He mentioned your name as though it were only vaguely familiar.
Not only didn’t he mention anything about a collection…
he said he didn’t like art at all.
He suspects something.
He must have arranged to meet me.
I find that rather intriguing.
I’ll go and meet him.
精美的晚餐 绝世佳酿 你怎么知道挑这种酒的
A lovely dinner. Marvelous wine. How did you know how to choose it?
I own a vineyard.
Well, what fun!
-那是东部煤炭的子公♥司♥ -东部煤炭
-It’s a subsidiary of Eastern Coal and Coke. -Eastern Coal and Coke?
That’s a subsidiary of Western Wool and Flax.
太妙了 你的经济增长系数是多少
Fascinating. What’s your growth factor?
说说 你真是不同凡响 简直是不可思议
Say! You’re marvelous. You’re wonderful.
要知道 我不太会和女孩子说话
You know, usually I have trouble talking with girls…
但和你在一起时 你就像一个董事会成员
but with you, it’s as though you were a member of the Board.
你很有风度 利兰先生
That’s very nice of you, Mr. Leland.
But I wish I didn’t have this feeling
that there’s a subject you’re trying to avoid.
你有事瞒着我 对吗
There is something, isn’t there?
对 我不想说这个
Yes. I hate to say this.
但听着 这事关你的父亲
But you see, it has to do with your father…
and the Bonnet collection.
对 你看 该死 我真是难于启齿
Yes. You see… Damn it, this is hard for me to say.
-是戴维斯·利兰先生吗 -是的
-Mr. Davis Leland? -Yes.
长途电♥话♥ 利兰先生 美国 加利福尼亚
Long-distance call, Mr. Leland. United States. California.
How the devil did they track me down here?
请原谅 我马上就回来
Please excuse me. I’ll cut it short.
-不 -这么打招呼可不太礼貌
-Oh, no! -Not a very cordial greeting.
I went to considerable trouble to arrange these few precious moments alone.
-离开这张桌子 -现在可是全国严打周
-Leave the table. -It’s National Crime Prevention Week.
-你竟然同一个盗贼共进晚餐 -我的伙伴可不是好惹的
-Take a Burglar to Dinner. -My escort has a very ugly temper.
现在离开 挂断那个假电♥话♥
Now go and call off that fake telephone call.
There’s something I must tell you.
-我很想再向你开一枪 -那很重要
-How I’d like to take another shot at you! -It’s important!
走开 什么走开
Quittez pas! What is that?
I’m going to quittez pas right now.
请你离开这张桌子 不然我要叫了
Either you leave this table or I start screaming.
-好的 我会走的 -决定吧
-Yes, I’ll go. -Choose!
Just tell me where and when we can meet.
决定吧 快点
Choose! And make it fast!
记住 西蒙·德莫特
Remember, Simon Dermott.
136房♥间 里兹大饭店 有急事
Room 136, the Ritz. It’s urgent.
The Ritz!
好了 我们说到哪儿了
Now, where were we?
With my father and his collection.

Oh, yes.
我本不想对你说的 庞奈小姐
I hate to have to tell you this, Miss Bonnet.
-这次会面是我安排的 -为什么
-I arranged our meeting. -Why?
因为一个可笑的诱惑 它占据了我
It’s this ridiculous obsession. It devours me.
从我第一眼看到它起 我就感到茫然无助
From the minute I first laid eyes on it, I was lost, helpless…
completely caught up in this awful compulsion.
Laid eyes on what?
The Cellini Venus, of course.
昨晚我看到了它 它让我神魂颠倒
I saw it last night. It haunted me.
我日不能思 夜不能寐
I can’t think of anything else. I haven’t slept a wink all night.
今天 我一听到你父亲要出♥售♥它
Today, when I learned your father wouldn’t sell it…
I started pulling strings to meet you…
hoping somehow to use you to get the Venus.
Well, that’s it.
-你真可怜 先生 -别
-You poor, dear man! -No!
Don’t spare my feelings.
我很遗憾你沉迷于那尊维纳斯 她是非卖♥♥品
I’m sorry you fell in love with the Venus. She’s not for sale.
相信我 如果她是我的 明天她就会在你家门口的台阶上
Believe me, if she were mine, she’d be on your doorstep in the morning.
That’s your consolation prize.
-你吻了我 -对
-Well, you kissed me! -Yes.
And that’s for emphasis.
-我们跳支舞好吗 -好的
-Shall we dance? -Oh, yes!
