无论他有什么行动 他不会找到我的
whatever he’s up to, he won’t find me.
你太过担心了 乔森
You worry too much, Joseph.
是呀 我太过担心 因为你只是策划放火
Yeah, I worry too much, because you only planned the fire,
and locked your old man and old lady in the bedroom.
-是我淋汽油 我点燃抹布 -我很感谢你
– I poured the gasoline. I lit the rags. – And I thank you.
那是我不光彩的童年当中 最快乐的一天
The happiest day of my whole, inglorious childhood.
好吧 你想继续当孩子 我有我的做法
All right, you want to kid about it, it’s all right with me.
-我要跟踪这家伙 -然后呢
– I’m gonna track this guy down. – And then what?
-你永远不会改变 是吗 -你有没有理由抱怨
– You’ll never change, will you? – You got no cause to complain.
当你需要我 我总是在那里
– When you needed me, I was always there, wasrt I?
听着 把那东西拿开
– Look, put that thing away.
听我说 我要你回巴洛溪
And listen to me. I want you to go back to Barlow Creek.
什么都别做 什么都别说
Do nothing, say nothing.
让我自己来解决这件事 用平静的方式
Let me look into this matter in my own, quiet way.
如果我需要你 我会和你联络
And if I need you for anything, I’ll contact you.
你是老板 亚瑟
You’re the boss, Arthur.
这很感人不是吗 一个完美的谋杀
Isn’t it touching how… a perfect murder…
使我们的友谊 这些年来一直维系着
has kept our friendship alive all these years?
You better believe it.
抱歉 打扰了 亚当森先生
I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr. Adamson.
有两位先生找您 从警局来的
There are two gentlemen here to see you, from the police department.
告诉他们 我马上来
Tell them I’ll be right out.
老天 艾迪
Jesus Christ, Eddie!
Wait here.
-我是亚瑟·亚当森 能为您效劳 -抱歉 打扰您
– Arthur Adamson. What can I do for you gentlemen? – Sorry to bother you.
我是安迪·布希检察官 这位是彼得森副官
Andy Bush, Bureau of Inspectors, and this is Lieutenant Peterson.
-嗨 -我的荣幸
– Hi. – My pleasure.
毫无疑问 你一定读过或听说过 康斯坦丁绑♥架♥案
No doubt you’ve been reading, or hearing, about the Constantine kidnapping.
哦 我必须承认 检察官
Well, I have a confession to make, Inspector.
当我听到那宝石的大小 我都流口水了
When I heard of the size of that stone, my mouth watered.
Professionally speaking, of course.
希望你不要感到受歧视 亚当森先生
Well, just so you don’t feel discriminated against, Mr. Adamson,
我们只是对城里的每个珠宝商 和银楼做例行性询问
we’re routinely covering every gem dealer and jewelry store in the city.
哦 我受宠若惊
Well, I’m flattered.
你有许多机会去接触 有注意到什么不寻常吗
Have you, by any chance, noticed anything out of the ordinary, Mr. Adamson?
Any unusual movement of large… or small…
stones into the markets these last few days?
-绝对没有 -我明白了
– Absolutely not. – I see.
我认为你们可以假设这个 嗯
I take it that you’re going on the assumption…
that this, uh, “ransom stone” has been cut up into smaller gems?
-有道理 先生 -这样更有销路
– That’s correct, sir. – It makes a lot of sense.
We think so.
如果可以 恕我冒昧地提出一项建议
If I may presume to make a suggestion,
在我看来 你们应该涵盖 古董商和二手珠宝市场
it seems to me you ought to be covering the antique and secondhand jewelry markets.
他们从任何人那里购买♥♥ 而我们只向专业珠宝批发商买♥♥货
They buy from anyone, whereas we jewelers buy exclusively on the wholesale exchanges.
-我们已经这么做了 亚当森先生 -喔
– That’s already being done, Mr. Adamson. – Oh!
我认为我们已经占用 亚当森先生太多时间了
I think we’ve taken up enough of Mr. Adamsors time.
很抱歉 我没能给你们 太多的帮助
Well, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to be of more help to you.
不过 如果我有听到任何 不寻常的市场交易
However, if I do hear of any unusual transactions in the marketplace,
I’ll be sure and contact you.
-好的 不胜感激 再见 -保重
– Yes, we’d appreciate that. Much obliged. – Take care.
-再见 先生 -祝你们好运
– Good-bye, sir. – Good day. And good luck!
克莱儿女士 你可以关门了 我还有一些工作要做
Mrs. Clay, close up as soon as you wish. I have some work to do in here.
I’ll let myself out the back way.
-晚安 -晚安
– Good night. – Good night.
-你的朋友布兰琪·泰勒是个灵媒 -灵媒
– Your friend, Blanche Tyler, is a spiritualist. – A spiritualist?
招牌上是这么写的 但没有人在家
That’s what it says on her shingle. Also, there’s no one home.
灵魂是永远不会在家的 上车
A spirit is never at home. Get in.
What do you think we should do?
