-因为这是迫不得已的 -我懂了
-because I must do it. -I see.
We must look at the facts impartially.
我们没法避开警报 那不成
We can’t get past the alarm. That’s out.
我们没法破坏它 那不成
We can’t tamper with it. That’s out.
-我们没法关掉它 -那不成
-We can’t turn it off. -That’s out.
你真是个老手 呵
You’re some burglar, you are.
你平时就是这么运筹帷幄 决胜千里的
This is how you normally work, by the mile?
我正在想法子 没看我愁眉苦脸吗
I’m thinking. Look at my forehead, all wrinkled.
What we need is at precisely the right moment…
some trusted member of the museum staff…
has to obligingly switch off the alarm system.
-我们也许可以贿赂某个人 -妙计啊
-Couldn’t we bribe someone? -Excellent idea!
-但行不通 -怎么了
-No. -Why not?
Because I don’t know which guard knows how to do it.
你们想再看看吗 好吧 我们开始了
Do you want to see it again? All right. Here we go.
它总是绕个圈再飞回来 像那样
It always circles around and comes back. Just like that.
Not now, please!
这些给你 小家伙 好了 非常感谢
There you are, sonny. It’s all ready. Thank you very much.
-你 先生 你要几个 -抱歉 先生 我先来的
-You, sir. How many do you want? -Excuse me, gentlemen. I was here first.
对不起 先生 见过飞去来器吗
Excuse me, sir. Ever seen the boomerang?
两个 蓝的还是红的
Two? Blue or red?
Don’t forget what I told the children.
Don’t forget to throw it at the right angle.
That’s the idea.
很有趣 试试
Great fun! Try it.
If you’ll tell me what you’re doing and why…
I’ll buy you a cowboy suit and a set of trains.
我想你该多看看蓝天 芳草
I want you to take a long last look at the blue sky, the green grass…
树木和河流 我反正已经厌倦了这一切
the trees and the river, all of which I loathe personally…
which is why a juicy stretch in a cozy French prison…
doesn’t bother me at all.
You think you have a scheme that might work?
You really are the smuggest and most hateful man.
如果你经常和罪犯们呆在一起 就不会挑三拣四了
If you frequent criminal circles, you can’t be choosey.
做土匪的姘妇感觉如何 宝贝
How do you like being a gangster’s moll, baby?
Now where are we going?
My apartment.
我要提醒你 德莫特先生 我们只是工作伙伴而已
I’d like to remind you, Mr. Dermott, ours is a business relationship.
我知道 我还知道我们门不当户不对
I am aware of that. I’m also aware of the social gulf between us.
你是个贵族 而我只是个卑鄙的盗贼
You are an aristocrat, and I am a humble burglar.
对 那里是浴室 脱掉你的衣服
Right. There’s the bathroom. Take off your clothes.
Are we planning the same sort of crime?
你很安全 现在是彩排时间
You are quite safe. It’s dress-rehearsal time.
所以我们买♥♥了这么多可爱的旧货 快
That’s why we bought all this lovely junk. Come on.
If it’s a necessary part of the plan…
Are you sure?
叽叽歪歪 照我说的做
Chatter, chatter, chatter. Do as you’re told!
That’s nice.
对 真的很漂亮
Yes, that’s really nice.
It just needs one more little touch.
现在转个圈给我看 好吗 继续
Now turn around for me, would you? Go on.
是很好看 这样就行了
Yes, that’s fine. That does it.
Does what?
首先 你的纪梵希行头可以休息一晚了 现在
For one thing, it gives Givenchy a night off. Now…
Scrub the floor.
恶有恶报 对吧
Crime doesn’t pay, does it.
是体力活 擦地 别生气
Elbow grease! Scrub! And don’t sulk.
晚上11:57 博物馆里会一片混乱
At 11 :57 p.m., all hell will break loose in the museum.
午夜 女清扫工成群结队而来
And at midnight, the scrubwomen come trooping in.
不管发生了什么 提着你的水桶
And whatever happens, hang onto your bucket.
你有想法了 对吧
You do have a plan, don’t you?
当然 现在仔细听好
Of course I have. Now listen very carefully.
我的想法就是 晚上作案的时候
My plan is, on the night of the crime…
my plan and I will be curled up in that bed with a good book.
-为什么 -你问我为什么 我还要问你为什么呢
-Why? -You asked me why? I ask you why.
Why are we breaking into a heavily guarded museum…
to steal a precious statue which belongs to you?
但我跟你说过 为什么不能告诉你
But I told you why I couldn’t tell you why.
Not good enough.
