Some people say that fairies are the stuff of fantasy.
他们认为世界上只有你能摸到 听到 看到的东西
They think the world is just what you can touch and hear and see,
while others say the tales and legends cannot be dismissed.
They believe with all their hearts that fairies truly do exist.
从古至今 人类从来没有遇到过仙子
Through out all time, human beings and fairies never met
till one very special summer that we shall not soon forget.
万物生长 纵情歌♥唱
Life is rising up Surging forth in all directions
Every little buttercup Is reaching out to find connections
Every blade of grass Will touch the sunlight
雨润沃土 幼芽新张
The rain will touch the ground Growing greener than it was before
蜜蜂飞鸣 蜘蛛织网
Bees are droning by Spider silk is softly spinning
万里无云 晴日方长
Not a cloud in the sky You know it’s only the beginning
Every little blossom, every flower Flings its petals wide
As the season comes round Once more
嘿 叮当 这是你在这片大♥陆♥的第一个夏天
Hey, Tink! You ready for your first summer
on the mainland?
当然 这里真美丽
Absolutely! It’s so beautiful out here.
真不敢相信 我们要在这儿过整个夏天
I can’t believe we get to stay for the whole season.
好呀 那还等什么 下降了
Well, what are we waiting for? Race you down!
空气清新 绿草如茵
The breeze is blowing light and sweet The grass, a carpet at your feet
满目缤纷 周身暖阳
Catch the colors Feel the heat of the sun
燕舞幽谷 盘旋喧嚣
All the sparrows in the dell Swirling round like a carousel
Singing loud enough to tell everyone
嗨 伙计们
Hi, guys.
Summer’s just begun
Summer’s just begun
我们到了 叮当 仙子园
There it is, Tink. Fairy camp!
冬寒春暖 仙翼随风
All the winters, all the springs Lead us here on fairy wings
万事待兴 夏季来临
A season of a thousand things To be done Summer’s just begun
Summer’s just begun
嘿 奶酪
Hiya, Cheese!
Summer’s just begun
-飞行还好吗 -来了
-Did you have a nice flight? -Incoming!
-保持水平 保持水平 -稳住 波波
-Keep her level! Keep her level! -Gear it down, Bobble!
噢 啊
-硬着陆 柯朗 -谢谢 波波
-Smashing landing, Clanky. -Thank you, Bobble
伙计们 我觉得你们可能超重了
Guys, I think you may have over-packed.
-来吧 叮当 我们进去 -进去
-Come on, Tink. Let’s go inside. -Inside?
叮当 这个外面的野地不是仙子园
Tink, fairy camp isn’t out here in the open.
We need to stay hidden from the humans.
-非要这样吗 -呃 是的
-We do? -Uh. Yeah.
That’s why fairy camp is in here.
知了们 一次一个 你 你 还有你
Cicadas, one at a time. You, you and you. You, too.
哇噢 这真像整个精灵谷放在了一颗树下
Wow. lt’s like all of Pixie Hollow under one tree!

哇噢 安妮女王的蕾丝真好看
Wow!The Queen Anne’s lace is looking beautiful.
-这纺织机正常吗 -挺好的 谢谢 叮当
-How are the looms working? -Fine, thanks to you, Tink.
下一个 下一个 下一个
Next. Next. Next.
Hows the bee-liner working?
和梦想的一样好 叮当 谢谢 -那好
Like a dream Tink. Thanks
Great. Need any help with that wagon?
不用 谢谢 她工作正常
No, thanks. She’s running fine.
OK 那就好
Okay. Glad to hear it.
Here’s the first week’s supply.
OK 我出去了 我要去把仙粉分发给别的仙子园
Okay, I’m off. I gotta go deliver pixie dust to the other fairy camps,
but I’ll see you in a couple days.
噢 叮当 别担心 你会找到东西修理的
Oh, and Tink! Don’t worry. You’ll find something to fix.
I hope so.
现在 我要去找一些人们的弃物了
In the meantime I need to go find some lost things.
等一下 小缺心眼
Hold on, little miss spare parts.
你别去人类的房♥子附近 你会吗
You’re not going near the human house, are you?
There’s a human house?
不 我是说 是的 也不是
No! I mean, yes, but no.
-我们要与人类保持距离 -噢 伊瑞蒂瑟
-We stay away from humans. -Oh, Iridessa!
叮当是知道的了 对吧
Tinker Bell knows that, don’t you?
Define “stay away”
呃 这将是一个难熬的夏天
It’s gonna be a long summer.
