Then she put them back on the disk rack…
但是 手套翻转里朝外 这是家庭主妇的习惯
but upside-down and inside-out, a housewife’s habit.
Now, a murderer would have just tossed them aside…
-就像你在旅馆乱扔毛巾一样 -好吧 这有可能
-like you do with a towel in a crap motel. -Maybe. All right, maybe.
-但为什么戴手铐 -戴那东西可真不好受 但她需要手铐
-But why wear these? -Well, they threw me. But she needed them.
她知道 出于本能她会把塑胶袋撕破的
She knew that she would instinctively try to rip the bag off.
她将钥匙吞下 也是为了确保打不开手铐
And she swallowed the key so she couldn’t get to it.
She made sure there was no way out.
Why not hang yourself or take pills?
-为什么脱♥光♥衣服 搞得跟凶杀案似的 -我不知道
-Why take your clothes off? Why make it look like a murder? -I don’t know.
It’s so calculated.
她戴上手铐 嘴巴被胶带封上 手套 三脚架
She’s handcuffed, taped at the mouth, the gloves, the tripod…
为什么 贝西 为什么假装自己被谋杀 这没有道理
Why, Bitsey, why fake your own murder? It doesn’t make sense.
为了废除死刑 这个女人奉献了一切 为什么要陷害一个无辜的人
The woman’s a bleeding-heart abolitionist. Why frame an innocent man?
-为什么要害死戈尔 -什么
-Why send Gale to the chair for what… -What?
She had to know some innocent jerk would take the fall.
我的天啊 扎克 我明白了
Oh, my God, Zack. That’s it.
这就是为什么 证明它一定会发生
That’s why. To prove it happens.
-这是现行制度枉杀无辜的铁证 -胡说八道
-To have absolute proof that the system convicts innocents. -Get out of here.
不 这正是她的想法
No. That’s how she thought.
你想想 这个女人为了废除死刑而活
Come on, think about it. This woman lived for DeathWatch.
反正她都要死 为什么不为了废除死刑而死呢
If she’s gonna die anyway, why not die for it?
所以才要用摄像机记录下证据 不可否认的证据
That’s why the tripod was here, to record proof, undeniable proof.
-所以我们才收到录像带 -死掉的女人给你录像带
-That’s why we got the video. -So a dead woman put the tape in your room?
不 当然不是 我是说 她需要帮手
No, of course not. I mean, she needed help.
交给某人保管 事后再公布出来
Someone to keep it, release it.
那个人必须赞同她的想法 值得她信任
Someone dedicated to the cause. Someone she could trust.
简直是垃圾堆 这家伙就是个变♥态♥
What a dump. The guy’s a freak.
Come on.
达斯第是个狂热份子 为了达到目的会使用极端手段
Dusty’s a bullhorner, a zealot who’s O.D.’d on too many good causes.
很可能原计划中 达斯第
You know, the original plan was probably for Dusty…
负责在戈尔被定罪后 公布录像带
to release the tape after Gale’s conviction.
You know, after a year or so.
强迫戈尔戒酒 挽回尊严
It’d force him to dry out, give him back his dignity.
达斯第保管录像带 等待时机
So Dusty Wright is sitting on this tape, waiting.
And he’s the only one who knows about it.
于是达斯第开始想 戈尔被无辜杀死
So good ol’ Dusty starts to think that an erroneous execution…
要比在最后一刻让他平♥反♥ 更具有政♥治♥力量
is a lot more politically useful than a last-minute save.
因为在最后一刻平♥反♥ 只会证明现行制度行得通
Because a last-minute save would only prove the system works.
无辜的人不死 就不能算数
Almost-martyrs don’t count.
达斯第肯定想 牺牲一个人就可以拯救上万人 何乐而不为
Dusty’s thinking, what’s one murder if it stops thousands?
所以 他要等处决后再公布录像带
So he’ll release the whole tape only after the execution.
Which means he must have the original somewhere.
-现在几点 -4点50
-What time is it? -It’s 4:50.
贝西 天啊
Oh, Bitsey, Jesus!
I wanna talk about your tape.
不 15分钟后 在山下的加油站见面
No. Meet me down the hill at the gas station in 15 minutes.
So, don’t move from the phone.
一看到他的小货车就拨电♥话♥ 让它响一声
Call the second you see his pickup. Let it ring just once.
-然后你就进到树林里 -知道了 快走
-Then get into the woods. -I know. Go.
-到时候进树林去 扎克 -快走
-Into the woods, Zack. -Go!
戈尔的最后一餐 在今天公布
Details of Gale’s last meal were released today.
And they included pancakes with maple syrup…
德州所有的死刑 都在下午6点执行
All executions in the state of Texas take place at 6:00 p.m.
-4个薄煎饼 -4个薄煎饼
-Four pancakes. -Four pancakes.
-枫糖浆 -枫糖酱
-Maple syrup. -Maple syrup.
当说完最后的话之后 注射将被实行
After completion of last words, the injection is administered.
-新鲜草莓 大颗的 -新鲜草莓 大颗的
-Fresh strawberries large. -Fresh strawberries large.
Sodium penthonal for sedation purposes…
-鲜奶油 -鲜奶油
-Reddi-wip whipped cream. -Reddi-wip whipped cream.
