So you don’t want me.
这样说的话 事情就是这么简单
Well, then, it is that simple.
你的编舞很适合埃米利娅 用她吧 她会给你惊喜的
Your choreography looked very good on Emilia. Use her. She’ll surprise you.
好了 大家回去工作
Back to work.
这个小混♥蛋♥根本没有说服我 加入他那该死的芭蕾舞的魅力
The little bastard didn’t even have the grace to talk me into staying in his bloody ballet.
Drink slowly.
顺便说一下 你和弗雷迪这个季度 没有任何吉赛尔的演出
By the way, you and Freddie aren’t doing any Giselles this season.
你这是故意吓我想治好我的打嗝? -不是
Trying to scare the hiccups out of me? – No.
塞维利亚出演两部 然后还要轮流跟…
Sevilla’s doing two, then she alternates with…
你真会挑时候告诉我 迈克尔
You picked a lovely time to tell me, Michael.
Better to get everything dumped on you all at once.
Better for whom?
我是艺术总监 艾玛
I’m the artistic director, Emma.
你告诉我你什么时候用什么方式 会把这句话告诉一位你尊重的艺术家
You tell me when and how you’d say it to an artist you respect.
And a friend.
Poor Freddie.
You know we’re only getting paid by the performance this season.
不 我并不知道
No, I didn’t know.
好吧 也不打嗝了
Well, the hiccups are gone, too.
Now, if I can just find something to put these in…
你知道吗 她这里有的不是图腾就是工艺品 或者是坏了的
You know, everything she has in here is either an icon, a samovar or broken.
Usually all three.
“D D Vanyo 电♥话♥?” -什么?
“D.D Vanyo phone?” -What?
上面就是这样写的 我觉得是
That’s what it says, I think.
哦那是昨天晚上留下的 你得知道怎么破解达卡洛夫的密♥码♥
Oh, that’s from last night. You have to learn how to break Dahkarova’s code.
“韦恩来过电♥话♥” -对了
“Wayne phoned.” -Yep.
她太聪明了 她知道如果给我足够长的绳子我会上吊
He’s so smart. He knew if he gave me enough rope I’d hang myself.
贾尼娜怎么样了? -她没事
How’s Janina? – She’s OK.
难以置信 她讨厌芭蕾 喜欢俄克拉荷马 我怎么养出来了一个正常的孩子?
Crazy. Hates ballet, loves Oklahoma. How did I raise one normal child?
Now, this will pass for a vase.
Oh, Em, if I could just get that teaching job.
只需要阿德莱德点下头就可以 但这个老家伙不接我电♥话♥
And all I need is Adelaide’s OK, but I can’t get the old bitch on the phone.
Who’s she coaching?
那个金头发的 眼睛很大 她经常来这里 卡罗琳
Oh. The blonde, with the big eyes. She’s been coming over. Carolyn.
I just heard Carolyn’s going to be doing Giselle this season.
哦见鬼 我不会又要打… 嗝了吧
Oh, dammit. I will not get the hiccups… again.
举起手来 我替你杀了阿德莱德怎么样? 反正我自己也想杀她
Put your arms up. How about if I kill Adelaide? I’d like to anyway.
不要责怪阿德莱德 这不是她的错 我35岁时就发誓要退休
Don’t blame Adelaide. It’s not her fault. I swore I’d quit at 35.
然后是36 37…
And 36, 37…
And then I closed my eyes.
How old were you when you started taking lessons?
I was seven.
我们的身体一直在抗♥议♥ -我知道
Our bodies always objected. – I know.
But you didn’t stay around long enough to find out they revolt.
And too soon.
They just refuse to do what one wants.
They can’t.
但即便是现在 仍然会有高光时刻
But even now, there are moments when it comes together.
那音乐 舞蹈…
The music, the dancing…
the lights…
the costumes…
Well, you wanted to know what it was like to be me.
迪迪 我在台下做的唯一事情就是等待回到台上
Deedee, all I’m doing offstage is just waiting to get back on.
How about a beer?
你开玩笑吧 -好 那喝茶
I beg your pardon. – No, tea.
我去泡茶 -不 你坐着
I’ll make it. – No, you sit.
我会跟阿德莱德谈谈你的工作 -你跟阿德莱德什么都不要谈
I’m gonna talk to Adelaide about yourjob. – Don’t talk to Adelaide about a damn thing.
Will you tell me something?
Why do the problems of people like you seem so much more important than my problems?
当然了 你比我更重要 -就算我是 也只是一时的
It’s obvious. You’re more important. – Well, if I am, it’s not for long.
A couple of years ago Dahkarova was coaching me.
Today, Carolyn.
But next year…
嗯 对 -埃米利娅?
Emilia? – Oh, yes.
She’s really that good?
我觉得她会完成你没有完成的 迪迪 -就是这样 好多了
I think she’s gonna do it for you, Deedee. – That’s it, that’s better.