-噢 维蒂亚就是这样 -不 这气氛 闻起来
-Oh, that’s just Vidia being Vidia. -No, the air. It smells…
-暴风雨要来了 -得了吧 秀尔
-We might be in for a storm. -Come on Sil.
阳光明媚 暖洋洋的 是个好天 没事的
The sun is shining, the air is warm. It’s a beautiful day. Nothing’s gonna…
Tinker Bell.
谢天谢地我们到家了 爸爸 和我记得的一样
Thank goodness we’re here, Father. It’s just like I remember it.
是的 当然 我亲爱的
Wel, of course, my darling.
瞧这小河 大树 还有草地
Look at the creek and the woods and the meadow
噢 真希望全年都是夏天
Oh! I wish it was summer all year long!
是的 莉兹
Yes, Lizzy.
叮当 你在那里做什么
Tinker Bell, what are you doing here?
维蒂亚 真奇妙 这是一个自己走的车
Vidia, this is amazing! It’s a carriage that moves by itself!
真的不用马 瞧
There’s no horse. Seriously, look.
-你看到这里有马吗 -呃 没有
-Do you see a horse up there? -Uh, No.
这是一个无马车 你想知道他是怎么走吗
It’is a horseless carriage! And do you want to know how it works?
-不怎么想 -可是我想
-Not really. -So do I.
我觉得后面的那些轮子动 是因为这个链着的东西在转
I think those wheels back there move because this chain thing rotates
And I think what rotates the chain is this big…
管他呢 叮当 你不应当离人类的房♥子这么近
I don’t care Tinker Bell. You shouldn’t be this close to the human house.
如果他们看到我们 会怎样
What if they see us?
你别在那里飞来飞去了 听到吗
Will you stop flitting around in there? This is serious!
你知道吗 维蒂亚 我觉得是这家伙给整个车提供动力
You know what, Vidia? I think this powers the whole thing!
天呀 这就是为什么修理匠不应该
This, my dear, is exactly why tinkers
派到这个大♥陆♥来 他们
shouldn’t come to the mainland. They…
Let me know if this does anything.
好了 有什么动静吗 维蒂亚 你都湿透了
Well, anything? Vidia, you’re all wet.
You don’t say.
爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 我们可以把茶点拿到外面吗
Father, Father Father! Can we bring our tea and scones outside
and have them here in the garden?
-就像野餐一样 -现在不行 莉兹
-It would be just like a little picnic. -Not just now, Lizzy.
我还在卸行李 拾掇房♥子
I still have to get the trunk unpacked and the house settled
爸爸 看 多么特别的一只蝴蝶
Father, look! What a magnificent butterfly.
我的神呀 绝对怪异
My word. Absolutely astonishing.
它真漂亮 它是什么品种
It’s so beautiful. What kind of butterfly is it?
好的 根据外形来看 它显然是紫闪蛱蝶
Well, judging from the epidermal membrane, it’s cleary an apatura iris,
but the wings have two entirely different patterns.
当然 这几乎不可能
Well, that’s neary impossible.
好吧 我猜是仙子们决定这么画的
Well, I guess that’s just the way the fairies decided to paint it.

莉兹 蝴蝶翅膀不是仙子们画的
Lizzy, faires do not paint butterfly wings
因为你知道的 仙子并不是真的
because, as you know, fairies are not real.
-嗯 -呃
-Hmm! -Ugh!
可他们当然是真的 这就是证明
But of course they are. The proof is right here.
-他们的颜料滴在这整个翅膀上了 -是吗 亲爱的
-Their paint dripped all over its wing. -Really, darling.
Rational people consider a belief in fairies to be quite foolish.
The wings are so fresh.
What are you doing?
Its chrysalis must have been in the meadow.
草地 爸爸 等等
The meadow? Father wait!
我正要去那里 你也来吗
That’s where I’m going. Would you like to come?
现在不行 莉兹 我要去整理我的野外日志
Not now, Lizzy. I have to update my field journal.
My interview at the museum is tomorrow night
你刚回来呀 我们才到这里
You’re going back already? We just got here.
我知道 乖乖 真对不起 但我只是白天到那里去
I know, sweetheart, and I’m very sorry. But I’ll only be gone for the day.
伯金斯太太会照顾你的 我也会按时回来送你上♥床♥睡觉
Mrs. Perkins will look after you, and I’ll be back in time to tuck you in.
-一定 -我肯定
-Promise? -I promise.
-那好吧 -真是好囡囡
-Okay. -That’s a good girl.
All clear!
来呀 维蒂亚
Come on, Vidia.
我飞不动 我的翅膀湿了
I can’t fly. My wings are wet.
噢 是呀 真抱歉 我想你只好走回去了
