公文包里 不是吗
they were in the briefcase that Meta took, weren’t they?
文件到了惠特手里 我是替罪羊
The papers go back to Whit. I’m the fall guy.
There’s only one thing missing:
The plant.
What was there to give me a motive?
I wouldn’t kill a guy for a martini.
-告诉我 凯西 -他们让我签了字
-Tell me, Kathie. -They made me sign it.
-签了什么 -一份宣誓书
-Sign what? -An affidavit.
-继续说 -我不得不签 杰夫
-Go on. -I couldn’t help it, Jeff.
他们让我在上面签字 我发誓我不得不签
They made me sign it. I swear I couldn’t help it.
他们说他们会找到尸体 并告诉警♥察♥我杀了他
They said they’d find the body and tell the police I killed him.
费舍尔 那么你确实告诉了他们费舍尔的情况
Fisher. Then you did tell them about Fisher.
能告诉他们是我♥干♥的的人 只能是你
Only you told them I did it.
万无一失 美不胜收
Foolproof and beautiful.
那个惠特真的很会恨人 不是吗
That Whit can really hate, can’t he?
你说一次 他就能记住
You said it once, he can remember.
我从未停止过对他的憎恨 杰夫
I never stopped hating him, Jeff.
我没办法了 我也被抓住弱点了
I couldn’t help myself. I was caught too.
We don’t have to be against each other now.
-是吗 -是 我们可以挣脱出来
-Aren’t we? -No. We can break out of it.
All we need is the briefcase.
然后我们就拿下他们了 杰夫
Then we’ve got them, Jeff.
We can get anything we want from them.
I’d like that affidavit you signed.
我们可以去拿 它在埃尔斯办公室的保险箱里
We can get it. It’s in Eels’ office safe.
我们可以让梅塔去拿 我们可以让他们做任何事
We can make Meta get it. We can make them do anything.

Oh, Jeff…
You ought to have killed me for what I did a month ago.
-还有时间 -不 你没有
-There’s time. -No. You won’t.
I’ve never stopped loving you.
我很害怕 也不擅长 但我从未停止过
I was afraid and no good, but I never stopped…
even if you hated me.
Did you?
-恨 -但你不知道
-Yes. -But you don’t now.

We can be together again.
用之前不曾有的方式 我们可以回到阿卡普尔科
In a way we never were. We can go back to Acapulco…
并重新开始 就像什么都没发生过一样
and start all over as though nothing had happened.

How do we get the briefcase?
Whit owns a club.
The Sterling Club on North Beach.
Meta took it there to a man named Baylord.
I might get by with it.
你会去的 亲爱的
You will, darling.
好的 你怎么了
All right. What happened to you?
我去了一家酒吧 点了个双倍酒精的 我一定是滑倒了
I went to a bar and bought a double. I must be slipping.
I guess you must be.
他只是站在那里拼命地发抖 甚至无法祈祷
He just stood there shaking so hard he couldn’t even pray.
I never saw anyone so afraid to die.
-我不喜欢这样 -你杀了他
-I didn’t like it. -You killed him?
但我打了电♥话♥ 一个人上去看了看公♥寓♥ 他不在那里
But I called. A man went up and looked in the apartment and he wasn’t there.
-你说埃尔斯 -对 埃尔斯 他不在那里
-Eels? -Yes, Eels. He wasn’t there.
我就在场 我把他放在那里了 他并没有走开
I was there. And the way I left him, he didn’t walk away.
-出什么事了 -我不知道
-What’s going on? -I don’t know.
我知道 贝利在哪里
I do. Where’s Bailey?
What do you want?
-喂 -贝勒德先生 一个人刚刚上楼
-Yeah? -Mr. Baylord, a man just went up…
-去你的办公室了 -别管了
-heading toward your office. -Forget it.
-你想要见谁 -我刚才见到他了 谢谢
-You wanted to see somebody? -I just saw him. Thanks.
-你认识那个出租车司机吗 -是的 我想是的
-You know that hack driver? -Yeah, I think so.
-拉法蒂 -在
-Rafferty. -Yeah?
你和乔一起 无论如何都要把那个人带回来
Get Joe. Bring back that guy any way you have to.
-因为他拿走了公文包 -好的
-Just so that briefcase comes with him. -Right.
-都安排好了 先生 -这是给你的20块钱 其余的用于交通
-All arranged, sir. -It’s twenty for you, the rest for transportation.
Have the boy meet me at the airport with the ticket.
-谢谢你 先生 -你知道 糟糕的记性有时候也挺好的
-Thank you, sir. -You know, a bad memory is like to go an ill wind.
-能给人带来好运 -我总是说每个人都是对的
-It can blow somebody luck. -I always say everybody’s right.
After you.
-你不需要这个 -我不能袖手旁观 杰夫
-You won’t need this. -I couldn’t do nothing. Jeff.
你现在就可以了 开车
You can now. Start moving.
我肯定惹了很多麻烦 不是吗
