Get through to my sister.
找到她的儿子 查出他是谁 无论他的身分
Find her son, whoever he is, wherever he is,
and I’ll pay you $10,000.
如果你是真心的 兰伯特女士
Only if you genuinely wish to, Miss Rainbird.
But let’s not think of this as a payment to me.
There are many causes dear to my heart,
which need all the charity the world can spare.
你不知道它让一个女人多么振奋 我的财富
You’ve no idea how refreshing it is for a woman of my wealth…
to find someone who has so little use for money.
Thank you.
那么 我想我们已经谈妥了
Well, now, I regard our arrangement as completed.
I… It’s my bedtime.
我必须向你这位 令人愉快的客人告别了
I must take leave of your delightful company.
对我来说这是一个难忘的夜晚 兰伯特女士
This has been a most memorable evening for me, Miss Rainbird.
See to it that you make it a rewarding one.
At the risk of repeating myself,
I hope you will not forget…
没有人 绝对没有任何人 能知道我们的寻找行动
that nobody, absolutely no one, should know of our search.
The Rainbird name must be protected.
My jaw is locked.
一言为定 再见了 感谢你的光临
On that note, I will say good-bye, and thank you for coming.
So, how’d it go?
我不知道 扮演亨利 简直是在谋杀我的喉咙
I don’t know. Having to do Henry is murder on my throat.
-谋杀 -是 是 我明白
– Murder. – Yeah, yeah. I know.
-那事情怎么样了 -她上钩了 就等着被拉上来
– So how did it go? – She’s hooked, waiting to be pulled in.
Another one of your $25 sardines?
不 这是条大鱼 乔治 一条大鲸鱼
No. This is a big one, George. A great big whale.
哦 快点 告诉我
Well, come on. Give.
把你的眼睛留在路上 别催我
Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t rush me.
好的 布兰琪
Okay, Blanchie.
Start way up at the top.
嗯 就像收听ABC广播一样简单
Well, it was as simple as A-B-C.
亨利来找我 来自天上
Henry came to me from the Upper Brightness,
whispered to me, “This womars been having sleep problems.”
之后就顺其自然 按照逻辑
From there on, things followed naturally, logically.
啊哈 我一次又帮了你大忙啊 亲爱的
Aha! So I came through for you again, didn’t I, darlin?
不 你在说什么 乔治
No. What are you talking about, George?
你是什么意思 我说了什么
What do you mean, what am I talking about?
You know damn well what I’m talking about.
所有的资讯 是我向当地的药剂师挖来的
All that information that I dug up by gabbir to the local druggist…
about how she was drivir him crazy…
tryir to get sleeping pills without a prescription!
That could have been very, very useful to me.
Why didn’t you tell me about that?
你什么意思 我没告诉你 你♥他♥妈♥的知道我告诉过你
What do you mean, why didn’t I tell you? I told you. You know damn well I told you.
不 你总是以为你告诉过我事情 但其实你忘了
No, you always think you tell me things, and you forget to.
我必须跨越天堂与地狱 去和亨利沟通
I have to go through heaven and hell, the Great Beyond, with Henry.
亨利 听好 是我
Henry, my ass. It was me.
It’s always me.
如果没有我的调查 你这通灵人不过是个干腊肠
Without my research, you’re about as psychic as a dry salami.
龌龊 龌龊 龌龊
Nasty. Nasty, nasty.
I’m sick and tired of having you hang me by the crystal balls.
顾好你自己的水晶球吧 乔治
Leave your crystal balls out of this, George.
不 别谈亨利了 把废话留给你的客户吧
No, let’s leave Henry out of this and keep the bullshit for your customers.
你嫉妒他 是吗
You’re jealous of him, aren’t you?
喔 拜托 布兰琪
Oh, please, Blanche.
我喜欢你的嫉妒 这是你这驾驶的臭味
I like your jealousy. It’s your driving that stinks.
嘿 听着 我偶尔也是个演员 不是计程车司机
Hey, look. I happen to be an actor, not a cab driver.
我当然能扮演司机 但我相信地狱不需要一位驾驶
I can play cab drivers, but I sure as hell don’t have to drive like one.
哦 直到我赚到 朱莉亚·兰伯特这一票以前
Well, until I can collect from Julia Rainbird,
恐怕你需要 继续扮演好计程车司机
I’m afraid you’re gonna have to go on playing a cab driver.
Neither of us seems to be very fond of starving to death.
哦 我们该如何干这票 这条兰伯特鲸鱼能喷出多少钱
Well, how are we supposed to collect? How much is this Rainbird whale gonna spout up?
Also, you’re gonna have to go on playing a private eye.
上帝 不 我已经演够了私♥家♥侦♥探♥
Christ, no! I’ve had it playing private eyes.