-溴化物 -巧克力刨花 多加巧克力
-Pancuronium bromide… -Chocolate shavings, extra chocolate.
会破坏 隔膜和肺
To collapse the diaphragm and lungs.
氯化钾 会让心脏停止跳动
Potassium chloride to stop the heart.
-巧克力刨花 多加巧克力 -以及巧克力刨花
-Chocolate shavings, extra chocolate. -And chocolate shavings.
一份处决药剂 平均花费德州政♥府♥
The whole cocktail costs the state of Texas…
大约86 08美元
approximately $86.08 per elimination.
-你最怀念什么 -食物
-What do you miss most? -Food.
-用马语跟她交谈 -不
-Talk to her in horse talk? -No.
快点啊 牛仔 你在哪儿了
Come on, cowboy, where are you?
下午8点半 我们检查了名单上的最后一家旅馆
8:30 p.m. We checked the next hotel on the list.
Come on.
寄给 新闻杂♥志♥社的 贝西·布鲁姆
It’s ready?
-操 -他没出现 快走
-Fuck! -He didn’t show up! Come on!
拜托 贝西 快点
Please, Bitsy, come on.
通知每一个人 扎克
Call everyone, Zack.
州长 典狱长 纽约 最高法♥院♥死刑执行官
The governor, the warden, New York, the goddamn Supreme Court death clerk.
-还有多少时间 -还有8分钟 也许还多一些
-How far is it? -You’ve got eight minutes, maybe more.
-好 我们能成功 我们会成功的 -你做得到的
-Ok. We’ll make it. We’ll make it. -You can do it.
快走 快 快
Go! Go! Go!
去洗澡 走
Shower. Go.
My God.
Give me the time.
Give me the goddamn time.
亨茨维尔 3英里
噢 不 不要现在出状况
Oh, no. Not now.
Not fucking now.
该死 该死 该死
Shit! Shit! Shit!
操 操
Come on. Fuck. Fuck!
Stop executions.
Stop executions.
嘿 离我远一点可以吗
Hey, get the fuck off my spot, all right?
-能看清吗 -能看到你的2个纽扣
-How tight are you? -I got your two buttons.
测试1 2
Testing one, two…
-光线怎么样 -那边有点反光
-How’s my, uh, light? -A little shine right there.
-我想他应该上早上8点的拉里·金访谈 -我应该笑吗
-I think he’s doing Larry King Live at 8:00. -Oh. Can I smile?
Opinion polls conducted over the weekend show…
that 66% of all Americans are in favor of the death penalty.
Maybe you can get a shot of the protesters.
你可以看到双方人马 旗鼓相当
You can see over here that the people are represented…
一半赞成 一半反对死刑
by 50% pro, 50% anti-death.
Hiddee-hiddee-hiddee-ho! Time for David Gale to go!
当凯恩杀死亚伯时 上帝将他驱逐了 并没有处死他
When Caine killed Abel, God cast him out. He didn’t kill him.
他把那个可怜的女孩先奸后杀 我认为他就该死
He raped and killed that poor girl. As far as I’m concerned, he should die for it.
-凶手 -是时候处死大卫·戈尔了
-Murderers! -Time for David Gale to go.
电视上说他先强♥奸♥了她 然后让她窒息而死
They said on TV that he raped her first and then he strangled her.
-我认为他罪有应得 -他们给他打一针 他就死了
-I think he deserves to die. -They stick that thing in his arm and he goes to sleep.
如果你问我 他们应该用锄头将他劈死
If you ask me, they ought to use a goddamn pickax.
-你们才是杀人凶手 -他该死
-You’re the murderer! -He should die.
A little-bitty pin prick.
The state of Texas has executed David Gale.
He was pronounced dead at 6:12 p.m.
Strapped to the gurney at 6:02.
-大卫·戈尔于今天下午6点12分 -宣告死亡
-David Gale was officially pronounced dead -at 6:12 this evening.
Texas has executed David at 6:12.
大卫·戈尔于下午6点12分 在亨茨维尔监狱被处死
Death was pronounced at 6:12 this evening at the prison in Huntsville.
Since none of the victim’s relatives was in attendance…
there will be no statement from the victim’s family.
最新消息 昨晚”新闻杂♥志♥”在网站上公开了一卷由
Here’s what we know so far. Last night, NEWS Magazine posted on their web site…
a video obtained by reporter Bitsey Bloom.
-录像带的内容显示 -康斯坦斯·哈洛威是自杀身亡
-The footage appears to show… -Constance Harraway committing suicide.
布鲁姆声称 录像带是周五在亨茨维尔附近的一个旅馆里收到的
Bloom reports that she received the tape Friday morning in a motel in Huntsville…
当时她在那里 进行对戈尔的最后专访
where she was staying while conducting Gale’s last interview.
很显然 录像带一直在
Apparently, the tape has been in the possession…
前死囚守护者组织员工 达斯第·莱特手中
of former DeathWatch employee Dustin Emil Wright.
从画面中可以看到 警方为了查出达斯第的下落
Now, as you can see, police have been in and out of his cabin all morning…
looking for clues to his whereabouts.
-自从他1994年被定罪后 -关在死囚监狱中等待处决