早上好 亲爱的
Good morning, my dear.
-我去叫马赛尔 -不 谢谢 爸爸 我迟到了
-I’ll call Marcel. -No, thank you, Papa. I’m late.
I just have to tell you about Davis Leland.
Everything’s fine.
不用担心戴维斯·利兰 只要你还拿的动画笔
As far as Davis Leland is concerned, you can go on faking masterpieces…
as long as you can hold a brush.
他处心积虑和我见面 其实是为了接近你
He cooked up a big plot to meet me just to get to you through me…
hoping that way he’d get the Cellini.
是吗 美国富豪一定都是疯子
Really? American millionaires must be all quite mad.
Perhaps it’s something they put in the ink when they print the money.
一位绅士想见你 先生
A gentleman to see you, sir.
是克莱伯·拉法叶特博物馆馆长派他来的 先生
On behalf of the director of the Kleber-Lafayette Museum, sir.
这么早 让他进来 马赛尔
So early? Show him in, Marcel.
Must be a very enterprising young fellow.
早安 先生 很抱歉打扰你了
Good morning, sir. I’m sorry to disturb you.
不过是你借出的雕塑买♥♥保险 所需的技术细节
Just a technicality on the insurance of your loan of one statue:
29英寸 大理石 名称维纳斯 作者
“twenty-nine inches, in marble, entitled Venus, by…
“Benvenuto Cellini.”
保险 保什么
Insurance, on that?
它从未投过保 它是无价之宝
It’s never been insured. It’s beyond price!
是的 我们知道 先生
Yes. We were aware of that, sir.
所以在运输和展出时 我们都采取了特殊的保护措施
So special cover was taken over for its transportation and exhibition.
不过由于一个不幸的工作失误 先生
But by an unfortunate error, sir…
your signature was not obtained on the document.
当然 这对您而言无伤大雅 先生
There is, of course, no expense to yourself, sir.
只是一个手续 一旦您在文件上签名
A mere formality, for once you’ve signed this document…
这件艺术品就会受到保护 直到完璧归赵
the work of art is covered until it’s returned to this house in good order.
我只要签个名 就会有
I just have to sign? And then it’s…
Insured for $1,000,000 against all risks…
包括洪水 地震 雷击
including flood, earthquake, thunderbolt,
坠机 掠夺 洗劫 抢劫
falling aircraft, loot, sack, pillage…
武装或人♥民♥暴♥动♥ 火灾 坍塌
military or civil commotion, fire, structural collapse of buildings…
当然 还有盗窃
and, of course, larceny or theft.
谢谢你 先生
Thank you, sir.
顺便问一下 先生 你愿意出席
By the way, sir, would you like to be present…
at the technical examination?
Technical examination?
对 保险公♥司♥要求的 当然 你刚刚授权
Yes, they always require it and you, of course, have just authorized it.
A mere formality.
I believe they have a Prof. Bauer flying in from Zurich on Friday.
好了 谢谢你 先生 祝你今天愉快
Well, thank you, sir. And good day.
爸爸 这个鲍尔教授
Papa, this Prof. Bauer…
Does he know all the tests?
He invented them.
It’s not as if we’re trying to sell it.
亲爱的 只要露一点马脚
My dear, at the first breath of suspicion…
the entire myth of the Bonnet collection explodes.
我所有的作品都会被反复鉴定 他们会用X射线
Everything I’ve done will be examined and re-examined with X-rays…
荧光镜 显微镜 放射线透视照相
fluoroscopes, microscopes, shadowgraphs…
smelly chemicals and all sorts of…
我们生活在一个赤♥裸♥裸的商品社会中 毫无诚信可言
We live in a crass, commercial world, with no faith or trust.
We must keep Prof. Bauer from examining the Venus.
但如何是好 我刚刚授权
But how? I’ve just given my permission.
I’ve not only put my head into the guillotine…
I’ve unloosened my collar and tie so that they can chop it off.
至少我可以让你与此无关 离开巴黎
At least I can keep you out of this. Leave Paris.
我要你去美国 不 还是去东方诸国
I want you to go to America. No, go to the Orient or somewhere.
求你了 这样我会无牵无挂 真的
Please, it will be easier for me, I promise you.
我不会舍你而去 我心意已决
I’m not going to leave you and that’s final.
-先生 -什么事
-Sir? -Yes?
-有位帕拉维迪奥先生要见你 先生 -谁
-A senor Paravideo to see you, sir. -Who?
好像是个南美绅士 先生