上帝 是的 乔治
Christ, yes! Now, George.
Stop blaspheming.
You wanna put the curse on ten big ones?
等一等 布兰琪
Now, wait a minute, Blanche.
-你说十张大钞 -嗯哼
– Did you say ten big ones? – Mm-hmm.
-一万 -嗯哼
– Ten thousand? – Mm-hmm.
-美元 -美元 乔治
– Dollars? – Dollars, George!
现在 布兰琪 你想想
Now, Blanche, you got any idea…
what you and I could do with ten grand?
嗯哼 我们甚至可以结婚
Mm-hmm. We could even get married.
What are you always a wet blanket for?
哈 你太夸奖我了
Oh, you flatter me so.
那么 怎么做 我们该做什么
Well, what’s the deal? What do we have to do?
I’ll tell you about it in bed, afterwards.
噢 拜托 布兰琪 给我一点暗示
Aw, come on, Blanche. Give me a hint.
只是一点 前戏
Just a little… Fore play.
好吧 找一个人 就这样
All right. Find one man. That’s all.
哦 我们做过更糟糕的事 他叫什么名字
Well, we’ve had to do worse than that. What’s his name?
呃 没有人知道
Hmm. Ah… nobody knows.
-那么 他是谁 -好问题 没有人知道
– Well, who is he? – That’s a problem. Nobody knows.
-他在哪里 -没有人知道
– Where is he? – Nobody knows.
喔 别说笑了
Well, for chrissake!
你的意思是 都没有人知道 布兰琪
You mean, nobody knows, Blanche?
没有人知道他的名字 他在哪里 或者他是谁
Nobody knows his name, or where he is, or who he is?
嘿 乔治 别叫了
Well, George, stop yelling.
There’s a possibility of one person who might have known.
-哦 是谁 -朱莉亚·兰伯特没有对我提到他
– Well, who’s that? – Julia Rainbird didn’t mention him to me.
幸运的是 她的朋友爱达·库克森跟我说了
Fortunately, her friend Ida Cookson did.
-哦 那是谁 -兰伯特的私人司机
– Well, who is it? – The Rainbird family chauffeur.
哦 你总算说出了一条正道
Well, now you’re talkir. Now we’re on our way.
麻烦的是 呃
Trouble is… Well,
he’s been dead for 25 years.
喔 别再说笑了 布兰琪
Oh, for chrissake, Blanche…
喔 不不不 别紧张 乔治
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don’t start to fret, George,
否则今晚我们在水床上 将会失去乐趣
or our water bed will be no fun at all tonight.
做为一个演员 你应该知道 烦躁会毁了演出的
As an actor, you should know fretting will ruin a performance.
你该不会是在担心 我今晚的表现吧
You’re not gonna have to worry about my performance tonight.
事实上 今天晚上
As a matter of fact, uh, on this very evening,
you’re gonna see a standing ovation.
她在这里 不 不是男的 是个女人
She’s here. No, not a man. It’s a woman.
好的 跟我来
Right. Follow me.
只要维克多·康斯坦丁 还在你手上 我们就不能动你
As long as you’ve got Victor Constantine, we can’t touch you.
所以 你不如把那东西放下吧
So you might as well put that thing away.
You’ve been calling yourself”The Trader,” so we thought you were a man.
我认为我们也应该得到一些保证 确认肉票仍然活着
I think we deserve some assurance that the victim is still alive.
按照你的指示 无线电已经从直升机上移除
All radios have been removed from the helicopter, as you instructed.
“Mr. Constantine will be unconscious but in perfect condition when picked up.
Just let him sleep the drug off.”
好吧 警长 开灯
All right, Sergeant, turn on the lights.
-别逞英雄 -是的 先生
– Don’t try and be a hero. – Yes, sir.
好 我们已经尽了我们的部分
Well, we’ve done our part.
Where are we going?
Not one goddamn mistake.
How far are we going?
你运气真好 他们还愿意为肉票付出
It’s lucky for you they’ve still got the victim.
更重要的是我把你扔下去 这件事没发生在你身上
I’d like nothing better than to toss you right out of this thing on your head.
当然 这趟小旅行是你预订的 不是吗
You sure have this little trip mapped out, don’t you?
我打赌 那东西甚至没装子弹
I bet that thing isn’t even loaded.
Golf course, huh?
耀眼 非常完美
Brilliant. Absolutely perfect.
我的脚快断了 这该死的六英吋高跟鞋
My feet are killing me. These damn six-inch heels.
I happen to like tall women.
Everybody likes tall women.
事实上 每个人都在寻找 高挑的女人
In fact, everyone’s going to be looking for a tall woman.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