你是对的 换作是我 我也会感到困惑
You’re perfectly right. In your place, I’d feel the same way.
I’m in this awful trouble.
But it’s nothing to do with you.
这事不可告人 所以我只能守口如瓶
I just can’t explain so I’m stuck.
I’ll get out of these clothes.
-你不敢哭出来吗 -我眼里进了沙子
-Don’t you dare cry! -I have something in my eye.
哭不是罪过 你一哭 我可能就让步了
There’s nothing wrong with it. You’re crying to soften me up.
-骗人 -是没用的 我是铁石心肠
-It’s not true. -It won’t work! I’m too tough.
我就知道 我要走了
I know. I’m going.
Hurry up!
走吧 快点
Go on. Hurry up!
晚上5:30来博物馆找我 准时到
And meet me at the museum at 5:30 p.m., sharp.
别问我为什么 否则我用桶砸你
And don’t ask me why, or I’ll hit you with a bucket!
好的 先生 谢谢你 先生
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!
我不回家吃晚饭了 马赛尔 其实 我要很晚才能回家
I won’t be in for dinner, Marcel, and I may be out quite late, in fact.
如果有人打电♥话♥找我 不管是谁
If anybody calls, anyone at all…
你都说不知道我在哪儿 也不知道怎么联♥系♥我
you don’t know where I am, or how to reach me.
是 小姐
Yes, mademoiselle.
Good afternoon.
请转告庞奈小姐 我来找她 行吗
Just tell Miss Bonnet that I’m here, please?
抱歉 先生 庞奈小姐已经出门了
I’m sorry, sir. Miss Bonnet has gone out.
出门 你能肯定吗 她的车还在院子里
Out? Are you sure? Her car is in the courtyard.
千真万确 先生 她坐出租车走的
Quite sure, sir. She took a taxi.
好吧 我等着
Well, I’ll wait.
嗨 你好
Why, hello…
What a nice surprise!
我确实外出了 我忘了些东西 所以回来拿
I did go out. I forgot something, so I came in again.
The servants’ entrance.
我又要急着走了 谢谢你 我会把利兰先生送出去的
I’m rushing out again. Thank you. I’ll let Mr. Leland out.
不行 我一切就绪 正要开始
No. I’m all rehearsed, made up, and ready to go on.
Luckily it’s only a short speech.
我必须立刻离开 我有笔生意要谈 我不能迟到…
I must fly. I have a business appointment. I can’t be late…
生意 法国女孩儿老在想这种事吗
Business! That’s all you French girls ever think about.
-好吧 一分钟 就一会儿 -你真着急
-Well, a minute, a second, really. -You’re in a rush.
你想看实际行动吗 好极了 正合我意
You want action? Fine! That’s my mood, too.
这个 接着
Here. Catch.
-戴维斯 -求你别说话
-Oh, Davis! -Please, no speeches.
But why?
为什么 那是我听过最愚蠢的问题
Why? That’s the silliest question I ever heard of.
太疯狂了 我们甚至不了解对方
It’s wild. We don’t even know each other.
-明天再来好吗 -不 我心意已决 这是男人的表白
-Please come back tomorrow? -No. Made up my mind. Man of action!
当机立断吧 我曾经像这样买♥♥了一支船队
Snap judgment. I bought a fleet of tankers that way.
-我最成功的一桩买♥♥卖♥♥ -但我可不是船队
-One of the best deals I ever made. -But I’m not a fleet of tankers.
I’m not getting engaged to a man I barely know.
你会了解我的 到邓百氏的名人录上查一下
You’ll get to know me. Look me up in Who’s Who, Dun & Bradstreet…
戴上 就是这样 成交了吗
There. That’s it. It’s a deal?
对 不 不是 我有点晕了
Yes. But, no! I’m a little dizzy.
这玩意让我头晕目眩 我得走了
And this thing is just blinding me! I really have to run.
-不 放松点 -我很放松了
-No. Relax. -I do.
I’ve never been engaged to such a fidgety girl in all my life.
The kiss.
-你去哪儿了 -我订婚了
-Where have you been? -I was getting engaged.
Come on.
我要离开的时候那个家伙正好过来 他想娶我
This fellow came when I was leaving. He wants to marry me.
我不想让你久等 所以我就和他订婚了
I didn’t want to keep you waiting, so I got engaged to him.
-没事吧 我还准时吧 -很好
-Is it all right? Am I on time? -Fine.
其实 我们还有十分钟
In fact, we have 10 more minutes.
-lf you’d like to go back and marry him… -Come on.
请寄存你的包 好吗
Would you check your parcel, please?
Thank you.