打扰一下 罗杰斯夫人 你能…
Excuse me. Mrs Rodgers, could…
艾玛 你在这里啊 -还在
Emma, you’re here. – Still.
你想要什么 卡罗琳? -一杯水 谢谢
What do you want, Carolyn? – A glass of water, please.
啊 水壶开了
Ah, kettle is boiling.
夫人 -艾玛
Emma. – Madame.
我很抱歉 -为什么? 又不是你的错
I’m sorry. – Why? It’s not your fault.
我明白的 -是的 我也明白
I understand. – Yes. I understand too.
I went through the very same thing.
来一杯茶? -谢谢你 艾玛
Cup of tea? – Thank you, Emma.
Getting ready for my first performance of Giselle is so difficult…
别说话了 坐下
Stop talking. Sit.
有小点心吗 迪迪? -点心? 当然有 其他人需要吗?
Any little cakes, Deedee? – Cakes? Certainly. Anybody else?
我想来点 你想要什么样的… -不要
I’d love some. What kind do you… – No.
嗨 妈妈 -嗨 宝贝儿 你怎么…
Hello, Momma. – Hi, sweetie. How…
艾玛 嗨 达卡洛夫夫人 嗨 卡罗琳
Emma. Hello, Mme Dahkarova. Hello, Carolyn.
艾玛 你走了之后阿诺德变得好凶
Emma, Arnold was so mean after you left.
但他会给你那个角色? -我就知道是你的主意
But he’ll give you the part? – I knew it was your idea.
你想喝点茶吗 亲爱的? 埃米利娅? -多谢
Would you like some tea, darling? Emilia? – Please.
阿诺德发了不少牢骚吧? -嗯
A lot of Arnold’s scowls and mutterings? – Yes.
你会得到那个角色的 -什么角色?
You’ll get the part. – What part?
阿诺德的新芭蕾剧的角色 -谁 阿诺德? 剧本好吗?
In Arnold’s new ballet. – Who, Arnold? Good ballet?
It’s a good part for Emilia.
Then you must help and coach her.
All right.
I will.
但是 艾玛… 你? 训练我?
But, Emma… you? Coaching?
别废话了 我会做的 有必要教出一个跟我一样出色的徒弟
Nonsense. I do it. It’s necessary to teach someone else be good like me.
但是夫人 你不必… 你已经不是…
But, Madame, you don’t… You’re not…
我不必什么? 我已经不是什么了?
I don’t what? I’m not what?
我想卡罗琳的意思是你已经不再跳舞了 而我还在
I think what Carolyn means is that you don’t dance any more and I do.
谁给过你最多帮助? -克谢辛斯卡
Who helped you the most? – Kschessinska.
From Mariinsky to me.
又从我教到你 而我依然还在跳
From me to you while I still was dancing.
现在到卡罗琳 很快就会到你 埃米利娅 如果你每天刻苦训练
Now to Carolyn, and very soon to you, Emilia, if you work sur les pointes every day.
开幕夜真让人兴奋 -谁说不是呢?
Opening nights are so exciting. – Aren’t they?
我希望你出演第一场吉赛尔 而不是塞维利亚
I wish you were doing the first Giselle tonight, not Sevilla.
It takes all the running you can do to stay in the same place.
这是爱丽丝梦游仙境里的台词 亲爱的
It’s from Alice in Wonderland, dear.
要往下画一点吗? -不 画自然一点就可以
It goes down a little bit? – No, itjust follows the natural line.
对 只往外画一点点
Yeah, just outjust a little bit.
我能再试一次吗? -当然
Can I try it again? – Sure.
It’s wonderful.
Remind me to ask you about something.
And one and two and three and four
and five and six and seven and eight.
And three. Two and three and four
and five and six and seven. Close eight.
A little faster.
不错 -不要把我宠坏了 亲爱的
Not bad. – Don’t spoil me, dear.
Well, would you rather I buttered you up like Adelaide does?
Why don’t we butter each other up?
讨厌啦 你跟她一样狡猾 今天早上她找到我说:
You’re revolting. And about as subtle as she is. This morning she came up to me and said:
“塞维利亚 亲爱的 你是整个世界上最棒的超一流舞者”
“Sevilla, dearie, you’re the greatest prima ballerina in the whole world.”
不 我才是
No, I am.
天啊 刚才有点笨拙 我们应该再试一下那个托举
Gosh, that is awkward. We ought to try that again, that lift.
阿德莱德没完没了的原因是 她知道我想在米兰和里奥跳舞
The reason Adelaide goes on and on is she knows I want to dance in Milan and Rio.
她坚持让我参加那个该死的巡演 -你也没说过不乐意
She’s determined I’ll do that bloody tour. – Well, you don’t say no.
跟理查德说的一模一样 -理查德是谁?
That’s exactly what Richard said. – Who is Richard?
塞维利亚 你的长途电♥话♥ -来了