我们等待 我们仍然不知道那男的是谁
We’ll wait. We still don’t know who the man is yet.
-非抽不可 -嗯哼
– Must you? – Mm-hmm.
That must be her.
那个叼着烟斗的 肯定就是去找马洛尼的人
That must be the fellow with the pipe who called on Maloney.
A cab driver.
鲁尼 鲁尼 怎么回事 你要去哪儿
Lumley. Lumley, what’s this? Where are ya goir?
我要回家躺在自己的床上 可以好好睡个觉
I’m going home to my own bed where I can get some sleep.
不 你不会的
No, you’re not.
布兰琪 你不能每件事 都要顺着你的意
Blanche, is that all you’ve ever got on your mind?
你留着要干嘛 未雨绸缪
What are you saving it for, a rainy day?
亲爱的 你永远不会知道 什么时候会需要它
Honey, you never know when you’re gonna need it.
你很不体贴 鲁尼
You’re not being friendly, Lumley.
布兰琪 我已经精疲力尽了 我对你是没利用价值的
Blanche, I’m too pooped to pop. I’d be useless to you.
You’re always useless to me!
当我需要你时 你总是精疲力尽
You’re always pooping out when I need you!
我们可以赚一大笔钱 你说这是毫无用处
we can collect a huge sum of money, You call that useless?
你知道我在说什么 来 进屋吧 别吵了
You know what I’m talking about. Come on in side and stop being difficult.
今晚不行 我不会留在这儿
Not tonight, Josephine. I’m outta here.
You’re a fink!
如果我是懒虫 你就是一个忘恩负义的婊♥子♥
If I’m a fink, you’re an ungrateful bitch.
-那明天呢 -怎样
– What about tomorrow? – What about it?
你有重要的工作要做 我要你确认谁是艾迪·休奎
You’ve got important work to do. I want you to be sure about Eddie Shoe…
Talk to him!
How many times are you going to tell me that?
我又要告诉你多少次 我明天的工作是开计程车
How many times am I gonna have to tell you that tomorrow I have to work in my cab?
So it’ll wait till Sunday.
你最好给我一个简要 我一头雾水
You better give me a quick synopsis. I’m confused.
很简单 一个疲惫的计程车司机
Simple. A cab driver is shacked up…
和一个性♥饥♥渴♥的灵媒 布兰琪·泰勒
with a sex-starved medium named Blanche Tyler.
别问我为什么 但很显然
Don’t ask me why, but apparently they’re on the trail…
of some spook named Eddie Shoebridge.
幸运的是 不是在追踪 你最喜欢的”赃物”和我
Fortunately, not on the trail of your favorite kidnapper and mine.
How can you be so sure?
你也听到了 他们谈论到将赚一大笔钱
You did hear him talk about collecting a huge hunk of money.
Couldrt that be the reward that’s on our heads?
你说到重点了 法兰西大姊
You got yourself a point there, Frances, old girl.
只有时间才能告诉我们 是好是坏
Only time will tell whether it’s any good.
One thing’s certain.
我们不会改变我们的计划 不会是现在
We’re not going to change our game plan. Not now.
买♥♥瓶酒给我 亚瑟
Buy me a drink, Arthur.
A shiny car.
A… limousine?
他为什么要开得这么快 亨利
Why does he drive so fast, Henry?
那是什么 在他旁边座位上的
What’s that? On the seat beside him?
我听到婴儿的哭声 快 亨利 在他消失前
I hear the sound of a baby crying. Quick, Henry, before he disappears.
问他 是的 我明白
Ask…Yes, I know.
我 看到他了
I…see him now.
穿着制♥服♥ 一个司机
The uniform. A chauffeur.
什么 亨利 我要听他说话
What? Henry, I need words.
谁 什么
Who? The what?
The Rainbird chauffeur?
天哪 老麦克·欧基夫 我们的司机
Good heavens. Old Michael O’Keefe, our chauffeur.
Where is Michael going?
亨利 问他把哈丽叶的婴儿 带去哪里
Henry, ask him where he’s taking Harriet’s baby.
噢 有太多影像 闪得太快了
Oh, more pictures are coming in too fast.
I can hardly make them out.
亨利 墓地 一个墓碑
Henry, a graveyard, a headstone?
我不喜欢这样 亨利
I don’t like this, Henry.
鞋子 桥
A shoe. Bridge.
鞋子桥 噢 不要这样对我 亨利
A shoe bridge? Oh, don’t do this to me, Henry.
-对司机说话 -噢 上帝 有东西在燃烧
– Speak to the chauffeur. – Oh, God, something’s burning.
是房♥子 快 亨利 房♥子着火了
The house. Quick, Henry. The house is on fire.
Take me away from here.
I don’t want to see this.
I can’t bear the sound of their awful screaming.
回到司机那里 亨利 让麦克加入我们
Go back to the chauffeur, Henry. Get Michael into our presence.
Miss Rainbird remembers him.
是的 我记得
Yes, I remember.
布兰琪夫人 让我来说
Madame Blanche, listen to me.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
